The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 1016: Hu Xixi contest

"Cheat?" everyone around exclaimed again, what's the situation? Are Wu Daozi and Yuan Tiangang lying to them?

"These two old lamps, every year when new students come, they will do everything they can to cheat money, and then take them to me to repay the debt. Then in the second half of the year, they will owe a debt to me, and the new students will go to cheat money to repay the debt after school starts!" Zhao Biao said directly.

When these words came out, all the students looked at the two teachers, everyone's eyes were like knives, and they wanted to kill these two guys on the spot.

Zhao Biao laughed and said: "You two really know how to play. You come here every year, and you can cheat money every year. It's really interesting. Haha, it turns out that there are fools every year, so don't worry about liars!"

These words are clearly insulting the deceived students. These students almost didn't run away. One student roared: "You two old liars are too shameless to do this kind of thing. It's too much. Return our money to us!"

"Yes, return the money to us!"

"Repay the money!"

Everyone yelled, violently going to grab their money.

Wu Daozi and Yuan Tiangang were surrounded by everyone, and the situation was in crisis. At this moment, Yuan Tiangang suddenly threw the puppy out of his hand, and then shouted: "No, the dog is running away, chase it!"

After that, before everyone came back to their senses, he and Wu Daozi rushed out like arrows from the string. The two men didn't chase the dog, but ran wildly, making it clear that they wanted to escape.

These people at the scene were stunned. They still underestimated the two old lamps. They didn't expect them to be so shameless. In the end, everyone could only watch the two old lamps run away, and it was impossible to chase them.

As for the puppy, he didn't run at all. After landing, he ran directly to Su Yang's feet, swaying his tail and leaving Harazi looking at Su Yang.

Su Yang was speechless for a while, these two old bastards, even if they ran away, they left the dog behind. This made it clear that he wanted to arrange food for the dog.

There was a commotion around the students, and Zhao Biao led people to chase them out in a hurry. Although Su Yang himself was helpless, he still had to take the puppy to the restaurant. After all, a puppy is innocent!

At this moment, Zhao Jun walked over from the crowd and whispered: "Brother Yang, how is it, did you come in time?"

Su Yang smiled and nodded. In fact, he asked Zhao Jun to call Zhao Biao. He saw that these two old lamps were going to suppress him here with public opinion, so he quietly passed on to Zhao Jun and asked Zhao Jun to call Zhao Biao, and directly dismantled these two old lamps on the spot. Otherwise, Su Yang would really not be able to clean them up.

Taking the puppy to the restaurant, everyone once again saw the puppy's appetite, Zhao Jun and the others were dumbfounded.

After eating, Zhao Jun and the others went out first. Su Yang packed a bag of spare ribs and returned to the dormitory. He had to feed the little turtle first.

The puppy followed Su Yang. This guy was full of food and drink, but still not satisfied. Looking at the posture, he was still waiting for Su Yang to take out the spirit grass.

This time the little tortoise ate the ribs, but the puppy didn't grab it. After the little tortoise had finished eating, Su Yang took out five more vermillion fruit, ate two for the puppy and one for the little tortoise. These two guys were satisfied.

The puppy was lying on the side of the bed, and the little turtle was lying on Su Yang's shoulders, all asleep.

Su Yang looked speechless, these two little guys really fell asleep after eating.

Sitting cross-legged, Su Yang slowly swam away his true energy. During this time, he didn't use the Spirit Gathering Array to practice anymore.

Once he had entered a bottleneck period, it was difficult to break through, and he could not break through by absorbing aura. Secondly, this Qinghe College is everywhere weird, and Su Yang didn't dare to use the Spirit Gathering Array indiscriminately, for fear of stunning the snake.

After sitting still for more than an hour, Su Yang opened his eyes, and he faintly felt a threshold. However, it can never be touched, and it cannot be crossed over.

Although Su Yang did not reach Qi Zhishan's realm, he knew very well that he couldn't reach Qi Zhishan's realm because he could not cross this threshold.

Or, the reason why a person like Beigong war **** Wu Zhuangyuan can kill land immortals with his venerable is because of this threshold. What Su Yang needs to do now is to cross this threshold as soon as possible. Otherwise, he can't be the opponent of Beigong God of War and Wu Zhuangyuan!

And after this threshold, it might be the Great Perfection realm that Ye Jiansheng said!

The sudden ringing of the telephone directly awakened Su Yang from his contemplation.

After answering the phone, Zhao Jun's nervous voice came from the phone: "Brother Yang, it's not good, something has happened, Hu Xiaohua is going to compete with others!"

"Huh?" Su Yang frowned: "Who is fighting against?"

Zhao Jun said anxiously: "Several people in the advanced class are all students from the capital..."

"What!?" Su Yang stood up directly, his face suddenly changed.

Those who can enter the advanced class are not ordinary people. Although Hu Xixi's strength is not weak, she still has some gaps compared with those in the advanced class. Why did she run to fight with the advanced class?

"Where do you compete?" Su Yang asked in a deep voice.

"Gymnasium!" Zhao Jun said anxiously: "We're almost there, come on!"

Su Yang rushed out of the room without saying anything, and went straight to the gymnasium.

The distance from the dormitory area to the gymnasium is not close. In broad daylight, Su Yang did not dare to shock the world, and tried to suppress the speed to the same level. By the time he arrived at the gym, it was already five minutes later.

When he got here, Su Yang heard a sneer voice from a distance: "You still want to fight with us because of a few trash. You don't pee and take your own way. What qualifications do you have to stand here and talk? What is it? Dare to let me stop? Now that I am standing in front of you, let me just say stop!"

Su Yang had already walked to the door at this time, and saw Hu Xixi lying on the edge of the ring from a distance, bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, and his injuries were serious.

Beside the ring, Zhao Junlin, Dawei and Wang Cheng, and even the dark horses, were also limp on the ground. And a handsome young man was stepping on Zhao Jun's face at this moment, pointing at Zhao Jun and cursing.

A piece of Zhao Jun's chest was sunken, and his rib was obviously broken. But he still gritted his teeth and insisted: "A man, fighting a girl, even if he wins, it is nothing. I let you stop, just can't understand you bullying the girl!"

"Girl?" The young man laughed wildly: "Huh, in our capital city, there is no distinction between men and women, only the difference in strength. She is not my opponent. What if I beat her? I will let her tonight. She has to be honest and obedient to me, don’t you understand?”

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