Seeing Wu Feizhi coming in, the two girls bend over at the same time: "Mr. Wu, wait a minute, Master is rinsing your mouth, and you will be fine soon."

Wu Feizhi didn't say anything this time, he was still in shock.

It has long been known that Lu Donglin is a big dude, how can it be easy to step on so many dudes in the capital?

However, when he really met, he was still shocked.

With so many pretentious dudes in the capital, who can make two such superb twin beauties be his servants like Lu Donglin?

Seeing this scene, Wu Feizhi couldn't help but feel even more annoyed.

He was born in poverty, and his life was very difficult since he was a child. Moreover, the family also encountered such bad luck, which made him full of hatred towards those privileged classes in his heart.

And Lu Donglin is undoubtedly the representative of these privileged classes.

The same person, why can Lu Donglin have such a life, but Wu Feizhi, who seems to be a bereaved dog, finally survived and earned what he wanted. As a result, when you arrive at Qinghe College, is it still looked down upon by many people, or is it regarded as a mischief?

After gritting his teeth, Wu Feizhi finally swallowed the breath, and even stood quietly at the door waiting.

After about ten minutes, a voice came from the house: "Let him come in!"

"Yes!" the two women responded at the same time, and then looked at Wu Feizhi: "Mr. Wu, you can go in!"

Wu Feizhi had a cold face and walked straight into the room.

This room has completely changed. Wu Feizhi had clearly seen it when he was outside just now. After entering this room, he was shocked again. This room is really luxuriously decorated. Everything from the bedding to the decorations has been changed. It looks like a luxurious room in a hotel.

Wu Feizhi had no doubt that if it were not for the limitation of the size and type of the room, I was afraid that Lu Donglin would make this room more luxurious.

The anger that was finally suppressed in Wu Feizhi's heart ignited again. However, in the end he didn't go crazy, but his complexion became more grim.

On the big sofa in the room, leaning against a handsome young man. The young man was holding a glass of red wine in his hand and was slowly shaking the red wine. And beside him, there was a girl with cool clothes and a beautiful face, kneeling on the ground, gently helping him knead his legs.

Seeing this person, Wu Feizhi's eyes suddenly flashed a light.

This person is Lu Donglin, the first person in the advanced class, the most powerful dude in the three northern provinces, and can be said to be the first person in the younger generation of China. Once on the site of the capital, stepped on countless arrogant heads in the capital, but no one dared to stop him.

To be able to make such a big noise in the capital, and finally retreat, not only requires strong strength, but also a strong background!

There is no doubt that Lu Donglin has both. His own strength, even the first person of the younger generation in Beijing, the great-grandson of Wu Zhuangyuan, can hardly contend. And his background allows so many big families in the capital to gather together, which shows his strong background!

Such a character is simply the proud son of heaven, who gathers all the favors of heaven.

Looking at Wu Feizhi again, he is considered fatal to be able to live till now. In his whole life, he has collected all the misery in one, and he can live to this day entirely by his own hard work and all his own efforts.

The comparison between the two naturally made Wu Feizhi even more angry.

However, he did not get angry in the end. He took a deep breath and said softly, "Shao Lu is so elegant!"

Lu Donglin did not answer, but drank most of the wine in the glass, then whispered softly: "Wu Feizhi, are you here to visit my room or talk to me?"

Wu Feizhi frowned and said solemnly, "What do you think?"

Lu Donglin didn't speak, but slowly tasted it with the wine glass, as if Wu Feizhi was no longer standing next to him.

Wu Feizhi waited for a while, seeing that Lu Donglin didn't mean to speak at all, he couldn't help being annoyed. He gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Donglin, do you mean to cooperate with me?"

"No!" Lu Donglin replied simply.

Wu Feizhi was furious: "Lu Donglin, you are too confident, do you really think you can be Zhao Dongming and Su Yang's opponent?"

Lu Donglin glanced at Wu Feizhi and said softly: "You are wrong. I always think that you add Zhao Dongming and Su Yang, it's interesting."

Wu Feizhi couldn't help being taken aback. He knew that Lu Donglin was strong, and he knew that Lu Donglin must be very confident, even arrogant. But he really didn't expect that Lu Donglin could be confident to this level, even arrogant.

Zhao Dongming and Su Yang are so powerful. Wu Feizhi originally wanted to use these two people to put pressure on Lu Donglin. Who can imagine that Lu Donglin's heart is so big. From what he meant, he was preparing for one-on-three? Alone, Su Yang, Wu Feizhi and Zhao Dongming? Where is his confidence!

"Lu Donglin, are you too self-confident, or do you think everyone in the world is rubbish?" Wu Feizhi said solemnly: "Zhao Dongming is the apprentice of Wu Zhuangyuan, Su Yang, who has recently gained fame, stepped on Wanhu Qi Family, and unified Nanliu Province, that Master Su from the two provinces of Heping, Nanping and North. If you add these two people together, wouldn’t you count as your opponent?"

It was surprising that Wu Feizhi knew Su Yang's identity.

Lu Donglin was indifferent. He had known Su Yang's identity a long time ago, so he wouldn't be shocked.

"These two people are not enough!" Lu Donglin said calmly: "With you, I can barely have fun!"

"Arrogant! Really arrogant!" Wu Feizhi gritted his teeth and said, "Lu Donglin, in that case, you have no plans to unite with me at all?"

Lu Donglin smiled and said, "Seriously, I actually didn't plan to cooperate with you!"

Wu Feizhi was furious, turned and left.

As soon as he walked to the door, Lu Donglin smiled again: "However, I thought about it later, why waste so much energy when it comes to Qinghe College. Therefore, I think it is a very easy way to unite with you!"

Wu Feizhi stopped, turned to look at Lu Donglin, and said solemnly: "Then why don't you ask, will I cooperate with you?"

"You will definitely cooperate with me!" Lu Donglin smiled lightly: "Because, if you don't cooperate with me, I will unite Zhao Dongming and Su Yang to solve you first!"

Wu Feizhi's expression changed sharply. He gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Lu Donglin, are you scaring me?"

"Can't it?" Lu Donglin asked with a faint smile: "It's this time, do you think you have other choices?"

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