The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 230: Three Saints

Su Yang said: "I am afraid I will ask Patriarch Zhao and Patriarch Hong about this matter!"

"What?" Everyone turned to Zhao Changling and Hong Guoqiang. Why did this matter involve both of them again?

The expressions of these two people changed rapidly, Zhao Changling said anxiously: "Su Yang, you...what are you asking us to do?"

"I am a person and don't like others to lie in front of me." Su Yang said: "So, I give you a chance. Whoever tells this matter can get out of here alive. Of course, you can also choose not to tell, but The people of the Liao family may not be able to resist talking. When the time comes, the people of the Liao family can live, and you all have to die!"

Zhao Changling and Hong Guoqiang looked at each other, and both of them could see the fear in each other's eyes.

After a moment of silence, Hong Guoqiang said anxiously: "I said, I said..."

"This blood was given to us by Qin Wankong..." Zhao Changling even shouted directly: "That is Qin Wankong's blood, identification result must be the descendant of Patriarch Qin..."

"You..." Hong Guoqiang's eyes widened, and after a step slow, there was no time to speak. This is terrible.

"What?" Qin Haishan was stunned, his eyes widened: " say it again?"

"Qin Wankong was also... also bought by the Taoist priest. The Taoist priest agreed to let him be the head of the Qin family in the future, so...that's why he cooperated with us..." Zhao Changling trembled.

"What are you talking about!" Qin Haishan grabbed Zhao Changling's neck abruptly, almost mad, almost mad.

After decades, the daughter he finally found was still a fake? The most important thing is that his own son will lie to himself along with him. Who can accept this?

"This incident was planned by the Taoist priest and monk behind the scenes. It has nothing to do with us..." Zhao Changling trembled.

Qin Haishan's eyes turned white for a while, and he almost passed out.

Su Yang tapped acupuncture points on his chest twice, Qin Haishan finally woke up quietly, but his eyes were already red.

"I... my daughter..." Qin Haishan almost choked up, all hopes vanished.

"Don't worry, I will help you find your daughter!" Su Yang said.

"Really?" Qin Haishan was overjoyed: "Thank you Master Su, thank you Master Su!"

Su Yang smiled and turned to Liao Yuxuan: "Now, it is the most critical thing to solve. Patriarch Qin, don't you want to know why the Taoist priest and monk are helping the Liao family behind?"

"Yes, why?" Everyone looked over.

Hong Guoqiang hurriedly said, "Because the Liao family is a believer chosen by the Three Holy Gods, they want to let the Liao family develop!"

"Three Saints?" Qin Haishan frowned, "Who?"

"It is a deity served by Taoist priests and monks. It is said to be a **** with supreme magical powers." Zhao Changling hurriedly said: "Taoists and monks are the descendants of the Three Holy Gods, who specialize in carrying forward the Three Holy Gods!"

"Outer cult!" Qin Haishan said angrily: "How dare to deceive my Qin family. Liao Yuxuan, how can I tolerate you!"

Liao Yuxuan was already trembling with fright, he only now knew what had happened to him.

"Too embarrassing!" Fang Hui said with a curled lips: "In order to climb to the Qin family, he used this despicable method to deceive the people of the Qin family. Recognizing people as fathers, tsk tsk, Liao Yuxuan, your family has this kind of behavior?"

"Qingru, this is the person you are looking for?" Fang Jianhong shook his head again and again: "That's it, you still conceived for his unmarried. Qingru, Qingru, how could you go this way?"

Fang Cui's expression was even greener: "Liao Yuxuan, you lied to my daughter's body, I can't spare you!"

That's how the Fang family fell on both sides of the wall. Just now, one by one son-in-law called out affectionately. Now, immediately changed his face.

"I...I don't know it's like this..." Liao Yuxuan said anxiously: "Qingru, you believe me, I... I really don't know anything..."

Lin Qingru staggered back a step, her complexion became extremely pale.

She originally thought that her choice was correct. Liao Yuxuan had a good family background, was handsome, and had close relatives like the Qin family's Zhao family, who was simply the prince charming of everyone.

But now everything is broken. Everything about Liao Yuxuan is fake, and the so-called close relatives are all deceived. The so-called family background, huh, can he still compare with Su Yan now?

The ten big families, the four big families all support Su Yang. Adding a Hou family now, Su Yang is like a guest of the five big families.

And Liao Yuxuan? Whether he can get out of here alive is still unknown!

Lin Qingru looked at Su Yang and then at Liao Yuxuan, she was completely desperate.

Why is there such a twist in my life? Obviously, her father had arranged a marriage for herself, but she didn't want it. Instead, she chose Liao Yuxuan. As a result, she finally discovered that her father was the most discerning person. Her so-called choices and so-called love were all empty and false!

"Qingru, why don't you speak? Qingru?" Liao Yuxuan was anxious, he grabbed Lin Qingru's shoulder: "I really don't want to lie to you, and I won't lie to you, you believe me, you believe me!"

Looking at Liao Yuxuan in front of him, Lin Qingru only felt sick. She pushed away Liao Yuxuan suddenly, backed away in panic, and shouted: "Liao Yuxuan, you liar, get out of here! I don't want to see you again in my life!"

Liao Yuxuan was dumbfounded. He gritted his teeth and roared: "Lin Qingru, you are so hateful. I was so good to you. Now that I have no such relationship, you actually want to push me away? Why, do you think you can return to Su Yang? Hug? I tell you, this is impossible. What I cannot get, even if it is ruined, will not be given to anyone!"

Liao Yuxuan suddenly grabbed a handful of photos from her body and roared: "Come on, look at what Lin Qingru, a slut, looks like in bed. I have a lot of such photos, and everyone appreciates them enough!"

Liao Yuxuan suddenly scattered my photos and scattered the audience. The contents are all indecent photos of Lin Qingru, and the pictures are extremely lewd.

"No!" Lin Qingru exclaimed, rushing over to stop.

"You get out of me!" Liao Yuxuan pushed Lin Qingru away forcefully, and roared: "I can't get it, I will destroy you too!"

Lin Qingru was directly pushed to the ground and hit the table next to him, sitting paralyzed for a long time and couldn't get up.

"Blood! Blood!" Fang Hui suddenly exclaimed: "Qingru, are bleeding from below!"

Everyone in the Fang family was shocked, Lin Qingru's skirt was completely dyed red at this moment. The blood is still pouring out, and a large area of ​​red on the floor!

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