The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2245: Kill the double saint

"Hehe, how do you know that I can't live in Demon Abyss?" Su Yang sneered: "Did you not find out? My strength has not weakened at all!"

The two of them only thought of this question now, and Bing Han said anxiously: "What's the matter?"

"Because, I know the secret in Demon Abyss!" Su Yang smiled.

"What!?" The two opened their eyes wide, and Su Yang actually knew the secret in Demon Abyss, how could this be?

The three death Jedi are the most powerful and mysterious in Demon Abyss.

Once there was a saint who died in the Demon Abyss, so no one dared to approach the Demon Abyss. The sages of the Nine Realms joined hands to seal the Demon Abyss because of this.

And now, Su Yang actually said that he knew the secret of Demon Abyss, how could this make them accept it?

"You...what are you blowing?" Yan Zhi said loudly: "No one can know the secrets in Demon Abyss, who do you want to lie to?"

"Really?" Su Yang sneered: "Then how do you explain that my power will not be taken away by Demon Abyss?"

The two of them were silent for a while. There was really no way to explain this question.

"After entering the Demon Abyss, even if you are a saint, you will die in my hands!" Su Yang said coldly: "This is also the price for you to enter my human world to kill innocent people!"

"Surnamed Su, you... don't go too far..." Bing Han said anxiously, "How many people did I kill? If I really want to kill, the mortals in your human world have long been killed by me..."

"What do you mean, do I have to thank you?" Su Yang said coldly.

"We didn't mean that!" Yan Zhi looked at the approaching Moyuan and said anxiously: "Well, Su Yang, in this battle, we both concede defeat. You let us go, we go straight back, never again. How about not stepping into the human world?"

"What are you talking about?" Su Yang said coldly: "You two talk like fart. If you let you go out, you will regret it immediately. When the time comes, if you want to trick you into the Demon Abyss, there is no hope. !"

"The saint makes a promise and will never lie!" Bing Han said anxiously.

"Hehe, King Shura is also a saint, and I haven't seen him promise anything!" Su Yang said coldly.

"We are not the same as King Shura!"

"Whether you are the same and different, I don't know what your personalities are, cutting grass and roots is the best way!" Su Yang dragged the two of them to the edge of Demon Abyss, and said coldly: "Kill you, just It can never be a problem, right?"

Looking at the devilish energy under the Demon Abyss, Binghan was only frightened and soft, and said anxiously: "Su Yang, we...we can help you protect the human world and fight against the saints of the eight worlds. Is this okay? The other saints are still watching It is a magical weapon in the human world. If we don’t help, how can you fight them? You used Demon Abyss to pit us this time. Do you think the other saints will be fooled like this again? Next time, what will you use against them? World saint?"

Su Yang sneered, dragged the two to the entrance of Demon Abyss, and said coldly: "What you said is really good, but it's a pity that I won't believe you. So, bye bye two!"

After that, Su Yang kicked these two saints into the Demon Abyss.

Su Yang himself jumped down and fell beside them.

When the two of them were outside before, they could still struggle and resist. However, after falling into the Demon Abyss, the two of them lay directly on the ground, no longer having any strength to struggle.

This is the power in the Demon Abyss. As long as there is no secret method for cultivating Demon Swallowing the World, and if you fall into the Demon Abyss, you will be immediately drawn away from the power of your physical body, and then sit here and wait for death.

Regardless of whether these two people are saints, but the power of the saints is limited and the power of the flesh is gone, then they are no different from ordinary people. You can starve them to death by starving here for a while.

Moreover, the two people are still aging rapidly. It is estimated that they will die of old age without waiting for starvation.

"Su Yang, us out..." Binghan tremblingly shouted, her appearance was rapidly aging, and now she looked like an old lady in her sixties or seventies.

Su Yang stood by the two of them, quietly looking into the distance, and said loudly: "You should be curious about the secrets in Demon Abyss, right? If you die here, you can always be with these secrets. Am I good to you? It's a pity that the extremely cold land and the red flame land, like the Ashura realm, have lost the protection of the saints. I don't know what will happen?"

The expressions of the two changed drastically, they died here, and their world would be completely finished. Don't think they usually make enemies, but in a world without saints, resources will be plundered by other worlds and eventually become slaves to other worlds!

"Save us, save us, we... We are allied with the human world, and we will help you do things in the future..." The two hurriedly shouted for Su Yang to save them, but Su Yang didn't pay attention to them at all, just staying here quietly Waiting.

A few days later, these two people completely died here. Two powerful saints turned into only two corpses in the end.

Su Yang put away the artifacts left by them, and then crawled out of the Demon Abyss.

Holding the Xuanyuan Emperor's sage order, opened the seal and went out and returned to the human world. The ice and snow in the human world had been completely melted away.

All the saints are staring at the human world.

Bing Han and Yan Zhi followed Su Yang into the deep sea for a month, and there was no movement at all. People wanted to know what happened in the human world.

Even some saints eagerly want to enter the human world to spy. However, he was stopped in the end.

The situation in the human world is unclear. At this time, if a saint comes in, what will happen.

Once Binghan and Yanzhi grabbed the artifact, wouldn't the saints in the human world have to face these two saints directly?

Therefore, although the remaining saints wanted to know what was going on in the human world, no one came in in the end.

It wasn't until Su Yang emerged from the Demon Abyss that the saints were in an uproar.

Su Yang returned to the human world, and he didn't idle, and immediately flew out of the sky to the endless starry sky.

The remaining saints of the Eight Realms are now in the endless starry sky.

"Su Yang, where are Binghan and Yanzhi?" The Saint of Ghost Realm was the most anxious, and asked loudly.

Su Yang didn't speak either, just stretched out his hand, with two orbs in his hand.

"This...this is the Frozen Orb and the Chiyan Orb..." The sage of the ghost realm stared: "It is an artifact of ice cold and flame, how can it be in your hands?"

Su Yang glanced at him, then asked, "What do you think?"

The faces of the remaining saints have changed drastically, and the saints will never leave their bodies. If it appears in the hands of the enemy, what is the result?

" killed Binghan and Yanzhi!?" The Yujie Saint asked in astonishment.

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