Saint Yuqing then talked about his detailed plan, which coincided with many of Su Yang's ideas.

For example, in the Nine Realms Union, practitioners can go to any other world to experience things.

There is also the sharing of resources in the Nine Realms, the establishment of a unified currency mechanism and reward mechanism, and various resource materials can be exchanged in the Nine Realms.

As well as going to the outside world to experience, the nine realms must help each other and not kill each other in the outside world.

These plans are simple to say, but they are still more difficult to implement.

In fact, the most difficult thing is not the six realms, but the three realms of Asura's Extremely Cold Land and Chiyan Land.

There are saints in the other six realms, and the saints give orders, and everyone will certainly listen to them.

However, without saints in these three realms, there will be no one who can call the shots.

Moreover, these three realms are also full of vigilance and hostility towards other worlds.

At this time, it is not easy to let outsiders enter their world casually, or to let them leave their world.

In the end, the saints of the six realms would unite, enter these three worlds, and take away all the strongest among them, and explain to them clearly. After that, the powerhouses in these three realms would arrange this matter, and then these plans were barely passed.

The implementation of these plans is already two years later.

After all, the Nine Realms are too big, and people have their own minds, and there used to be a lot of hatred. It is really not easy for these people to let go of their grudges and completely accept people from other worlds.

However, after the plan is implemented, there will be saints who will keep an eye on the Nine Realms to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan.

Under the pressure of the saint, the plan was implemented smoothly.

After about ten years, the Nine Realms basically accepted each other completely. People in the Nine Realms can already enter and leave other worlds at will.

In the past ten years, Su Yang has not been idle either. He has continuously entered the endless starry sky to experience, accompanied by not only the four Beigong God of War, three crystal skeletons, and Su Zhan. What they killed in the fifth area was dark and dark, and they got a lot of resources.

Of course, the resources Su Yang and the others obtained were still counted on the human world side.

These resources obtained in the endless starry sky can be traded and sold in the Nine Realms. Therefore, a lot of powerhouses have also been born, specializing in killing monsters in the endless starry sky, obtaining resources, and selling them to the great powers of the big sect family in the nine realms.

In ten years, the strength of the Nine Realms has improved by leaps and bounds, far exceeding the effect of the previous century.

Among them, the fastest improvement in strength is the human world.

Human race has one more melting furnace than other worlds. This is a place that can slow down time ten times. Ten years is naturally equivalent to a hundred years in other worlds.

Moreover, in the Rongshi Furnace, there is ample aura and full experience, which is the most suitable environment. Naturally, the speed of cultivation in the human world is much faster than in other worlds.

Under such circumstances, the Yujie of the Demon Realm and the Saints of the Ghost Realm have also repeatedly raised objections. They felt that Su Yang should share the Rongshi Furnace with the Nine Realms, so that their people could also enter the Rongshi Furnace for cultivation, which is truly fair.

Su Yang certainly would not agree to such a request.

Rongshi furnace is the last stronghold of the human world and the most important thing in the human world. Until the human world has enough strength, Su Yang will certainly not let people from other worlds enter the furnace of melting. Otherwise, once someone had an idea and wanted to **** the furnace of the world, wouldn't it cause another chaos in the Nine Realms?

Of course, Su Yang also knew that he had always disagreed, and that was impossible. If he persists in this way, sooner or later it will arouse dissatisfaction from the other eight realms, maybe something will happen.

Therefore, Su Yang finally agreed a time with these people. After the human realm's strength has risen to the middle level among the nine realms, people from other worlds can be allowed to practice in the melting pot.

For Su Yang's request, these saints had nothing to say. After all, the human world is weak. If the eight realms enter the furnace of fusion at this time, the human world will never catch up with the other eight realms. This requirement is understandable.

Moreover, since Su Yang has such a sentence, it can be regarded as a hope. Therefore, the saints no longer put pressure on the human world, but are waiting for the day when the strength of the human world will rise.

In ten years, the strength of Su Yang and others have also improved a lot. Among other things, even the three crystal skeletons have also been promoted to the sub-sage.

As for Su Yang and Su Zhan, as well as the North Palace God of War and others, they also vaguely touched the edge of the saint. This situation also made them all happy. At this rate, among them, a saint will surely be born soon.

As long as there is one more saint, there will be two saints in the human world. At that time, it was the time when the human world was truly proud!

Of course, before promotion, everyone can only act low-key. Otherwise, let people in other worlds know that there are so many people in the human world who are about to advance to the saint state, and those saints don't know what they will do.

However, before everyone was promoted to the Saint, another person rushed into the fifth area, this person was Ye Jiansheng.

Ye Jiansheng’s face is full of excitement that cannot be concealed. He has been in the Moon Tower for too long, watching other people enter the sub-sage realm one by one, he is also extremely anxious, and he can’t wait to enter the endless starry sky immediately to practice, hurry up and advance to the saint realm. .

"Lao Ye, why are you here?" Seeing Ye Jiansheng, Su Zhan said in surprise: "Aren't you guarding the Moon Tower?"

"No need to guard, someone will do it for me!" Ye Jiansheng said.

"Who is it for you?" Su Zhan asked strangely.

"Xu Fenghou!" Ye Jiansheng paused, then suddenly turned his head and said, "Wait a minute, someone else is coming!"

Everyone felt it too. Turning their heads and looking around, they saw a golden winged big Peng flying quickly in the distance. When he fell here, he turned into a human form, and he was the champion of Wu.

"You ran too fast, I almost couldn't catch up. If it weren't for showing the body, I guess I wouldn't want to catch up with you!" Wu Zhuangyuan complained. He showed the body and can recover. It is estimated that he was on the moon. Realize the method.

"Why are you here too?" Ye Jiansheng asked in surprise.

"Someone has done it for me!" Wu Zhuangyuan said.

"Who is it?" everyone asked.

"The third generation of Valkyrie!" Wu Zhuangyuan replied.

Everyone suddenly realized that the strength of these two people was also extremely fast, and they were finally able to guard the moon. So, Ye Jiansheng and Wu Zhuangyuan, the two heavenly wizards, were finally able to free their hands to experience the endless starry sky, which is also a good thing.

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