The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 216: Fang Hui collapses

"Quickly stop her!" The captain yelled anxiously, and hurriedly chased out.

Several people rushed to hold Fang Hui, the captain hurriedly led people to the innermost villa.

"Linzi, run, run, the police are here!" Fang Hui hurriedly shouted.

"Enclose me!" the captain yelled, he knew there was something inside.

Several people stood outside, and the captain rushed in with them. Not long after, they came out again, but this time they brought a young man out. This young man is none other than Fang Hui's son Qi Mulin!

"Mom, mom, save me..." Qi Mulin was crying, his face was blue and purple, and it seemed that he was beaten badly.

At this time, three more people came out of the house, one of whom was Master Fang. It was Qi'er and her mother who followed Master Fang.

"Shameless little thief, dare to break into the house privately and do this kind of conscience. Fortunately, I found out in time. Otherwise, Qi'er would be insulted by you!" Master Fang shouted angrily.

Fang Hui was stunned. Qi Mulin was with her just now. However, when he got here, Qi Mulin said he was going to bring Qi'er out first, and take it back to cooperate with the research in a while. She naturally knew her son's careful thinking, but Qi'er was so beautiful that Fang Hui also tacitly agreed.

In Fang Hui's view, Su Yang's family was completely finished. Even if Qi Mulin did something here, Su Yang couldn't afford to make waves.

But the current situation has completely changed. Su Yang didn't fall, but their Fang family was about to collapse first.

"Captain, this...this must be a misunderstanding..." Fang Hui hurried over: "My son is a college student, how could he do such a thing? And, look at this, my son was beaten. You... if you don't catch the beaters, why do you catch my son?"

"How do we do things, do you teach you?" The captain said angrily: "He broke into a private house, isn't it fake? The evidence is conclusive that he intends to invade the little girl. This can't be smoothed out by a few words! "

"But, I... my son was beaten!" Fang Hui said anxiously.

"What's wrong with being beaten?" The captain said: "He broke into a private house with bad intentions. That is called legitimate defense. Do you know the law?"

Fang Hui was instantly stunned, and watched the few people take Qi Mulin away.

"Mom, save me, save me..." Qi Mulin kept crying, but Fang Hui had nothing to do.

After thinking for a while, Fang Hui suddenly turned his head and walked straight to Su Yang.

Fang Hui trembled: "Su Yang, help Linzi, he is still young, he can't...can't have a record. Otherwise, he will be finished in his life..."

Su Yang didn't even look at her at all, turned around and walked back.

Fang Hui was anxious, she knew that Su Yang would not save herself a little face. She hurried to Lin Qingru's side and said anxiously: "Qingru, help me to speak nice things to Su Yang, okay? don't want your cousin to go to jail? Your cousin is a college student, he If you go to jail, this life will be ruined..."

Lin Qingru's face was pale and whispered: "Sanyi, you...what do you want me to say..."

"You two childhood sweethearts, you have a marriage contract..." Fang Hui said, her voice stopped. Because, she suddenly remembered that the marriage contract between Lin Qingru and Su Yang had been terminated. From that moment on, Lin Qingru and Su Yang had nothing to do with each other.

Moreover, this kind of childhood sweetheart and so on, now sounds particularly ironic. Lin Qingru already has Liao Yuxuan's child. At this time, does he have the face to talk about his previous feelings?

What's more, Su Yang and Lin Qingru never had even the slightest affection!

Fang Hui sat on the ground with a puff, and Fang Cui hurriedly came over to help her: "Huihui, don't get excited, let's think of another way..."

"What else can I think of!" Fang Hui suddenly said angrily: "Fang Cui, this is the daughter you taught? Unmarried, first pregnant, teenage years, and doing such shameless things? That's how you taught children. ?"

Fang Cui was also dumbfounded, and said anxiously, "Huihui, why are you talking like this? Qingru and Liao Yuxuan are in a normal relationship. Haven't you said that young people nowadays, such things are normal!"

"Normal ass!" Fang Hui angrily said: "You shameless woman, teach you a daughter who is shameless. Forget about harming your own family. What is it to involve my son? If my son has a criminal record, I won't be in this life. I will forgive you!"

"Fang Hui, how can you be like this!" Fang Cui said angrily: "Your son's affairs were done by himself. Can you blame us?"

"You shut up!" Fang Hui said loudly: "Your daughter is pregnant first when she is unmarried. What qualifications do you have to comment on my son?"

The sisters scolded at this door, Lin Qingru was sullen by the side, and her mood fell from the peak.

She originally wanted to come over and watched with her own eyes how Su Yang was stepped under her feet by her uncle, and how the family was embarrassed. As a result, things have developed to this point, Su Yang turned over.

She really couldn't understand, how could the Xue family lose in this battle between the Hou family and the Xue family? The Xue family, the top ten families in Pingnan Province, was actually destroyed by the Hou family?

Suddenly, a man in a suit came with a group of security guards.

"Hey, what are you doing!" The man in the suit shouted in a deep voice.

"What's up with you!" Fang Cui said in an angry manner.

"I belong to the property here, and I received a call saying that some people are making noise here and affecting the owner's rest!" The man in the suit said solemnly, "Do you live here?"

"Uh..." Fang Cui suddenly turned off.

"I ask you, do you live here?" The man in the suit said angrily.

"Um, let's... let's go..." Fang Hui said quickly.

"That won't work!" The man in the suit stopped them: "We are the property here and we are responsible for each owner. We must figure out your identity, otherwise, we can only call the police."

"Hey, do you want to be so excessive!" Lin Qingru was angry: "We don't live here, but we are invited by someone else. Is there any problem with this?"

"Are you the owner here?" said the man in a suit: "Which owner is it, I need to verify it."

Lin Qingru suddenly concluded, should Su Yang still be needed for help in this matter?

"Which owner, please tell me." The man in the suit frowned: "If you don't cooperate anymore, then I can only call the police."

Lin Qingru and the three looked at each other, and finally Fang Cui whispered: "This is Su...Su Ping's house..."

"Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Su!" The man in the suit looked in awe and said: "Okay, wait a minute, I will check it. Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused, this is our job responsibility. There is no way!"

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