Lin Zhengyuan shuddered and turned to Hong Guoqiang abruptly: "The surname is Hong, please explain to me what is going on!"

Hong Guoqiang said anxiously: "Patriarch Lin, don't listen to this kid's nonsense. The elixir I gave you is the best thing in my Hong family. Besides, I am not just giving you and Patriarch Wang, this spirit I take the medicine myself, this...this is nothing wrong..."

Shangguange looked at Zhao Changling coldly, and Zhao Changling also said anxiously: "Shangguan Patriarch, I will take this medicine myself, will I poison myself?"

Everyone looked at Su Yang, and Su Yang smiled lightly: "Let’s not say whether you will poison yourself. Let’s talk about the origin of these elixir. Don’t tell me, this medicine is made by yourself. If it is true If you have this ability, you can prepare some on the spot!"

Zhao Changling and Hong Guoqiang immediately concluded, and Shangguan Pavilion said solemnly, "How did this medicine come from? Do you want me to ask you personally?"

"Yes... someone else..." Zhao Changling whispered.

"What about you?" Wang Yuguan glared at Hong Guoqiang.

"Yes... someone else..." Hong Guoqiang also whispered.

"Couldn't it be the same person who gave you the medicine?" Shangguange's expression changed: "So, someone is going to target us?"

"Who gave it to you!" Wang Yuguan shouted angrily.

"Wang Patriarch, this is really an elixir to keep fit!" Hong Guoqiang said anxiously.

"Damn, you dare to say this to me at this time!" Wang Yuguan said angrily: "Do you really think I dare not kill you here?"

Hong Guoqiang's expression changed drastically, and Wang Yuguan was notoriously grumpy among the top ten families. If you really lose your temper, you would really dare to kill him on the spot.

"Yes... it was given to me by a monk..." Hong Guoqiang whispered.

"How about you?" Shangguange asked Zhao Changling.

"It was given to me by a Taoist priest..." Zhao Changling whispered.

Everyone looked at each other, and Shangguan Pavilion said strangely: "Not the same person?"

Su Yang smiled and said, "Master Shangguan, they are not the same person, but are they not the same group?"

Shangguan Pavilion suddenly realized: "Yes, this monk and that Taoist priest are really the same people."

"Hong Guoqiang, what the **** is going on!" Wang Yuguan said angrily: "You immediately tell me clearly, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Hong Guoqiang's expression was extremely ugly, but he still whispered: "The monk has a high mana and is an extraordinary man from outside the world. He happened to have a relationship with our Hong family. We gave him a lot of things, and he gave us these elixir, and then... …Then I took it and gave it to you, I never thought of harming people!"

"Patriarch Hong, why don't we stop talking about the origin of this medicine..." Su Yang said, "Tell me first, why do you support the Zhao family?"

"This..." Hong Guoqiang whispered: "I have a very good personal relationship with the Zhao family, and our Hong family has no hope this time. Supporting the Zhao family, this... Is this wrong?"

"Are you sure it wasn't the monk who instigated it?" Su Yang asked.

"No!" Hong Guoqiang gritted his teeth.

"Very good!" Su Yang smiled and nodded: "Wang Yuguan, Lin Zhengyuan, do you still have those elixir on your body?"

"Yes!" The two took out a porcelain bottle at the same time.

"Lend me a use!" Su Yang waved, and the two porcelain bottles flew directly into his hands.

There was an exclamation at the scene, Su Yang's hand was really shocking. Retrieving objects from air, this technique is too bad.

"This elixir is okay to take one pill in half a month. If you take too much at a time, the toxicity will directly attack."

Su Yang turned to Hong Guoqiang and said with a smile: "Patriarch Hong, just now you said that this elixir is a good thing and you are also taking it yourself. Or, let's do an experiment."

"Based on your physical condition, it is estimated that if you take thirteen pills, it is almost time to be poisoned. If you take thirteen elixir in a row, if nothing happens, then it is considered a lie. You can punish me as you like, what do you think? ?"

Hong Guoqiang's complexion changed suddenly, and he said anxiously: "This...this is medicine, how can you eat so much. Eat thirteen pills, this...this spiritual energy can also hold people to death!"

"I can't die!" Su Yang smiled: "Besides, excess spiritual energy and poisoning are completely two situations. Old man Shangguan has been poisoned, and he is very clear about the symptoms after poisoning. Try it and you will know if you are. I'm lying. Patriarch Hong, this is a good opportunity to get rid of your charges!"

Wang Yuguan said solemnly, "Hong Guoqiang, either you take thirteen elixir to prove that the medicine is not poisonous. Or, I will kill you now, you choose yourself!"

Hong Guoqiang was sweating profusely, and almost begged: "Patriarch Wang, this kid is confidant, I...I take thirteen elixir, and I can't stand the excess of spiritual energy..."

"If you die because of excess spiritual energy, then I will protect your Hong family's three generations of glory!" Wang Yuguan said solemnly: "Moreover, I will kill Su Yang to avenge you and promise to let you die. Peace of mind!"

"If you don't eat, you can't prove that you haven't lied. Then I promise, your Hong family will definitely wean off children and grandchildren!" Lin Zhengyuan also shouted in a deep voice.

Hong Guoqiang is completely confused, and both are dead. How can he choose?

"Or..." Su Yang said again: "Patriarch Hong, you can say it again, why are you helping the Zhao family?"

Hong Guoqiang bowed his head down and said, "I said, you...will you let me go?"

"You said, then you can live." Su Yang smiled at Zhao Changling: "But, the Zhao family can't leave alive!"

Zhao Changling's face turned pale when she heard this. Before Hong Guoqiang could speak, he immediately said anxiously: "I said, I said, that Taoist priest wanted us to unite with his Hong family!"

Hong Guoqiang was ready to say it. Unexpectedly, Zhao Changling was the first. He said anxiously: "People didn't ask you, what did you say? Patriarchs, the fact is that the monk asked me to unite with the Zhao family, not our voluntary..."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar. Now, the question is very clear. The two people behind the Hong family and the Zhao family are indeed in the same group!

"Zhao Changling, Hong Guoqiang, you two are so courageous!" Wang Yuguan was the first to yell out furiously: "Not only did we frame us, but also put our idea on the top ten families. Do you think our top ten families are bullies? ?"

"Wang Yuguan, sit down for me!" Su Yang shouted directly.

Wang Yuguan couldn't help but furious and stared: "What did you say?"

"What did I say?" Su Yang said coldly: "You came in to support the Zhao family. Are you reasonable? Now you are opposed to the Zhao family. You forgot how you supported them just now?"

"You..." Wang Yuguan was extremely angry, but at this time, Ye Zhenying said, "Patriarch Wang, stay calm and restless. I think Brother Su's analysis is in place. Or, let's listen to what Brother Su says?"

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