The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 101: Raise sword

In the villa, after dinner, Su Yang went upstairs alone.

Su Xia has been with Qier Tianwai, the two little girls hit it off right away, and now they have become very good friends.

Qi'er is also good at cooking. She takes care of all the housework, which makes Su Yang a lot more convenient.

The villa has three floors, and the third floor is more than 170 square meters, all of which are Su Yang alone.

Su Yang first set up a small restriction, everything that happened on the third floor will be isolated on the third floor, and people outside will never feel anything. In this way, Su Yang can practice well here.

Sitting cross-legged, Su Yang first took out the Jiuhan Jade Sword that Master Fang gave him.

According to the records of the Destiny Book, Jiuhan Jade is considered a mysterious material, and it should be very rare on the entire earth. And this entire Jiuhan Jade Sword is even more unimaginable.

Of course, this Jiuhan Jade Sword in the hands of ordinary people is actually similar to an air conditioner. Only in the realm of Lingji can you begin to use the Jiuhan Jade Sword. And only at the profound level can the power of the Nine Cold Jade Sword be fully utilized.

Su Yang is now considered the pinnacle of Qi refining, but there is still a gap between the realm of Lingji. However, he is not completely unable to use this Jiuhan Jade Sword. Although he could not exert the power of the Nine Cold Jade Sword, he still used it as an ordinary sword on the spot.

Turning over the Destiny Book, Su Yang found the part of the Yujian Jue and remembered the Yujian Jue in his heart.

Yujian Jue is a kind of ability to use the true energy in the body to impose the sword. In layman's terms, it is called flying swordsmanship.

To use this secret method, you must first have a close connection with the sword, so that the sword can communicate with your own mind.

When you reach the pinnacle of the fusion realm, when the zhenqi in the body can be in harmony with the world, you can use the zhenqi in the body to resonate with the sword, so that the sword can communicate with your own mind.

Su Yang's current realm is still a little far away from the peak of fusion. However, there is another secret method for raising swords recorded in the Destiny Book, which can be used in his current realm.

This secret method of raising swords is to raise the sword with one's own essence and blood, so as to achieve the method of communicating with the sword.

It's just that to use this method, it takes a little bit of time, and it doesn't happen overnight. Some people may take a month, some may take a year, and some may even take a few years.

Anyway, Su Yang picked up the Jiuhan Jade Sword, cut his fingers, and dripped blood on it.

Under the urging of the secret method, the blood slowly soaked into the Jiuhan Jade Sword. The Jiuhan Jade Sword emitted a faint light. At this moment, Su Yang only felt that there was something suddenly in his heart. However, it was a fleeting moment, so Su Yang had no time to capture this feeling.

Su Yang knew that if he could capture this feeling, then his sword raising would be a success. This matter can be met but not sought!

Putting away the Jiuhan Jade Sword, this sword-raising thing can only be done once every twelve hours.

Then, Su Yang went around the room a few times, keeping the overall situation of the room in mind.

The feng shui of the area where the Longshuiwan villa area is located is quite good, but because too many houses have been built here, the feng shui aura has been dissipated.

The best way for Su Yang to use these auras to cultivate is to gather these auras with a gathering array.

And this Spirit Gathering Array is not a one-off, it's just a magic array, set up in this room, it will continuously absorb the surrounding spiritual energy.

According to the records of the Tianming Baodian, some Taoist Buddhist sects will use this kind of gathering spirit formation to condense all the nearby auras into the sect, and it will become the so-called cave world.

But the people of the magic gate would not use this method, the people of the magic gate used the spiritual formation, which can forcibly take in the spiritual energy. This method is too overbearing, any living thing that accidentally enters the range of the spiritual circle will be consumed by spiritual energy and die.

Moreover, the aura absorbed in this way is more complex, not suitable for laying a solid foundation!

Su Yang's cultivation is based on the practice of the Taoist Buddhism. With Motun Tianxia, ​​he doesn't need a spiritual formation at all. Therefore, he only needs to set up the Spirit Gathering Formation in this room and temper the foundation.

According to the records of the Destiny Book, Su Yang drew a few charms and posted them on several places in the room. Su Yang sat cross-legged in the middle, closing his eyes to gather the spirit formation silently, and those spells suddenly began to shine, and this area was all shrouded in light.

It didn't take long for Su Yang to feel a burst of aura gathering around him.

Su Yang practiced for half an hour, the light on the amulets was completely dimmed, and the spiritual energy disappeared directly.

"After all, it's just ordinary spells, it can't be used for a long time." Su Yang waved his hand to erase those spells, and whispered softly: "If you can find some top-quality jade, you can set up a fixed spirit gathering formation, it won't be so troublesome. "

In the evening, Su Yang and Su Xia lived in this villa. Early the next morning, Su Yang received a call from her stepmother Zhao Xuefen.

"Xiao Yang, I bought some vegetables and went home for dinner at noon." Zhao Xuefen's voice was unprecedentedly kind, after all, Su Yang is no longer what it used to be.

"I still have something to do at noon..." Su Yang wanted to shirk, he didn't bother to go back to see Zhao Xuefen.

"Hey, Little Yangzi!" A slightly neutral voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone, with a vicious tone: "You must be home at 12 noon, or you will be dead!"

Hearing this voice, Su Yang couldn't help laughing: "Sister Fei, you are back!"

"Knowing that sister is back, don't come back to pick you up soon!"

"Remember to bring your sister back, your sister and boyfriend will come over at noon, and the family will gather together." Zhao Xuefen shouted beside her.

"Mom, why are you talking nonsense, that's just my colleague!"

Su Yang smiled faintly: "No problem, I will be home on time at noon!"

Putting down the phone, Su Yang still had a smile on his face.

This sister Fei, named Chen Fei, is the elder sister of Chen Zhien, the child born to Zhao Xuefen and her ex-husband.

Five years older than Su Yang, he has been a boy since childhood. The relationship with Su Yang is very good, but the relationship with his younger brother Chen Zhien is not so good.

Su Yang was bullied at school in his early years. It was Chen Fei who helped Su Yang in a fight. Therefore, Su Yang has the best relationship with her.

Chen Fei is now working in the provincial capital, and not many come back. Su Yang hadn't seen her for three years, but he didn't expect that she would have to take her boyfriend home. However, she has reached the age to get married.

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