The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1061: Rules of Qinghe College

After thinking for a while, Su Yang suddenly looked at Zhao Dongming: "So, for today's matter, I have to thank Brother Zhao!"

"Why did Brother Su say this?" Zhao Dongming asked strangely.

"I don't know Wu Zhuang Element. If it wasn't for Brother Zhao's relationship, how could Wu Zhuang Yuan come forward to explain for me?" Su Yang smiled.

"Hahaha..." Zhao Dongming raised his head and smiled: "Brother Su is humble, and no one knows the name of Master Su in the capital. The master has boasted of Master Su in front of us a long time ago, saying it is Wanzhong There is no one in the sky. The family teacher came out to pity Brother Su's talent, and he didn't want Brother Su to suffer such a grievance in vain. It has nothing to do with the next thing."

"Speaking of which, I still have to thank Brother Zhao." Su Yang smiled and said, "If Brother Zhao was in Qinghe College, why would Wu Zhuangyuan pay attention to Qinghe College? My thing, Wu Zhuangyuan would not even know it. I know, naturally there is no way to help me out!"

"Brother Su is really polite." Zhao Dongming smiled faintly: "The relationship between you and me, this little thing, why bother?"

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled and nodded. He turned his head and looked out the window, and said softly: "Speaking of which, killing Fang Ping this time and deliberately planting someone who framed me is really hateful. Brother Zhao knows that Fang Ping is here. What enemies are there in the capital, who will kill Fang Ping?"

Su Yang was trying to follow Zhao Dongming’s words, but Zhao Dongming’s expression was calm, and he shook his head and said, “Fang Ping has always been kind to people, so many people have gathered around him. His strength is among the younger generation in Beijing. I can’t make it in the top ten, but his popularity is better than most people. Moreover, for so long, I haven’t heard of his enemies. I really can’t figure out who would kill him. !"

"So, maybe my enemy did this?" Su Yang frowned, "Killing Fang Ping, it just happened to frame me and let the Fang family come and fight me hard. This should be aimed at me. !"

Zhao Dongming glanced at Su Yang: "Do Brother Su have any enemies in the capital?"

"There are a few, but it's not too many." Su Yang smiled lightly: "Brother Zhao should have heard that Chen Benhao went to Pingnan Province to help people raise marriages before, but he came back unfailingly."

Zhao Dongming nodded: "I've heard about it, but Chen Benhao mentioned Brother Su several times in the capital, and he admires Brother Su very much in his words. He shouldn't do this thing, right?"

"Definitely not Chen Benhao, but he was not the only one who went to Pingnan Province at that time." Su Yang smiled bitterly: "Besides, this incident, I hurt not only Chen Benhao's face, but also the entire Chen family's face. what!"

Zhao Dongming stared at Su Yang for a while, then slowly nodded: "So, Brother Su must be careful about this matter!"

Su Yang sighed softly: "It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a curse that cannot be avoided!"

Zhao Dongming also nodded slowly, as if he was also in deep thought.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang suddenly asked, "By the way, Brother Zhao, I only came to Qinghe College not long ago. I heard Fang Mingyuan say just now, what are the rules of Qinghe College? Why did he kill me in Qinghe College? Can't it?"

"Huh?" Zhao Dongming couldn't help but stared at Su Yang in surprise: "Brother Su doesn't know about this?"

Su Yang shook his head, he really didn't know about it.

Zhao Dongming said: "This is the rule of Qinghe College. Within the scope of Qinghe College, law enforcement officers cannot set foot in it. In this area, no matter how many ordinary people are killed by land immortals, the law enforcement officers will not care!"

"Huh?" Although Su Yang had guessed it a long time ago, Zhao Dongming still shocked him when he said it.

"Then this situation, isn't it the same as the Yanbei Su family?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

"Qinghe College is the same as the Yanbei Su Family." Zhao Dongming nodded and said, "Here, it is a pure land outside the control of Heavenly Court, and it is not controlled by law enforcement."

Su Yang suddenly realized that he finally understood what Fang Mingyuan meant by doing that. It turned out to be for this reason.

"But, why can't the teachers in our school go out to deal with Fang Mingyuan when he is out of school?" Su Yang asked.

"This is also the rule of Qinghe College. The land gods of Qinghe College must not hurt people outside of Qinghe College!" Zhao Dongming said.

"Why?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

"I don't know this anymore!" Zhao Dongming said, "This is the rule of Qinghe College. It has been established for many years. No one knows where this rule came from."

"Then Qinghe College, like the Yanbei Su family, is not subject to the control of law enforcement officers?" Su Yang asked.

"I don't know..." Zhao Dongming shrugged again: "I only know that there is this rule. As for the specific reasons, I really don't know."

Su Yang looked at Zhao Dongming, and it was obvious that Zhao Dongming did not tell him the truth. However, Su Yang couldn't ask more. The more he asked, it would only let Zhao Dongming know the less he knew, and then Zhao Dongming would hide more from him.

However, the news he got from Zhao Dongming was enough to make Su Yang shocked by the situation of Qinghe College.

It is not a simple matter to be able to make Heavenly Court concede.

The Yanbei Su family, the gods and demons retreated, because the Yanbei Su family had absolute strength and could compete with the heavenly court, so the heavenly court finally made a compromise.

What about Qinghe College? What kind of deficiencies does Qinghe College have to allow Heavenly Court to make compromises, and law enforcement officials will not set foot in Qinghe College?

Since Qinghe College has such strength, why did they formulate rules so that the land gods of Qinghe College cannot go out of Qinghe College to hurt people? What is the reason for this?

Su Yang was full of doubts, but now he has more doubts about his father Su Ping.

Su Ping must know the situation of Qinghe College, so he let him come to Qinghe College. There must be a big secret in Su Ping, but Su Yang never knew it.

It seemed that after Su Yang entered the next realm and opened the fourth page of the Destiny Book, he could understand these secrets.

Su Yang has now broken through that bottleneck, and his strength will advance by leaps and bounds. However, Su Yang still cannot enter the land immortal realm, because he has too many enemies in that realm. Secondly, that realm is too restrictive, and it is not as simple as Su Yang's current situation.

At least, what Su Yang wants to do now can be done. However, once he enters the land immortal realm, it is not that simple. No matter what he does, the law enforcement officers are staring at him, basically he has lost his freedom.

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