The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2273: Yu Ling Palace reappears

Let everyone go back and rest first, Su Yang rushed to the Rongshi furnace to meet with a bunch of saints gathered here.

The saints have also seen the events of this war, and they can see that everyone's expressions are very solemn.

Although Su Yang had already mentioned this situation before, they were still shocked when they saw it.

"It seems that the situation in the Nine Realms is getting more and more dangerous!" Ghost Emperor said in a deep voice: "We must improve our strength as soon as possible, otherwise, I am afraid that we will not be able to protect the Nine Realms!"

Su Yang slowly nodded: "It is necessary to improve our strength, but we must at least figure out what the purpose of controlling the orcs and the guardian **** is. I suspect that the **** master should know what secrets, so, find He may be able to figure out the secret."

"Divine Lord is too slippery. Everyone in the Nine Realms came out together to find him and Queen Mother West, but they didn't find him." King Yu frowned and said, "You said, will they leave the Nine Realms?"

"No?" Shangqing Saint said: "If you want to leave the Nine Realms, how can it be so easy? The only way to leave the Nine Realms is through the moon. On the moon, there are so many people guarding them. If they leave the Nine Realms, we are sure I know!"

"That is to say, they are still in the Nine Realms!" The demon emperor said solemnly: "If that's the case, or else, let's take action and find them out?"

Several saints looked at each other, and now, there is only this way to quickly find the Lord.

"Just do it!" Sage Yuqing nodded slowly: "Let's join hands and search through the Nine Realms to find them out!"

A group of saints nodded one after another, everyone discussed, went to different worlds, and began to search in these worlds.

On the Human World side, Ye Wantong personally came to search.

Ye Wantong returned to Qinghe College, closed his eyes and sat in meditation, but his spiritual consciousness had spread out quickly and slowly enveloped the entire human world.

Although the human world is big, it is nothing in the eyes of the saints. Their spiritual consciousness can completely envelop the human world.

It’s just that it takes more energy to do so, and saints generally don’t do such things unless they are particularly necessary.

Now, the saints are personally expending their energy to find the God Lord and Queen Mother of the West. As long as they are in the Nine Realms, they will not be able to escape.

After half a day, Ye Wantong opened his eyes and shook his head slightly to Su Yang next to him.

"So, they are no longer in the human world?" Su Yang was a little worried, the **** master should have been in the human world. If you can't find him in the human world, the probability of finding him in other worlds is not high.

Moreover, Su Yang always felt that since this **** master knew so many things, there must be many unique secrets. Maybe, what can he do to hide his breath so that people can't find him?

Facts have proved that Su Yang's guess is correct. Half a day later, the other saints also returned from other worlds, everyone was the same, and there was no gain at all.

"I think they have really left the Nine Realms!" Hades said: "I've said it a long time ago. They made so many things, where they dare to stay in the Nine Realms, they must leave immediately. We are in the Nine Realms. Finding is a waste of time!"

The other saints did not speak, and could not find the god, so many secrets could not be solved.

"No matter, let's do this for the time being!" Su Yang waved his hand and said, "I believe that they will definitely appear again. God Lord, definitely not reconciled to the things in the furnace!"

"That's the only way!" Everyone nodded.

All the saints continue to enter the melting furnace, these saints, have now begun to explore in this melting furnace. Not to mention, these people actually found some mysterious places inside.

However, most of these places have been destroyed, and there is not much valuable information left in them. All the saints only found some clues from the remaining battle scenes and the broken murals.

Among these, the most significant discovery was that some of the powerful people in the Rongshi furnace were simply terrifying in strength. Even these saints, seeing the traces of destruction left by them, are all terrified!

Su Yang has been paying attention to the fat man's news, but unfortunately, these saints have not found any traces of the fat man.

After another two years, Su Yang spent most of his time practicing in the endless starry sky.

His current strength is really only one line behind the saint.

But it is this line, but it is difficult to cross. It took Su Yang for two years, and there was basically no progress. It seems that it is really not easy to become a saint!

On this day, Su Yang originally experienced the endless starry sky, but suddenly felt that the map of Yuling Palace hidden in his body had changed.

Su Yang's heart moved, and he immediately took out the map, and found that this originally blank map had a pattern now.

"Yulin Palace, is it finally going to be opened?" Su Yang was shocked, and he didn't think much about it at this time, and hurried back with everyone.

After waiting for more than ten years, Yu Ling Palace was finally about to open. And this time, not only Su Yang and the others were going to enter the Yuling Palace, but the saints were also entering the Yuling Palace to investigate.

Exploring the Yuling Palace this time is not just about improving their strength. The most important thing is the safety of the Nine Realms.

The cultivation of the Nine Realms, when it reaches the realm of Saints, has completely entered a bottleneck and can no longer improve. They need to find a way to continue to improve in the Yuling Palace.

Only by becoming a strong man like the guardian **** can you shelter the Nine Realms!

Back in the human world, Su Yang went to the Rongshi furnace first, and searched for the saints back.

All the saints have been exploring the furnace for the past two years.

Two years outside, Rongshilu is twenty years. The speed of the saints is so fast, but they have not been able to explore the edge of the melting furnace in these twenty years, and they have shocked them to the extreme.

Before Su Yang only knew that Rongshilu was a world, but now it seems that this is not as simple as a world, right?

What world can be so big that so many saints have spent 20 years without being able to explore the margins? How big is this world?

All the saints were excited when they heard that the Yuling Palace was about to open.

Exploring the Rongshi furnace has completely refreshed their worldview. Now that the Yuling Palace is about to open, everyone wants to go in and explore even more.

These are all existences that absolutely transcend the Nine Realms. Anyone who is replaced by one must be curious about the situation inside.

Saints, the higher they stand, the stronger their strength, the more they know, and the more curiosity they naturally have.

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