The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1020: It's really bad

The one thing these guys said the most before was that Su Yang himself had no abilities, and relied on his family background to sway the market outside. And such behavior is the most contemptible among the dude circles in the capital!

Everyone looks down on Su Yang, the most important thing is this.

One thing these people often yell at is that the people in the gangster circle in the capital, all speak on their own ability, and never deceive others by their family background!

And now, Su Yang returned to the other body in the same way, and this sentence was directly returned to these dudes in the capital, which can be described as the ultimate relief.

When Zhao Jun stood by and heard this, they all secretly applauded.

The youth's complexion was ugly to the extreme. He mentioned the Ding family and the Zheng family, only to scare Su Yang, so that Su Yang was jealous, and he didn't dare to make any moves. Unexpectedly, Su Yang seized the opportunity instead, and it was naturally embarrassing to be insulted like this.

"Surnamed Su, I don't want to fight these word-of-mouth disputes with you!" The young man gritted his teeth and said: "I have already said what I have said. As long as you are not afraid, you can do it!"

"It must be done..." Su Yang smiled lightly: "I just want to ask, as a friend of the two of them, are you sure you want to stand there and watch me interrupt their dog legs? Yes, not only will I interrupt their legs, but I will also interrupt their hands. I want them to be completely unable to go to school at Qinghe College!"

"Do you dare!" The young man was furious and roared loudly: "Who do you think you are with the surname Su? In the capital, you dare to do such a thing as an enemy to all of us. At that time, you know how many people will come to look for Are you in trouble? Do you think you can get out of Qinghe College alive?"

"It's as if I don't interrupt their hands and feet, you people won't come to me anymore!" Su Yang sneered, grabbed Ding Shao's leg, and said coldly: "Hey, you don't want to come down again. , His leg is really going to be broken!"

The young man clenched his fists and stared at Su Yang for a while, but finally couldn't help it, and jumped directly from the second floor.

"Surnamed Su, you are looking for death!" The young man roared and rushed directly to Su Yang.

Su Yang made two shots just now, in his opinion, luck is the majority. However, no one knows whether Su Yang really has any strength.

He only hopes that Su Yang really has no abilities. If he can defeat Su Yang, of course it would be great. If he was also defeated by Su Yang, at least he would make a move, then he would at least be able to leave a good reputation in the circle of dude in the capital.

However, if he watched Su Yang interrupt the hands and feet of Ding Shao and Zheng Buliang, and he didn't do anything, then he would really be done. He doesn't need to be confused in the dude circles of the capital!

Su Yang's face was calm, facing the young man rushing over aggressively, he still took a step casually. Still using the previous method, it looked like it was luck, and he easily punched the youth in the face.

The youth was actually very careful, he had been guarding against Su Yang. However, his strength was too far behind Su Yang, and he was finally beaten to the ground by Su Yang.

At this time, all three of them were knocked down by Su Yang.

The attendants at the scene also fell silent. The three leaders have fallen, what else can they say?

"It seems that what I'm going to interrupt now is the hands and feet of the three of you!" Su Yang carried the wooden sticks and said coldly: "But you don't have to worry, come one by one, line up, after all, come first, come first!"

After that, Su Yang didn't hesitate, and directly interrupted Ding Shao's hands and feet. Ding Shao roared and rolled on the ground in pain, his appearance was extremely miserable.

Zheng Buliang and the young man next to him were pale with fright. They couldn't think of why Su Yang had such courage. It doesn't matter if you defeat them, and dare to interrupt their hands and feet here, this is simply provoking their family!

"The surname Su, don't go too far!" Zheng Buliang tremblingly said: "My Zheng family is from a family of martial arts, masters are like clouds. You... you interrupt my hands and feet like this, you hit my Zheng family in the face, my Zheng family I will never let you go!"

"Look, you used your family to scare people again!" Su Yang smiled and said, "I guess you are also an inexperienced dude in the capital, right? You don't speak from your family at all. Without your family, what would you be? "

Zheng Buliang's complexion is extremely ugly. It's about this time. Besides relying on his family to scare people, what else does he have?

"You dare to touch me, my Zheng family will never let you go!" Zheng Buliang roared, he has no shame now.

"That's just right, I want to see how capable the Zheng family really is!" Su Yang smiled, and simply interrupted Zheng Buliang's hands and feet.

As for the last young man, Su Yang didn't even bother to talk to him. He just went straight up.

The three dudes in the capital all rolled and screamed on the ground, while everyone around them was dumbfounded.

The defeat of these three dandies by Su Yang was shocking enough in itself. And now, Su Yang also directly interrupted their hands and feet, which made people even more shocked.

By doing this, Su Yang was not only declaring war on the families behind the three big dudes, but also declaring war on the entire capital dude circle.

What kind of background is Su Yang, and why does he dare to do such arrogant things?

Moreover, the most important thing is that this is Qinghe College. Is Su Yang's background useful?

Su Yang had a calm face, as if he had done a very ordinary thing.

He threw the stick aside, glanced at the three dudes, and said softly: "Remember, I interrupted your hands and feet, not because you provoke me, but because you bullied my friend. I am very Simple, if you have anything to do with me, just ask me to solve it, don’t involve people around me. Otherwise, it’s not as simple as resolving these grievances, understand?"

The three of them groaned and didn't speak, and everyone's eyes were full of resentment.

Su Yang didn't care, he walked over and stepped on Ding Shao's broken leg.

"Ah!" Ding Shao let out a scream, convulsing his whole body in pain.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Su Yang asked.

Shao Ding almost died of pain, and now where can he hold on for a little bit, he can only shout: "I heard it, I heard it, I heard it!"

"That's right!" Su Yang moved his foot away and turned to the other two.

The two of them didn't have a spirit, and they shouted at the same time: "I heard, heard, heard!"

Su Yang nodded in satisfaction: "It would be fine if I said no earlier, I have to let me do it. Hey, you guys in the capital, you really owe you a beating!"

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