The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2424: Weird circle

At this fork in the road, there is also a holy emperor guarding.

Su Yang and the others controlled this holy emperor. As a result, the news they got was similar to that of the previous holy emperor. He was also just an orc, he was just ordered to help the Nine Palace Lord God do things, as for what the Nine Palace Lord God was going to do, he really didn't know.

Apparently, Su Yang wanted to find out the purpose of the Lord of the Nine Palaces from these orcs, basically he didn't need to think about it.

Su Yang and the others didn't stop here either, they continued to accelerate, and followed the path that the Lord of the Nine Palaces walked forward.

After that, Su Yang and the others went through a dozen crossroads. At every fork in the road, there is a holy emperor left by the guardian god. Moreover, the deeper you go, the more forks in the road.

At the back, Su Yang himself was a little confused, and he didn't even know how many forks there were.

Fortunately, Su Yang was carrying three crystal skeletons along the way. These three guys were not good at other things, but they were still good at keeping track. After all, he used to be a thief, and he was particularly sensitive to these issues.

Of course, with these three guys, there is another advantage, that is, to be able to find the position of the lord of the nine palaces and not be deceived by the guarding holy emperor. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Su Yang to judge this position alone.

After more than a dozen forks in the road, Su Yang and the others took almost three months, but they still didn't catch up with the group of Jiugong Lord God.

On this day, Su Yang and the others once again walked out of the passage and came to a fork in the road.

However, the appearance of this fork in the road made Su Yang somewhat unprepared.

Because, every time he approached the fork in the road before, he could sense the strength of the holy emperor guarding the fork in the road, and thus knew that he was about to reach the fork in the road.

However, this time, he did not feel the slightest strength, and unpreparedly, there was a fork in the road ahead.

This fork in the road is much more complicated than what Su Yang saw before.

There are probably more than twenty passages at this fork in the forward direction. There are also a dozen passages in the back direction.

That is, there are more than a dozen passages to enter here, and there are more than 20 passages in the direction of leaving here. Together, there are thirty or forty channels.

Su Yang looked blank. Where did these passages come from, and where did they lead? Why are there so many complicated passages in this chaotic land? Who left these channels? What is the purpose of leaving these passages?

"Why is there no one to guard here?" The Second City Lord said in surprise.

Su Yang was actually very puzzled. Before every fork in the road was guarded by the Holy Emperor, why is there no such thing? There are so many forks in this place, shouldn't more holy kings be sent to guard it?

Slowly moving forward, after walking for a while, Su Yang suddenly noticed an unusual breath. He quickly turned his head and looked around, and found that he had actually stepped into a magic circle now.

"Be careful!" Su Yang hurriedly screamed, but the three crystal skeletons following him seemed to have not heard him, so they continued to move forward.

Su Yang quickly backed away to try to stop him, but it was too late. These three crystal skeletons disappeared from his eyes at the same time.

However, Su Yang was not surprised. He knew that these three crystal skeletons had also entered this magic circle.

This magic circle can conceal people's eyes and ears, as well as conceal their breath. When Su Yang and the others were outside, they didn't notice the existence of this magic circle. Even Su Yang, it was only after stepping into this circle that he realized the existence of this circle.

After Su Yang stepped into this circle, he couldn't speak his voice anymore. Therefore, the three crystal skeletons didn't hear his call at all, and directly stepped into the circle.

The magic circle can cover people's eyes and ears, so after these three crystal skeletons entered the magic circle, they disappeared. It's not that they are missing, but the magic circle hides them. They are actually not far away from Su Yang, but Su Yang is blocked by the magic circle and cannot see them.

Su Yang didn't know the real situation of this circle, and he didn't dare to act hastily. He turned his head and looked around, but the surrounding area was empty, there was nothing. It seemed that he was standing alone at this fork in the road. There was nothing special.

This situation made Su Yang vigilant instead. Although he is not the holy emperor now, his strength is much stronger than the average holy emperor.

However, he couldn't feel the slightest breath of power in this circle, which showed the power of this circle.

Unable to feel the power of this magic circle, Su Yang didn't even have a way to break the circle.

After thinking for a moment, Su Yang slowly took a step forward.

With such a magic circle, it is impossible to step back out of this circle. In fact, after Su Yang entered this circle, he himself didn't know where he was. It is very possible that when he retreats, he is walking forward, in the depths of the circle.

Therefore, as far as Su Yang is concerned, there is not much difference where he is going now. The most important thing is that he has to figure out what the magic circle is, so that he can break the circle.

One step, two steps, three steps, Su Yang still did not notice the slightest breath of power.

When taking the fourth step, an accident happened, and a powerful force suddenly rushed towards Su Yang.

Su Yang turned his head to look, only to see a man covered in blood was killing him aggressively. The man was injured not lightly, but it can be felt that he is also a holy emperor, and his strength is not weak.

Su Yang couldn't think too much, and immediately shot to block the man's attack.

But the man seemed to be crazy. He missed a hit and shot again, attacking Su Yang frantically.

Su Yang resisted all the attacks of the man, seized the opportunity, suddenly jumped out, and suddenly pressed the man to the ground. At the same time, the power on his body quickly rushed out, directly sealing the man.

The man was sealed, still roaring constantly, his eyes staring at Su Yang fiercely, as if he was trying to fight Su Yang desperately.

"who are you?"

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you here?"

Su Yang asked more than a dozen questions one after another, but this person didn't answer, just frantically trying to attack Su Yang.

Su Yang frowned, felt it carefully, and found that this person's spirit was in chaos. I don't know what he experienced in this magic circle, and why he became like this. However, it must be impossible to ask something from him.

Moreover, this man is extremely powerful. Not long after Su Yang sealed him, he broke free of the seal and once again desperately attacked Su Yang.

In desperation, Su Yang could only kill the man.

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