Facts have proved that there is a big difference between the lives of rich people and poor people.

Some people go to work and school in luxury cars every morning, while others have to squeeze into buses and subways every morning.

When the two parties ask each other, the former will wonder why some people take the bus or subway to work, and the latter will wonder... the idiot in front is definitely showing off.

In fact, it is not showing off, but the different living environment has created a different cognitive system.

Looking at Bei Ruyan, who suddenly became a little cute in front of him, Su Moyuan couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart. I don't know if this girl did it on purpose or what to make the skewers sound so colorful.

Not much.

A few scallops, a few pork, a few squids, and a few dishes.

I just drank red wine, so it is obviously not suitable to drink beer now.

I ordered a large glass of iced watermelon juice. After all the dishes were served, Bei Ruyan's eyes, which were originally like a curious baby, were even more round.

"What is this... thing?"

Seeing that Bei Ruyan's expression didn't seem fake, Su Moyuan asked doubtfully,"You've never eaten something like this before?"


Bei Ruyan shook her head gently:"When I usually eat, my family arranges it for me."

"Well, try it, it's delicious."

Su Moyuan took a vermicelli scallop in front of her.

Looking at Su Moyuan's appearance, Bei Ruyan thought for a while, picked up a string of grilled squid, and had some hesitation on her face.

To be honest.

These things in front of her are a bit black and ugly.

Not delicate at all.

And it always looks like a dark cuisine.

Can this thing really be eaten?

Bei Ruyan actually rejected it in her heart.

Looking at Su Moyuan eating the vermicelli scallop elegantly.

Bei Ruyan took a deep breath.

It's okay, Bei Ruyan.

Don't worry.

Su Moyuan won't hurt you.

How could the person you like hurt you?

One bite!

Just a small bite!

If it doesn't suit your taste, don't eat it!

After comforting herself in this way, Bei Ruyan... Ruyan took a deep breath, then slightly opened her red lips and bit down slowly.



Bei Ruyan, who ate a squid tentacle, originally thought that the taste would be very bad.

But after just chewing it a few times, the whole person was suddenly stunned.

This taste... seems to be quite good!

Sour, salty, and spicy.

And this squid seems to be very chewy.


Bei Ruyan's eyes lit up and she quickly grabbed a few more skewers.

It was like a child who discovered a new world. Even when eating, he didn't care about his image.

The meal was not eaten quickly.

Bei Ruyan added a lot later.

Two hours, ten o'clock in the evening.

Bei Ruyan half-collapsed in the chair with a satisfied look on his face, gently patting his belly.

"So full, so full, so full"

"Su Moyuan, is this what it means to eat skewers?"

Looking at Bei Ruyan's expression, Su Moyuan chuckled and nodded:"Yes."

"How about we get together next time when we have time?"


Although there is nothing wrong with this statement

, in a sense, it seems inexplicably... a bit seductive?

"Let's go, I'll go pay the bill...Ah!"

Just when Su Moyuan stood up and was about to go to the shop owner to pay the bill, she might not have seen it, or she might not have paid attention.

A man holding a plate and looking at the man next to him bumped into her.

She screamed.

Her originally clean and white clothes were instantly stained with oil!

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