The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2436: Exposure target

Su Yang's four changed back to human status, so they no longer feared and rushed forward.

Soon, they alarmed the people in front.

Feeling the breath of Su Yang's four, the few people quickly rushed over. Seeing the four of Su Yang, these people were obviously a little surprised.

"Stop!" The leading man immediately stopped Su Yang and said, "What are you doing?"

"We...we chase people..." Su Yang said.

"Chasing people? Who are you chasing?" the leading man asked in surprise.

"There are a group of guardian gods who have entered here. We are looking for them!" Su Yang replied. When he came to the human race, he did not hide his purpose. The people here are afraid to deal with the Guardian God, but it doesn't mean they will prevent others from doing so.

According to Lin Kelinyuan, the people inside were very jealous of the Guardian God and did not dare to attack the Guardian God. However, they still have resentment towards the guardian **** in their hearts. Moreover, these people generally have nothing to do with their attitude towards the guardian god. If someone deals with the guardian god, they will not stop it.

"Tracking the Guardian God?" These people are all surprised. After all, they have been in this chaotic land for too long, and they have been afraid of the Guardian God to the extreme. No one dares to think about dealing with the Guardian. God's thing.

"Yes!" Su Yang nodded: "Everyone, have you seen a few guardian gods passing by here?"

These people were even more surprised. They looked at Su Yang up and down for the first one, frowning and said: "You...what are you doing after the Guardian God?"

Upon hearing this, Su Yang gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "He killed my brother, I want them to take revenge!"

"Vengeance!?" These people were even more stunned, and the headed person said cautiously: " deal with the guardian god?"

"I'm going to kill them!" Su Yang gritted his teeth and shouted.

Several people looked at each other, one of them said: "Hey, you... are you okay? Kill the guardian god? Are you crazy?"

Su Yang looked cold and looked at this person coldly: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean by me?" The man stared, "You dare to kill the guardian god, are you impatient to live?"

Su Yang's expression became colder: "What do you mean by this? Why can't I kill the Guardian God? are also human races. If you don't help me, you are still talking like this. Are you planning to help the Guardian God? "

"You..." The man still wanted to speak, and the leader interrupted him directly: "Dude, you... It's not long before you entered the land of chaos, right?"

Su Yang nodded: "Yes, we just came in after these guardian gods, what's wrong?"

These people suddenly saw their faces suddenly realized, and the leader nodded: "No wonder, I thought you had been in for a long time. Otherwise, how could you clamor to kill the Guardian God?"

Su Yang looked at them blankly and frowned: "You guys, have you ever seen some guardian gods?"

"Hey, you just entered here, so you dare to speak so aggressively?" One of them said dissatisfiedly: "Do you know what the rules are in this chaotic land?"

Su Yang said coldly: "Since I am here to kill those guardian gods, I have no plans to go out alive. The rules are not important, I only know one thing, who dares to stop me from killing those guardian gods is mine. Enemy. It's my enemy, don't blame me for fighting with him!"

"You..." The man still wanted to speak, and the leader immediately stopped him.

"Little brother, your character is really straightforward!" The head of the person smiled: "You said that the guardian god, I did meet a few, and they ran over there. If you chase it quickly, Probably catch up!"

Su Yang looked at the direction the leader was pointing, and nodded, "Thank you!"

After that, Su Yang directly chased them with three crystal skulls.

The few people here were all at a loss, and the person next to him wondered: "Boss, these people are too arrogant. Don't look at whose territory they are, they dare to talk to us like this, it's almost dead. You Why be so polite to them? You should teach them a lesson!"

The leader glanced at him and said coldly: "How long have you been in this chaotic land, why are you still thinking about fighting for the better? These four people are not bad in strength. Moreover, they came in from the outside world, The strength is sufficient. If we really want to fight, even if we can kill four of them, at least two people on our side will have to be damaged. Is it necessary to do this? They don’t even have a spiritual source on them, and they belong to the human race. In a few words, who do you want to die?"

"Uh..." The person next to him suddenly shut his mouth, just as the leader said. Fighting in this chaotic land requires energy. Their spiritual source is not enough to support them breaking out too much conflict.

Therefore, general wars break out when there is interest, or the kind that has to break out in order to compete for territory. For example, before, someone brought the spirit source from the node into the backbone, and they competed with the monsters and beasts, and then the war broke out.

Or, it was the monsters who entered their territory, or they entered the territory of the monsters, before a great battle broke out, it was a territorial dispute.

But now, Su Yang and the four of them are human races, and they don't carry any spiritual source. There is no territorial dispute, and there is no benefit at all, just to start a fight for a few words, it is meaningless. As the leader said, if you want to fight, you have to pay a price. Who wants to be the price?

"However, they came in and hunted down the Guardian God. This is not a small thing!" The person next to him whispered: "If this matter becomes serious, will it attract the Guardian God?"

"These have nothing to do with us!" The boss waved his hand: "These people, who are not originally from the Chaos Land, came in from outside, they were brought in by the guardian gods, and they have nothing to do with us. Even if they are true Fighting with the guardian gods, in the end, it has nothing to do with us. Besides, it is only twenty or thirty guardian gods. How big can it be?"

The person next to him nodded and immediately smiled: "However, for so many years, there has not been a war against the Guardian God in this backbone. This is a bit interesting. Boss, why don't we chase it down?"

"Don't!" The boss waved his hand directly: "If you run away, you must enter someone else's turf. Don't cause trouble. How they want to fight, it doesn't matter to us. We are getting closer. We really have to get something involved, which is related to guarding. God, we guess you have to peel off if you die!"

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