The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1112: Su Yang seriously injured

Yue Ming's group of people rushed to Hu Xixi fiercely, looking at the posture, it was as if they were planning to grab Hu Xixi directly.

After all, when he was in the small restaurant before, Lu Donglin told Su Yang that he wanted Su Yang to hand over Hu Xixi and Huo Qianfang. Now they are going to grab it, which is normal.

"Protect Miss Hu!" Zhao Dongming shouted, Su Yang was fighting against Lu Donglin in the air at this time, so you can't distract Su Yang.

Everyone from the capital immediately rushed out and fought with Yue Ming.

As for Wu Feizhi's people, they watched from a distance and didn't make a move. And this situation is also in line with Wu Feizhi's personality characteristics. It was exactly the same in the previous time when Ge Kaiyang was pitted. His people will not play, just save their strength.

Looking at this chaotic scene, Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi were even more happy. All this has basically been settled, waiting for Su Yang to lose, and waiting for Su Yang to consume Lu Donglin's strength.

Hu Xixi stood in the distance, she was full of anxiety, but she didn't have the strength to watch the battle in the air, so she could only wait anxiously.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, the ten-minute appointment came.

Su Yang shouted from the sky: "Zhao Dongming!"

Hu Xixi was also anxious and shouted: "Zhao Dongming, ten minutes is here!"

"Immediately!" Zhao Dongming shouted, but he was waiting anxiously in his heart.

After half a minute, Su Yang in the air yelled again: "Zhao Dongming!"

Before the words fell, Su Yang sighed immediately. Immediately afterwards, a figure fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground, and it was Su Yang.

Behind him, one person followed, it was Lu Donglin.

"Su Yang!" Hu Xixi screamed, and hurriedly ran over to help Su Yang. Su Yang directly vomited a mouthful of blood, his face slumped, as if he was seriously injured.

Hu Xixi paled with fright, tears streaming down, holding Su Yang in her arms, she didn't know what to do, and said anxiously, "Zhao Dongming, hurry, help!"

Lu Donglin looks chic, but in fact, his breath is also uneven, and it seems that he consumes a lot of power.

Seeing this, Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi were overjoyed. All this is beyond their expectations, it is really great.

Lu Donglin stood with his hand in his hand and said coldly: "Zhao Dongming, you are too slow, do you want me to wait for you for a long time?"

"Don't wait!" Zhao Dongming let out a low voice, then turned around and rushed towards Lu Donglin.

"Where to run!" Wu Feizhi yelled, and rushed straight over, looking at the posture, he wanted to pursue Zhao Dongming. In fact, he kept his secret hands, ready to attack Lu Donglin when Lu Donglin was unprepared.

Lu Donglin fisted at will to block Zhao Dongming away. At this time, Wu Feizhi had also rushed to Zhao Dongming with a punch.

Although Zhao Dongming retreated, he reacted extremely quickly, kicking Wu Feizhi's fist.

Zhao Dongming's retreat speed increased again, and Wu Feizhi also quickly retreated, as if being knocked back, and went directly to Lu Donglin's side.

Lu Donglin didn't seem to care about Wu Feizhi. Wu Feizhi couldn't help but secretly pleased. When he reached Lu Donglin's side, he suddenly attacked Lu Donglin with one hand.

This move was too sudden, and the distance was too close, it was impossible to guard against.

Seeing that this blow was about to hit Lu Donglin, an unexpected situation happened. Lu Donglin's hand was stretched out at the last moment, just grabbing his wrist and blocking him.

Wu Feizhi's eyes widened. He had been brewing this blow for a long time, and the time and place had almost reached its peak. How could it be blocked by Lu Donglin?

The people next to him were taken aback, especially Bai Qing, her eyes widened, and anxiously said: "Wu Feizhi, what are you doing? How are you attacking my brother?"

One shot missed, Wu Feizhi simply stopped hiding, rushed directly to Lu Donglin, laughed and said: "Sneak attack him? I am going to abolish him today, the first dude in the North Three Provinces, huh, I want you to crawl out of Qinghe College !"

Zhao Dongming is also extremely fast, rushing in an instant, and Wu Feizhi, together against Lu Donglin.

Everyone around was dumbfounded, and no one thought this would be the case. Obviously Wu Feizhi and Lu Donglin are united, why has the situation suddenly changed now?

Everyone felt that Zhao Dongming and Su Yang were finished this time. After all, Lu Donglin and Wu Feizhi joined forces to make them even stronger.

Who can imagine that at this last moment, Wu Feizhi turned back against the water. Isn't this a pitfall to Lu Donglin?

With one enemy and two, Lu Donglin didn't panic. Instead, his momentum increased greatly, and the two of them were fighting together without losing the slightest.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded. This situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

Hu Xixi was also stunned, she only understood what Zhao Dongming was talking about. It turned out that this was his final arrangement.

It's just that he has such an arrangement, why didn't he do it earlier, instead of letting Su Yang suffer such a serious injury?

Hu Xixi distrusted Zhao Dongming in her heart, and now she distrusted it even more. Zhao Dongming did this on purpose, and it was deliberately to solve Su Yang together!

"Su Yang, we are still fooled!" Hu Xixi whispered: "After Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi defeated Lu Donglin, we don't even want to stay in Qinghe College. But that's fine, we don't fight, we don't want anything. , I... As long as you are well, I don't need anything else..."

With that, Hu Xixi's tears welled up. In fact, Su Yang came to Qinghe College without intending to do too much. It was only because of her that Su Yang decided to enter the top ten of Qinghe College.

Now, Su Yang was seriously injured and paid a heavy price. She blamed herself to the extreme in her heart.

Now, what she worries most is whether they can leave Qinghe College and return home smoothly. If someone took advantage of Su Yang's serious injury, and then shot Su Yang, wouldn't it be troublesome?

When Hu Xixi was worried and sad, an unexpected situation happened suddenly. Su Yang, who seemed to have no strength at all in her arms, jumped up directly.

"Don't cry, all the little faces are spent!" Su Yang chuckled lightly.

There were still tears on Hu Xixi's face, and she was stunned. Just now Su Yang was in trouble even panting, but now why is he alive again?

Before Hu Xixi could react, Su Yang had already rushed out, and in a flash he was next to the Xie Kuang group.

While Xie Kuang was still stunned, Su Yang had already slapped it.

Xie Kuang subconsciously raised his hand to block, but where he was Su Yang's opponent, Su Yang flew out with a punch, and everyone behind was knocked down. These men on Wu Feizhi's side suddenly became a mess.

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