The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1109: Zhao Dongming's plan

Hu Xixi was anxious: "Lu Donglin is so strong, ten minutes, it is difficult to sustain. Zhao Dongming, you are the apprentice of Wu Zhuangyuan, you go to fight Lu Donglin!"

"I really want to go, but Wu Feizhi won't let me go!" Zhao Dongming said solemnly: "Wu Feizhi has already said that he will fight me to the death!"

Wu Feizhi and Zhao Dongming definitely didn't run away in this battle. Wu Feizhi had already promoted in school more than once that Zhao Dongming had to be abolished by himself. After all, in the restaurant yesterday, the confrontation between Zhao Dongming and Wu Feizhi was seen by everyone. The hatred between the two had ended yesterday.

Hu Xixi couldn't help but anxious: "Then what should I do? Su Yang has already fought with Lu Donglin just now. This person's strength is really too strong. Moreover, Lu Donglin has so many subordinates. If he fights, Su Yang will definitely suffer. what!"

"It's okay, as long as Brother Su can last for ten minutes, I guarantee they are all finished!" Zhao Dongming looked at Su Yang, "Brother Su, how are you?"

"No problem!" Su Yang nodded.

"Hey!" Hu Xixi looked anxious: "Su Yang, still say it's okay? Lu Donglin said, this battle will solve everything tonight, you...if you really fight like this, it's true It’s very dangerous! Besides, Zhao Dongming has always said that he can solve all this, but he hasn’t said anything about it. What if he lied to us?"

Hu Xixi was already a bit torn when he said this. However, she really couldn't help it. She really didn't want Su Yang to go so hard. Because she did not trust Zhao Dongming at all, nor did she believe that Zhao Dongming would be so kind, let alone what way Zhao Dongming would solve Lu Donglin and Wu Feizhi.

Therefore, in her opinion, she would rather not fight this battle than let Su Yang take risks.

Zhao Dongming frowned. He looked at Hu Xixi and couldn't help feeling a little angry. However, he didn't say anything in the end. After all, all the plans were tonight. He didn't want to waste his previous arrangements for so long just because of Hu Xixi's words. Those who make big things don't stick to the trivial, and they have to have enough city government, and they can't affect their own big things because of the moment of happiness and anger.

Zhao Dongming gritted his teeth, as if he had made some resolute decision: "Brother Su, if it doesn't work, I will block Wu Feizhi and Lu Donglin alone?"

Hearing this, the people next to Zhao Dongming looked at Su Yang with contempt. In this battle, if Zhao Dongming were to fight Wu Feizhi and Lu Donglin alone, then Su Yang's face would be completely ruined.

Hu Xixi's face changed sharply, she wanted to speak, but Su Yang reached out and stopped her.

"It's okay, I will fight Lu Donglin for ten minutes!" Su Yang said solemnly.

"Brother Su, don't be too embarrassed!" Zhao Dongming said.

"It's okay!" Su Yang said: "It is not a simple matter to deal with these two people. The opportunity is rare. If you miss it, there will be no similar opportunities in the future. So, in any case, you must not miss this opportunity! "

"Su Yang..." Hu Xixi was anxious.

Su Yang waved his hand again: "Needless to say, I have my own measures!"

Su Yang was so anxious that his eyes were red, but in the end he couldn't say anything, he could only stand beside him in tears.

Zhao Dongming sighed and whispered: "Brother Su, I really can't help it. I really need ten minutes. I know Miss Hu doesn't believe me very much, but you must know that I am Wu Zhuangyuan’s apprentice. , I won’t fight an uncertain battle."

Zhao Dongming carried out the name of Wu Zhuangyuan, which made people no longer able to say anything. If you don’t believe him at this time, then you don’t believe in Wu Zhuangyuan. Who would do such a thing?

"I believe you!" Su Yang nodded.

Hu Xixi couldn't say anything, although she still didn't believe it in her heart, but she could only choose to remain silent.

"That's good!" Zhao Dongming nodded: "Let's take a break first. At half past seven, let's go to the restaurant and solve everything!"

Su Yang nodded, did not say anything, and left with Hu Xixi.

Watching the two leave, Zhao Dongming immediately returned to the room, pushed everyone away, took out his mobile phone and quietly sent a message to Wu Feizhi.

Not long after, Wu Feizhi also responded with a message, detailing what happened upstairs in the restaurant.

Wu Feizhi is now clearly associated with Lu Donglin, so he also sent someone to the restaurant to get a clear picture of what happened.

Zhao Dongming suddenly smiled when he saw Lu Donglin want Su Yang to give him Hu Xixi and Huo Qianfang. Seeing this, he knew that the hatred between Lu Donglin and Su Yang was completely ended.

And this is really in line with Lu Donglin's style of doing things. Lu Donglin is surrounded by beautiful women, and this person has always been domineering. It is completely normal to say such words.

Looking at the entire process, Zhao Dongming sneered and returned the information.

"Su Yang lasted for eight minutes under Lu Donglin at most. I let him play for ten minutes. Ten minutes, he would be seriously injured. When that time, you and I will join forces again to abolish Lu Donglin. You and my men will jointly defeat the people from the northern three provinces. , Everything is fine!"

Putting down the phone, Zhao Dongming walked to the window, looking at the night outside, the sneer on his face was even worse.

He came to Qinghe College only to make a detour. After all, although he is Wu Zhuangyuan's apprentice, his prestige and status in the capital is really low. It was too difficult for him to control the Zhao family, so he came to Qinghe College and planned to pack it here.

For this reason, he specially asked Wu Feizhi to come to Qinghe College. Wu Feizhi is a dark game he played, which is intended to be used at a critical moment. And Qinghe College, for him, was the most critical battle.

He originally thought that with Wu Feizhi's secret cooperation, he estimated that it would take one or two years to settle everything at Qinghe College. Unexpectedly, the appearance of Su Yang directly accelerated this process. At this rate, everything can be completely stabilized without half a year.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this time there is Lu Donglin in Qinghe College, which is great news for him.

Lu Donglin stepped on countless dudes in the capital before, and even the great-grandson of the No. 1 champion didn't come forward to fight him, but he crushed all the dudes' faces in the capital. These dudes in the capital wanted revenge, but no one had this ability. On the contrary, when talking about Wu Feizhi, everyone was involuntarily discolored and fearful.

If Zhao Dongming defeated Lu Donglin this time, it would really have done a major event, a major event enough for all the dudes in the capital to admire and respect him!

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