"Chu Qingkuang, shut up!"

Seeing the person insulting herself and Su Moyuan beside her, Bei Ruyan's face suddenly turned cold and she said to the person unceremoniously:

"It's been such a long time since we last met. I thought Uncle Chu had sent you to the army for training."

"I didn't expect him to still be so foul-mouthed!"

Looking at Chu Qingkuang in front of him, Bei Ruyan showed a trace of disdain on her face, and snorted coldly at Chu Qingkuang who was gradually approaching her:

"Is this what you were taught in the army?"

"Hey, Ruyan, why are you so fierce?"

Seeing Bei Ruyan's cold expression, Chu Qingkuang chuckled and said,"After all, we are an engaged couple, and we have slept together countless times in our dreams."

"We are already an old couple, there is no need to be so fierce."

Chu Qingkuang's face showed a sad expression, but his eyes were full of amusement:

"What's more, these nights when you're not by my side, all I can see when I close my eyes is your breasts, your legs, your body."

"Oh, yes, there is one more now."

Chu Qingkuang looked at Su Moyuan beside Bei Ruyan, and looked at the slender white legs under the hot pants, which seemed to be longer, more upturned and more beautiful than Bei Ruyan's.

He couldn't help licking his lips:"Now there is another figure of such a beauty in my mind."

Seeing Chu Qingkuang like this, Bei Ruyan felt disgusted:

"If Uncle Chu knew what you were like, he would definitely catch you and give you two good slaps!"

"You don't need to worry about whether my dad will catch me or slap me."

Chu Qingkuang chuckled, looked up and down at Bei Ruyan and Su Moyuan, and said with a wicked smile:"But you, my fiancée"

"I've been dating you for half a year. When are you going to sleep with me?"

Chu Qingkuang didn't care at all about his humiliation of Bei Ruyan.

After all, he had been playing with women since he was fifteen years old, and there was basically no woman he couldn't get within three days.

Those who said they were not that kind of person just didn't spend enough money.

Those who said they didn't like her just didn't experience how big he was.

In his opinion, women are animals who say one thing and mean another.

However, Bei Ruyan is an exception.

Although people outside say that Bei Ruyan likes women, he just covets Bei Ruyan's body.

If soft means don't work, then use hard means!

In addition, there is a business marriage between his family and Bei Ruyan's family.

Chu Qingkuang wanted to ravage Bei Ruyan so much!

Thinking of Bei Ruyan begging for mercy under him, Chu Qingkuang felt an inexplicable itch in his heart.

"So Ruyan, look at your legs and feet, they are so smooth and beautiful."

"If I give it to others, they can only play with it for one year, but if I give it to myself, I can play with it for a lifetime!"

"Besides, my physical strength is not bad at all. If it doesn't work, you can get a room with me and try it."

Speaking of this, Chu Qingkuang turned to Su Moyuan and said:

"Of course, I will never refuse this beautiful lady."

"There just so happens that there are rooms upstairs here, let's go get one and make love tonight?"

Chu Qingkuang had an evil smile on his face:"We'll sleep together tonight, and I want to do it thirteen times a night!"

Hearing this, Nan Puti, who was originally standing in the crowd, couldn't help it.

He stepped forward and said in a cold voice:"Chu Qingkuang, keep your mouth shut.……"


Before Nan Puti could finish, a loud and clear slap sounded in the box.

"I fart your mother!"

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