The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1039: Fang Ping's death

Even though he scolded a few angrily just now, Fang Ping was still scared in the end. He really didn't want to die.

Don't look at him being so heroic in front of others, it is because he knows that he is very strong and has a family background, he can't die.

And now, when he was really threatened with death, he really panicked, he really didn't want to die.

So, he began to pray, wagging his tail like a dog, wanting to let Zhao Dongming let him go.

Zhao Dongming sat beside him, his expression always calm, as if he had not heard Fang Ping's prayer.

Fang Ping was praying at first, but seeing that Zhao Dongming didn't intend to change his mind at all, he was also completely desperate in his heart and couldn't help but began to curse.

Regardless of whether Fang Ping was begging or cursing, Zhao Dongming ignored him and only drank tea slowly.

After about half an hour, Fang Ping panted with curses, Zhao Dongming finally stood up. He smiled and looked at Fang Ping: "Brother Fang, I'm really sorry, I'm going to send you on the road, so bear with me!"

"Zhao Dongming, I X your ancestor..." Fang Ping yelled, and before he could say anything, Zhao Dongming had already shot his hands like lightning, grabbing his cheek. With a twist, his jaw suddenly dislocated. At this time, he couldn't make a sound.

At the same time, Zhao Dongming tapped several acupuncture points on Fang Ping's body one after another, so that Fang Ping didn't even have the strength to struggle.

After doing this, Zhao Dongming just played his clothes, got up and went out, called a few people in, and sent Fang Ping away.

Of course, the person who sent Fang Ping away was not a member of the advanced class. They were all dudes, and these people wouldn't lay down and lift Fang Ping away.

Moreover, Fang Ping is basically half-waste now, even his former subordinates are now anxious to please Zhao Dongming, who will care about him!

Fang Ping was sent away by students from the lower class outside. These people carried Fang Ping to the downstairs and left directly by car.

When the vehicle drove out of the school, it went directly along the road towards the capital.

The location of Qinghe College is relatively remote, and there are several places on this road that are unpopulated.

When passing through one of the unmanned areas, a car suddenly rushed towards him and directly forced Fang Ping's car to a stop.

The driver in the car suddenly yelled: "Damn, I'm sitting in the car with Young Master Fang Ping from Fang's family in Beijing. You dare to run into the car, are you looking for death?"

Fang Ping lying behind heard this, almost vomiting blood. He knew very well that the assassin sent by Zhao Dongming must have been in the car on the opposite side. And the driver also directly said his identity, this is not killing him!

Fang Ping wanted to speak for the driver to drive quickly, but his jaw was dislocated and he couldn't make a sound at all.

The driver got out of the car to clean up the people on the opposite side, but soon there was no movement.

Before the few people in the car could react, a figure rushed over and killed all the people in the car.

Finally, the man looked at Fang Ping lying behind. Without any hesitation, he directly pierced Fang Ping's heart with a sword, and then flew away.

During the whole process, there were no accidents at all. Within a minute, Fang Ping and these people all died tragically here. After that person left, he quickly dived into the woods next to him, quickly fled from here, and never appeared again.

However, this person did not notice that in a small forest not far from this place, a person was watching all this quietly.

This person is Su Yang, he has been following Fang Ping's car, he intends to kill Fang Ping outside.

Su Yang said in the gym before that he would kill Fang Ping, so he would definitely not be let go.

However, I didn't expect that another person would come and kill Fang Ping, which Su Yang did not expect.

He stood behind and witnessed everything. After a moment of silence, he came to the car and took a closer look at the situation of the people in the car.

When he saw Fang Ping's jaw dislocated, his brows suddenly frowned.

After a moment of silence, he sighed softly and whispered: "Zhao Dongming, you are really vicious!"

After that, Su Yang didn't stay here either, and turned back to school.

Anyway, his purpose is to kill Fang Ping, and if Fang Ping is dead, then he doesn't need to do it himself.

As for Zhao Dongming's affairs, Su Yang does not want to care about him for the time being. After all, Su Yang's current goal is to enter the advanced class, and this is consistent with Zhao Dongming's goal.

As for things after entering the advanced class, it is up to everyone to show their magic.

Zhao Dongming wanted to use Su Yang, and Su Yang didn't want to use Zhao Dongming?

The four masters in the advanced class, although Zhao Dongming is Wu Zhuangyuan’s apprentice, it is estimated to be the bottom.

Lu Donglin, Wu Feizhi, Ge Kaiyang, which one is good at?

Su Yang had to face more than just Zhao Dongming. Therefore, Su Yang does not want to tear his face with Zhao Dongming for the time being. After entering the advanced class, there are many things that we have to face formally.

Back at school, Su Yang did not rush back to the dormitory to rest. Instead, he wandered around the school as usual, trying to see if he could find a new ball.

However, after a few turns, Su Yang found nothing in the end. From the beginning to the end, the seven spheres seem to have nothing special at all.

As for other secrets in the school, Su Yang can't investigate it for the time being.

Just as Su Yang was about to return to the dormitory, suddenly, a dog grunting sound came from nearby.

Su Yang turned his head to look, and saw that little yellow dog, not far away, using his paws to dig something, still very vigorous.

This little yellow dog has been following Su Yang for the past two days.

After that incident, Wu Daozi and Yuan Tiangang cheated 10,000 yuan from the students, and they ran away for two days. In this way, Su Yang is taking care of this little yellow dog.

But, what did the little yellow dog ran out to plan here this night?

Su Yang knew that the little yellow dog was definitely not easy, otherwise it would be impossible to clean up the little turtle. But what is the origin of this little yellow dog?

After the little tortoise is a divine beast, it goes without saying that it is powerful. Is the little yellow dog also a beast? But what kind of animal is a dog?

With doubts, Su Yang came to the little yellow dog and found that the little yellow dog was still planing.

Su Yang couldn't help being speechless, squatting down and said: "Hey, Xiao Huang, what are you planning?"

Xiao Huang was the name Su Yang gave to this little guy. The little guy didn't pay any attention to it.

Su Yang was even more speechless. This little guy didn't know what madness was committed, and he didn't bother to pay attention.

Getting up to leave, suddenly, Xiao Huang groaned again. Su Yang looked down and saw something appeared in the soil, like a piece of porcelain.

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