After thinking for a while, Su Yang said solemnly: "Fang Mingyuan, are you sure to let me go? That's all for this matter?"

"I speak in person, don't you believe it?" Fang Mingyuan asked in a deep voice.

Everyone in the Fang family was in an uproar: "Do you still believe what the land **** said to you personally?"

"Surnamed Su, what are you, my old **** said in person, what are you still doing?"

"Do you think everyone is like you, full of bad ideas?"

Su Yang ignored everyone in the Fang family. He slowly nodded and said solemnly: "Fang Mingyuan, since you said that. That's all about it. However, I hope you remember your words. This is nothing to me. Relationship. In the future, the Fang family will not only not be able to seek revenge from me, but also no longer find my relatives and friends!"

"Of course!" Fang Mingyuan said coldly: "Whoever kills Fang Ping, we will find revenge!"

"Good!" Su Yang said loudly: "I hope you remember what you said!"

After that, Su Yang turned around and walked straight back to Qinghe College.

Fang Mingyuan looked at Su Yang from behind. The moment Su Yang walked into the gate of Qinghe Academy, he suddenly rushed out and turned into a white glow before rushing to Su Yang in an instant. When Su Yang was too late to react, he hit Su Yang hard.

Fang Mingyuan almost used all his strength in this blow, and the power was simply terrifying. This time, even if a land fairy ran into it, it was inevitable, let alone Su Yang!

Su Yang flew out nearly a hundred meters away, smashed a sculpture in the distance, and smashed the ground into a big hole before stopping.

Everyone around was dumbfounded, and no one thought that Fang Mingyuan would attack Su Yang from behind!

This is a land immortal, but he said it in public and stopped there, no longer pursued it. As a result, it doesn't count for him to say so?

Fang Mingyuan quickly flew out of the school with one hit.

As soon as he quit, several rays of light appeared where he stood just now. Five people appeared here at the same time, including the dean of education and the math teacher.

The other three are also teachers in this school. Looking at this situation, it is already very obvious that these three teachers are also land gods!

Everyone around was shocked. These teachers are usually ordinary teachers. Who can imagine that these teachers have such strength against the sky?

The dean's expression was cold. He glanced over Su Yang's location, then turned to Fang Mingyuan, and said solemnly: "Fang Mingyuan, you dare to attack and kill the people of Qinghe College in Qinghe College?"

"Hahaha..." Fang Mingyuan raised his head and laughed, "What's wrong? Is it possible that you dare to come out and kill me?"

No matter how cold the dean's face was, the other teachers also had cold faces. Standing at the gate of this school, they are all helpless. No way, they can get out of this school, but they can't kill people outside!

"The rules of Qinghe College are your greatest restraint!" Fang Mingyuan sneered, "And this is also my greatest opportunity. I killed this Su in Qinghe College, even the law enforcers will not control it, hahaha , Didn't you expect it? Did your rules help me after all?"

Many people around were surprised, no one knew what Fang Mingyuan meant? Why in Qinghe College, he killed Su Yang, even the law enforcement officers can't control it?

However, now everyone finally understood why Fang Mingyuan wanted Su Yang to return to Qinghe College. It turned out that he was creating this opportunity.

When Su Yang was outside Qinghe College, he couldn't kill Su Yang, otherwise the law enforcement officers would find him. However, Su Yang entered Qinghe College, it was different, he was waiting for this opportunity.

However, Su Yang didn't know the situation, and really thought Fang Mingyuan wanted to calm the matter. As a result, Fang Mingyuan was attacked behind the scenes and died directly, which is sad.

The instructor gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "You, a land fairy, used such a despicable method to sneak attack on a younger generation of fusion realm. Are you ashamed?"

"This person killed our Fang family, he was supposed to die. If I kill him, what's wrong?" Fang Mingyuan sneered: "This world is originally the weak and the strong, and the weak are killed by the strong. This is normal. Nothing wrong? Why, you have been in Qinghe College for too long, have you forgotten the rules of this world? Do you really think that the rules of Qinghe College can represent the rules of the whole world?"

The dean and the dean were all looking cold. Although they were angry, they really had nothing to do.

At this moment, a muffled hum suddenly came from the dirt pit. Then, a person slowly walked out of the dirt pit.

Everyone saw it clearly, and it was Su Yang who came out. He was in tatters, bleeding in many places, and severely injured. However, he can still walk now, not dead yet!

Fang Mingyuan's eyes almost stared out, he looked at Su Yang in shock, and said in a trembled voice: "This... how is this possible?"

The dean was also stunned. After a while, the dean exclaimed, " are not dead?"

"Of course!" Su Yang smiled lightly: "Where I can die so easily!"

With that, Su Yang flicked the dust off his body, coughed a few times, and vomited a mouthful of blood. However, the wound on his body was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fang Mingyuan's attack just now was terrifying. If you change to an ordinary person, you must be dead.

Su Yang just thought Fang Mingyuan had a problem, so when he entered the school, he was always on guard. The battle armor of the gods was also activated by him, and the little turtle was quietly released by him, biting the battle armor of the gods.

Fang Mingyuan's blow was on the Celestial Armor, and the Celestial Armor absorbed most of the power. Therefore, Su Yang just saved his life. Otherwise, Su Yang would have died long ago!

Even so, Su Yang was seriously injured. He fell into the pit just now and could hardly get up. He heard the conversation between the dean and Fang Mingyuan, and immediately understood why Fang Mingyuan wanted to go back to Qinghe College first, and at the same time, he was even more surprised by the situation in this school.

Fang Mingyuan said just now that he killed Su Yang in Qinghe College, and even the law enforcement officers would not care. No wonder he wanted Su Yang to enter Qinghe College for this purpose, just to escape the scope of law enforcement.

But why is this? He has always been a land immortal, why did he kill Su Yang in Qinghe College without even the law enforcement officers? What is so special about Qinghe College?

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