The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1071: Send money

"I don't think it's good!" Su Yang said calmly: "What you people say is like farting, which is not worthy of trust. I just gave you a chance, but you are not sure. Now, I can only do nothing! "

After saying that, Su Yang no longer gave these people the opportunity to beg, and directly shot them to abolish them all.

Several young people wailed and begged for mercy, shouting angrily, but they couldn't stop Su Yang. In the end, these young people all curled up on the ground. After the Qihai Cave was abolished, the true qi in these people was gone, and they couldn't even lift a little strength, and they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

The students next to him watched Su Yang level off all the people in these advanced classes, and they all trembled with fright.

They didn't expect Su Yang's strength to be so strong, and they didn't expect Su Yang to shoot so hard.

You know, these young people are all members of the advanced class, and they are all under Lu Donglin. Su Yang's abolition of them in this way is tantamount to forging a feud with Lu Donglin.

Lu Donglin, that was the first person in the advanced class. Wu Feizhi, Ge Kaiyang and Zhao Dongming were both afraid of. Su Yang, a member of the low-level class, had forged such a feud with Lu Donglin as soon as he came up. It really makes people wonder, is Su Yang's brain sick?

After solving these young people, Su Yang turned to look at the students.

The students were still in shock, but when Su Yang turned their heads, they all shuddered. Before Su Yang could speak, these people turned in panic and wanted to run, ready to go back and pack their things and leave Qinghe College.

However, if they want to run at this time, that's impossible.

The dark horses of Zhao Jun led them directly and stopped them. Although the fighting power difference between the two sides was not much, but at this moment, these people did not have the slightest heart to resist. They were completely surrounded and beaten by Zhao Jun and these people. Soon these people were all knocked to the ground, one by one. .

Seeing this situation, Su Yang never spoke, but stood calmly. When all these people fell to the ground, Su Yang said softly: "I just gave you the opportunity to let you leave Qinghe College. This is all about it. However, you are unwilling to keep your promises, and you are still insulting like that. Me. If that's the case, then you can't blame me for acting too hard."

Su Yang waved his hand and said coldly: "Everyone interrupts one hand and one foot and throws them out of Qinghe College!"

"Yes!" Zhao Jun shouted excitedly, and they were extremely angry with these people, so naturally they would not be polite to them.

Su Yang turned and walked away slowly, and soon there was a scream of ghost crying and wolf howling. These students were all interrupted and thrown out of Qinghe College just like those young people in the advanced class.

At the same time, in the other three buildings, Zhao Dongming, Wu Feizhi and Ge Kaiyang were all watching what happened here.

The expressions of the three people were different, Zhao Dongming frowned, his original plan was to let Su Yang consume Wu Feizhi and Ge Kaiyang's power. After all, Lu Donglin must know Su Yang's identity, and it is not suitable for Su Yang to consume Lu Donglin's strength first.

However, he didn't expect that Su Yang actually met Lu Donglin first, which made him speechless.

In his opinion, Su Yang is definitely not Lu Donglin's opponent. He provokes Lu Donglin in this way, that is, praying manji as a car, and overpowering himself. After Lu Donglin arrived at the school, he would definitely expel him from Qinghe College. As for letting Su Yang consume Lu Donglin's strength, then don't think about it. Lu Donglin's strength is simply not what Su Yang can consume.

In this way, Su Yang, who had high hopes, basically did nothing. It can't consume Lu Donglin's strength, and it doesn't consume the strength of Wu Feizhi and Ge Kaiyang. It's not good for him. His plan is equivalent to a failure.

As for Wu Feizhi, his face was calm and he couldn't see anything at all. But in fact, he was also a little dissatisfied. He also wanted to use Su Yang to consume Ge Kaiyang's strength, but this result obviously did not satisfy him.

Moreover, this situation can be regarded as the first indirect confrontation between Wu Feizhi and Ge Kaiyang, and it also made him realize that Ge Kaiyang's strategy is not simple. Therefore, he wanted to deal with Ge Kaiyang, the difficulty is also a bit high.

As for Ge Kaiyang, he always sneered. This situation, in his expectation, is exactly the result he wants. Su Yang and Lu Donglin’s people met first. He stayed out of the matter and could also watch the excitement. First, solve Su Yang in the low-level class, and then slowly deal with other people. This is the most suitable.

The three people had their own thoughts, but they never showed up.

That day, the incident spread throughout the school, and the students in this lower-level class were even more afraid of Su Yang.

And Su Yang did not stay, so that day, Zhao Jun sent out a notice to tell those in the lower class of Qinghe College. Within three days, those who voluntarily leave Qinghe College can receive one million from Su Yang. And after three days, if they are still unwilling to leave, Su Yang will personally drive them out of Qinghe College!

The announcement made the whole school in an uproar. If Su Yang had issued this announcement before, he would definitely be insulted by the students in the school. In their opinion, Su Yang did not have the strength to do such a thing.

However, now that Su Yang issued this announcement, people were just afraid. After all, Su Yang has proven his own strength with practical actions. Among the four major forces in the advanced class, Zhao Dongming didn't say that the other three forces could not stop Su Yang's pace. Who would dare to confront Su Yang?

What's more, Su Yang also said that if he voluntarily leaves Qinghe College, he can come to Su Yang to receive one million.

One million, that's not a small number. Most of the students in the low-level classes are at home with average conditions, and want to find a chance for success in Qinghe College. Now Su Yang gave them one million, which would save them from fighting for many years. Of course they would be happy.

Therefore, that night, hundreds of people came to Su Yang and said that they had voluntarily left Qinghe College.

Su Yang was not stingy, he had already prepared the money. Hundreds of people, several hundred million, Su Yang gave out on the same day.

These students were originally worried that Su Yang was writing a bad check, so after they got the check, they immediately ran to the bank to cash it. As a result, they really got the money and transferred all of it to their own cards. They were completely relieved.

The next day, these students who got the money immediately packed their things and left Qinghe College happily. That way, but there is no unwillingness, on the contrary, I am happy as if I have won the prize, not to mention how excited I am.

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