The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1114: Ge Kaiyang sneak attack

Lu Donglin lived in the capital for a period of time, stepping on the faces of countless dudes in the capital, it can be described as rampant in the capital, no one dares to provoke.

What about those big families, big forces, big backgrounds?

The **** of war in Beigong, the first person after Wu Zhuangyuan, is good at killing land immortals with his venerable!

Even the land gods had to bow their heads when they saw him, let alone other people?

No matter how big the family, no matter how powerful, and no matter how great the background, in front of the Beigong God of War, they are all imaginary!

There are rumors that the strength of the North Palace God of War is chasing Wu Zhuangyuan, and even not far from Wu Zhuangyuan.

Moreover, boxing is afraid of being young. The God of War of the North Palace is in his prime of life. Wu Zhuangyuan has been famous for 272 years, and he is at least 300 years old now.

The strength of Wu Zhuangyuan may be higher than that of Beigong God of War, but if the two really fight. Even if Wu Zhuangyuan could kill Beigong God of War, he still had to pay a high price, and even if he could not eliminate his injuries for a lifetime.

How many enemies has Wu Zhuangyuan been number one in the local list for so many years?

Once he is injured, how many people should come to him for revenge?

Or, after Wu Zhuangyuan is injured, he can jump straight to the land immortal realm to repair his injury.

However, his enemies in the land fairyland will only be more!

Therefore, even though Wu Zhuangyuan ranked first, it was impossible for him to tear his face apart and fight the Beigong God of War thoroughly.

Under such circumstances, Lu Donglin is rampant in the capital, so no one really dares to control it?

Besides, Lu Donglin relies on his own strength in matters between young people. These dudes in the capital are not his opponents. They deserve to be beaten. The older generations come forward. What's the matter?

In the capital, if Wu Zhuangyuan doesn't make a move, who is Beigong's opponent?

Once anyone provokes Lu Donglin, he must face the anger of the God of War of the North Palace.

The God of War of the North Palace is just sitting in the three northern provinces, which seems out of reach for everyone.

However, once the God of War of the North Palace entered the capital and swept away, who could deal with it?

Now Su Yang finally understood why Wu Zhuangyuan's great-grandson did not fight Lu Donglin.

This is the shrewdness of Wu Zhuangyuan, and his reputation is not critical. Wu Zhuangyuan is number one in the world, this reputation is enough.

His great-grandson doesn't need to fight Lu Donglin, and it doesn't make much sense for children to fight.

On the contrary, if they did not fight, there would be no contradiction between Wu Zhuangyuan and Beigong War God.

In this way, Wu Zhuangyuan does not need to contend head-on with the God of War of the North Palace.

It was also because there was no Wu Zhuangyuan to hold the Beigong God of War in the front, so Lu Donglin was rampant in the capital. Because those families simply can't hold the Beigong God of War!

Wu Feizhi's complexion was utterly desolate, and he wanted to understand everything. Therefore, at this moment, all he has in his heart is depression. He finally understood how important a strong background is to a person!

He had killed a group of people in the first place, and he would have been chased by a large family. Had Zhao Dongming not taken the rescue, he would have died.

But, what about Lu Donglin? Stepped on the faces of all big families in the capital, but no one dared to retaliate!

This is the gap!

With enough background, you don't need to be afraid of anything.

He had seen it once in Zhao Dongming, but he had seen it thoroughly in Lu Donglin.

Zhao Dongming is Wu Zhuangyuan's apprentice, this kind of incense makes Zhao Dongming's status soar.

And Lu Donglin is the only relative of the Beigong God of War, so no matter what he does, the Beigong God of War will definitely support him!

The decadence in his heart made Wu Feizhi feel a lot more depressed when he shot. At this moment, he and Zhao Dongming joined forces, and they were even suppressed by Lu Donglin.

On the other side, most of the so-called dudes in the capital were maimed by Su Yang.

Looking at this situation, Zhao Dongming couldn't help despairing. It seems that this time they really have no hope at all.

He and Wu Feizhi joined forces, and they were not yet Lu Donglin's opponent. And their subordinates were also defeated. Moreover, Lu Donglin would definitely not let them go. In this battle, not only their subordinates had to be resolved, but even the two of them would never want to escape. It was a complete defeat.

There are still six people under Zhao Dongming who are struggling to support it. It is not how strong their strength is, but Su Yang's current tolerance is almost reaching the upper limit.

The strength of these people is extremely powerful, and it is not easy for Su Yang to play against so many people alone. Moreover, he has to use an overwhelming advantage to maimed all these people, which is not easy.

Fortunately, Su Yang has the secret method of devouring the world, which can provide him with a steady stream of power. However, using Motun Tianxia is also stressful on meridians.

The more the absorbed force, the stronger the pressure on the meridians. It doesn't matter if you use it once or twice occasionally, but Su Yang is now continuously swallowing the world with magic, and his meridians can't hold it anymore.

In the back, Su Yang was completely using his own power to defeat these people. Therefore, his power is almost consumed now.

Of course, these six people won't last long. Su Yang's task is to defeat these last six people. In this way, his mission in this battle is even completed.

Just as Su Yang suppressed these six people with all his strength, suddenly, a figure suddenly rushed out and went straight to Su Yang.

"Be careful!" Lu Donglin immediately shouted.

Su Yang also felt it, but his power consumption was too great at this time, and he could no longer dodge. He could only hit the past with a backhand, and blasted the incoming person.

The powerful force rushed out and directly flew Su Yang out and fell to the ground ten meters away.

Wu Feizhi and Zhao Dongming also saw it. They were taken aback for a moment, and then stared at the same time: "Ge Kaiyang!?"

The person here was Ge Kaiyang. After the last incident, he went into hiding and kept hiding in Qinghe College. No one knew where he was. Unexpectedly, he actually appeared at this time, and even attacked Su Yang, which was completely unexpected.

Ge Kaiyang's strength is not weak, and Su Yang's body strength is almost exhausted now. Under such circumstances, the two people can imagine the result of the explosion.

"Stop Lu Donglin!" Ge Kaiyang let out a low voice and rushed towards Su Yang again.

Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi understood, Ge Kaiyang planned to take the opportunity to kill Su Yang first. And the two of them also harbored resentment towards Su Yang, so naturally they would not miss such an opportunity, and quickly used their full strength to block Lu Donglin desperately.

Lu Donglin wanted to come over to stop him, but Wu Feizhi and Zhao Dongming were desperately unable to come.

"Ge Kaiyang, if you dare to kill him, I, Lu Donglin, will search all over the world, and I will kill you too!" Lu Donglin yelled.

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