The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2419: Entrance to the Land of Chaos

The Emperor of Beiyuan immediately lowered his head and fell into the hands of others. How could this matter be so simple?

"My request is very simple. I have a few questions for you. If you answer me honestly, I don't have to kill you!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "But if you dare to lie to me, don't blame me. You are welcome!"

Beiyuan Saint Emperor trembled: "What...what's the problem?"

"What is the problem, you will know in a while." Su Yang calmly said: "I am not discussing this with you, I just notify you. If you don't want to live anymore, you can not answer me or lie to me. However, You have to think about it before you talk. Because, after I’ve asked you, I’ll ask your brother again. If the two of you don’t agree, then one must be lying to me. Hehe, as for the end, you think Right!"

The Beiyuan Saint Emperor looked embarrassed, and it finally knew why Su Yang had installed the Saint Emperor into the portable space. It turned out to be a confrontation for a while.

In this way, it really dare not lie. Because, the things of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the three holy emperors shared. What it knows, the other two holy emperors also know. In other words, once it lied, and the answer of the holy emperor was inconsistent with it, Su Yang would know immediately, and then it would be troublesome.

"The first question..." Su Yang whispered: "Guardian God, how many people are here, what strength is it!"

The Beiyuan Saint Emperor was taken aback, Su Yang was still asking about the guardian god. In that case, it is really going to find the guardian god.

Looking at the four people around Su Yang, the Beiyuan Saint Emperor was a little bit happy. Just relying on the four of Su Yang to find the guardian god, isn't that a dead end?

Seeing the holy emperor Beiyuan’s eyeballs earning a lot of money but not speaking, Su Yang said slowly: "Are you not willing to answer?"

"" Beiyuan Saint Emperor shook his head and waved his hand quickly: "I...I'm counting. Well, I...I don't know how many people the Guardian God has come. I can only say something, come on. There are... more than one hundred and thirty people in my imperial city. The specific number, I... I really forgot."

"More than one hundred and thirty people!?" Su Yang frowned. He knew that the guardian **** would definitely come, but he didn't expect so many people. It seems that the main **** of the guardian **** comes out to do things, and the pomp is really not low.

"What strength is it?" Su Yang asked.

"All Saint Emperor!" Beiyuan Saint Emperor immediately replied.

"All Saint Emperor?" Su Yang couldn't help but stunned. The news was even more shocking. There are more than one hundred and thirty holy emperors, and the holy emperor who is the guardian **** is definitely not simple.

The fighting power of the holy emperor among the guardian gods is stronger than that of the monster beast holy emperor. The holy emperor of more than one hundred and thirty guardian gods, how powerful is this?

Coupled with the main **** who leads the team, that is the existence that can kill the Great Sage Emperor, which is even more terrifying. With such a powerful group of people coming here, it can be seen that the guardian **** really takes this matter very seriously.

"They came to you, what are they doing?" Su Yang asked again.

The Beiyuan Saint Emperor hesitated, and whispered: "They... they want us to take refuge in the guardian **** and do things for... for them..."

"You agreed?" Su Yang asked.

"I...I dare not not agree..." Bei Yuan Shenghuang immediately said: "If I don't agree, I...I, the people of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, will have to die. I...I am also forced to die. what……"

Su Yang didn't bother to care about whether it took refuge in the guardian god, he just wanted to know the reason behind it.

Su Yang looked up and down the Northern Yuan Shenghuang: "What do they want you to do?"

The Saint Emperor of Beiyuan lowered his head and did not speak, Su Yang frowned, and said solemnly: "Are you testing my patience?"

The Holy Emperor Beiyuan trembled with fright and did not dare to conceal it anymore. He could only whisper: "They...they asked me to send...the monster beasts of the dynasty the edge of the chaos ...Find an entrance..."

Su Yang couldn't help but horrified, the guardian god, looking for an entrance on the edge of the chaos land, what entrance is this? Is there an entrance to the land of chaos? Entering the land of chaos, isn't it possible to enter at will? The problem is that if you are contaminated with chaos, you will be assimilated, become a part of chaos, and die completely. Under such circumstances, who would dare to approach the land of chaos?

However, the guardian **** is looking for an entrance here, what does this mean? Could it be said that there is still a way to enter the land of chaos?

"What is the entrance?" Su Yang asked.

"I don't know, they said, as long as I send a monster to test it..." Beiyuan Shenghuangdao.

"How to test?" Su Yangqi asked.

"Uh..." Beiyuan Saint Emperor whispered: "Just... let the monster beast contact the chaos, no... it won't be assimilated, just... it's the entrance..."

Su Yang frowned. That said, his guess was correct. Is this entrance the gateway to the chaos? But the question is, how can there be such a channel in the land of chaos? Moreover, how did the guardian **** know this? Where does this passage lead, and what is inside? What is the relationship with your own mother?

With doubts in his heart, Su Yang immediately said: "Then do you know what the guardian **** is looking for this entrance?"

"I...I really don't know..." Beiyuan Saint Emperor immediately said: "The guardian **** didn't tell me the purpose, but just told me to do it. Moreover, they...they gave a lot of spiritual sources as a reward. I... I don't need to ask their purpose."

Su Yang finally understood why the guardian **** gave it so many spiritual sources, it turned out to be this purpose. The guardian **** wants to make the Northern Yuan Dynasty make great sacrifices, and many monsters will die because of this. If the spiritual source is less, who would be willing to do such a thing, after all, this is not a small thing!

Seeing Su Yang remained silent, the Emperor Beiyuan thought he was angry, and quickly said: "Master Tianxiang, I...I am not sending the monster beasts of the dynasty out to do this. I...I let them get from the dynasty. We caught some wandering monsters outside to do this. At the same time, we also attacked several worlds within our range, and captured people from those worlds, and let them try. The monsters of our dynasty will not be affected by this. Death!"

It's fine for the Northern Yuan Shenghuang not to say it, saying this directly angered Su Yang. You took the spiritual source, but as a result, you did this with the lives of the human race. This is what makes Su Yang most angry.

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