There are still many places to rest around the West Lake.

Teahouses, coffee shops, KFC, etc.

I just found a teahouse that looked similar, and ignored the exclamations of the people in the teahouse. I found a seat by the window and sat down.

The flower and fruit tea tasted good, sour and sweet, and I liked it very much.

Su Moyuan didn't care about the other people in the teahouse taking pictures of her and pointing fingers at her.

Or rather, she didn't want to care. Sometimes, caring too much will make you live very tired.

The man and woman just now were disgusting.

It's okay for the woman to be self-righteous.

Even the man was resentful of his wife. Because of a little temptation from others, he could beat up his wife who was with him day and night.

Su Moyuan looked down on it.

But Su Moyuan didn't want to care about all this.

After all, everyone has their own life.

When the resentment accumulates, it will naturally cause a qualitative change in your attitude towards your partner.

I can't hear the central drama of the teahouse.���What was being sung was some Peking opera.

It was quite nice.

Judging from the clothes and the character, it seemed to be the Legend of the White Snake.

I didn't think much about it, and I was too lazy to think about it.

I sipped my tea gently, the tone of Peking opera echoed in my ears, and I looked up at my system panel.

Maybe because the finished picture has not been released yet, the system task has not been settled for me.

But when I thought that after completing this task, I would be one step closer to the next level, I felt a little worried. The gain was that I could finally take off the special props (chest). The loss was that if I reached level 8, this proud curve might not be there.

The mask will really blend into the face after wearing it for a long time.

Which girl doesn't want to have a proud body curve.

Although I did have some resistance at the beginning, after a long time, I really felt reluctant.

Dinglingling—— the doorbell rang, and Nan Puti and Da Bing, who were dealing with the aftermath, followed in.

Looking at the pretty woman sitting there quietly sipping tea, Nan Puti chuckled and walked forward:

"The police have been called and the couple has been taken away by the police."

"But there is still a little bit of disturbance. After all, such a popular poison goddess on the Internet actually seduced other men in front of others. I am afraid that many people will scold you afterwards."

Su Moyuan had thought about this before doing it.

He chuckled and said indifferently:"Let them scold me. I can't make everyone like me."

"It's good that you can think so open-mindedly."

Nan Bodhi sighed, and then handed the SLR in his hand to Su Moyuan:"Take a look at the film, I will do the post-production for you when I go back."

It must be said that Nan Bodhi's photography skills are really good.

At least when he knew that there was no beauty function in the SLR camera, he could still take such a fair-skinned and beautiful picture of himself.

"Come on, that's all because of your good foundation."

After hearing Su Moyuan's words, Nan Puti chuckled and took a sip of tea:"Don't say it's me, any photographer with a little foundation can achieve this effect."

"All right."

Su Moyuan chuckled and put the SLR camera back in her hand:"How long will it take to produce the finished product?"

"The film is very good, and post-production is simple. It will be processed for you in three days."

"OK, I'll come to you in three days."

"In return, could you please agree to one of my requests?"


"Rejection before you even hear it?"

"It's definitely not a good thing."

"You said the same thing when we decided to take the photo."

"Then tell me"

"I want to invite you to dinner."

"to be honest"

"There are a few friends in H City who want to meet you.……"

"It's not a good thing.……"

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