"Evidence? What evidence?" Liu Yao asked in amazement: "These sub-sacred beasts were all killed by them. Where can I find evidence? But for this matter, we have so many witnesses, do we still need evidence? ?"

Long Chu whispered: "My lord, the other party killed these sub-sacred beasts and destroyed their aura. It was made clear that they wanted to repay the account. At that time, if they don't admit the account, our personal testimony is probably not of much significance. Therefore, the most Fortunately, we have the definite evidence!"

The Six-Yao Sovereign thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

"The orc driver caught the sub-holy beast, and he must have gone to deal with the world over there." Long Xiao said: "I heard that the orc driver has indeed attacked that world recently. Or, among the fierce beasts that attacked that world. , There is our sub-holy beast. Let’s go to see around that world. If we can find the body of the sub-holy beast, isn’t this the best evidence?"

The six-yao sage brightened his eyes and immediately said, "This proposal is good, this proposal is good. Go, go to that part of the world to find evidence, and when the orcs come, I want to see how they explain it!"

Under the leadership of the Liuyao Sovereign, a group of sacred beasts went straight to the Nine Realms.

On the Nine Realms side, Su Zhan was sitting on the moon. Suddenly feeling the powerful atmosphere outside, he was really taken aback.

However, Su Yang had sent someone back earlier to give a rough overview of the outside situation. Therefore, Su Zhan could also know that these sacred beasts certainly did not come to the Nine Realms. Therefore, he didn't show up either, just hiding in the moon, observing the holy beasts outside.

When he arrived at the Nine Realms, the Six-Yao Sovereign didn't even look at the Nine Realms. He just flew around here and collected some sub-sacred beast corpses that the Nine Realms had placed outside.

"Sure enough, it is a member of our Monster Beast Land!" The Six-Yao Sovereign was full of anger: "Sure enough, he was taken away by the orcs. These are all evidences. Now, let me see how those who control the orcs explain this matter. Everyone listens, and immediately go to that planet to guard me. As long as you drive the orcs over, you can do it immediately, without saving them any face!"

"Yes!" A bunch of sacred beasts responded loudly at the same time, even though the sacred beast that raised the question before, nodded again and again at this moment.

Now that the evidence has been found, if they don't fight back, wouldn't the monster beast clan be completely trampled underfoot by these orc masters!

The Holy Venerable Liuyao brought the group of holy beasts to the outside of the planet to guard it, and at the same time, there were also messengers who returned to the land of the Venerable Liuyao, summoning other holy beasts, and completely surrounded the planet.

Not only that, the Six-Yao Sovereign also sent a circular to several other nearby hostile forces, telling them that the orcs had captured the sub-sacred beasts here. In this way, those hostile forces would definitely not sneak attack on its territory while it was fighting the orcs.

Inside the monster beast, it's more rules. If at this time there is a war against the six-yao saint, it is tantamount to a traitor within the monster beast, will be excluded by other monster beasts, and will eventually be squeezed out by all the monster beasts, completely losing its position among the monster beasts.

Therefore, when the Six-Yao Sovereign did this, it would never happen that someone stabbed a knife behind his back. On the contrary, it is now fighting for the monster beast, and this matter will only make it famous among the monster beasts. This is what it wants to see most.

A bunch of sacred beasts waited near this planet for almost three months, and a crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the planet. Immediately afterwards, five orcs walked out of it.

As soon as these five orc masters appeared, the Six-Yao Sovereign shouted directly: "Kill!"

A group of sacred beasts have long been waiting impatiently. Now that these orcs have finally come, how can they be polite? The group of holy beasts roared, rushed directly, and violently killed the five orcs.

These five orcs were not the three orcs before, and they didn't even know what happened. After coming out, they were directly attacked by these sacred beasts, which really made them a little surprised.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"What are you doing?"

"The despicable monster beasts ambush us here, do you want to provoke a battle between the monster clan and our guardian god?"

The orc master roared constantly and took out his whip to resist in panic. However, many of these sacred beasts are the confidants of the six-line sage, and their strength is extremely strong, which is not comparable to the previous batch of sacred beasts.

Although these orcs had taken out their whips, they were still not the opponents of these holy beasts. The battle lasted less than ten minutes. Of the five orcs, two were beheaded, one was seriously wounded, and two were captured on the spot. The battle ended quickly.

The orc master who took the lead was stepped tightly underfoot by the two holy beasts. He was so angry that he roared: "Bold monster beast, do you know who I am? You dare to attack us here, do you know, What will happen if you do this?"

The sacred beasts ignored him at all, and several sacred beasts withdrew, turning into a six-line sage the size of ordinary sacred beasts and came out from behind.

The Six-Yao Sovereign took a look at the orc master and said coldly: "Do you know who I am?"

Although this orc master didn't know the six-yao holy lord, he could feel the aura of the holy lord. His complexion changed again, and there was a holy priest who was involved in this matter. Doesn't it mean that the monster clan did this premeditatedly?

"I don't know who you are, but since you are a saint, you should be very clear about what it means for you to do this!" The orc master said solemnly.

"You are right, of course I know exactly what it means to do this!" Six Yao Sovereign raised his head and said: "We do this, which represents revenge, the revenge from my monster race!"

"What...what revenge?" The orc master was stunned and stared: "You...what revenge do you avenge? We have no grievances with you. You...what revenge is if you do this? I am number one. See you again, do you have any grudges against you?"

"This is not the enmity between you and me, but the enmity between you orcs and my monster clan!" Liu Yao said coldly about the capture of sub-holy beasts by the orcs.

After hearing this, the expression of the orc master suddenly changed, and he finally understood what was going on.

"You...Did you read it wrong?" The Orc Controlling exclaimed, "How could such a thing happen? We Controlling the Orc, all have rules, and we must never enter the land of the monsters to catch the monsters. It is our rules. No one has ever violated the rules. How could someone try to capture the sub-holy beasts under your command?"

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