It was quite interesting to chat with Hua Ling'er.

At least she was one of the few people in the whole university who could talk to me normally.

……Or at least, he is one of the rare people around me who looks normal.

We played two rounds of King together and advanced to Diamond together.

Maybe it was because I reached a height that I had never reached before, and suddenly I felt that this game had become a bit boring.

I hung up the phone, put the phone aside, and quietly looked at the body under the bubbles in the bathtub.

It was really big, bigger than I had ever imagined.

If I could meet Lin Wanwan again, I don’t know whose is more magnificent.

When she was a child, Su Moyuan also fantasized about her body becoming an S-shaped curve.

But imagination is just imagination after all.

It is far less stimulating than the real touch and visual impact.

Smooth skin, white and warm.

Flat belly, light and charming.

The wasteland below the navel... wasteland...

Su Moyuan;"……"


The remaining [Body Potion (50%)】Already got it.

At least the problem of skin color difference can be solved.

When I was outside, I didn't feel it too obvious.

Lying in the bathtub, the light was turned on, and the black and white were clear.

It was still a pink potion, and it still had a sticky taste.

The scent of roses lingered between the teeth.

I quite like the taste.

Compared with the one I drank on the plane, this one didn't make me feel very sleepy.

Moreover, Su Moyuan also wanted to see how this body potion made her skin so smooth and white.

After staring for a long time, there was no response.

I was a little suspicious whether I had drunk a fake medicine, and wanted to stand up and get out of the water to have a look.


Just when Su Moyuan was about to stand up, she was stunned.

She had clearly tried hard, but why... her legs couldn't move?

Looking at her legs lying quietly in the bathtub, Su Moyuan frowned slightly.

She propped herself up with both hands and tried again.

Still no use.

"What's going on?"

Limped leg?

Absolutely impossible.

Could it be... a problem with the efficacy of the medicine?

I picked up the small test tube containing the body medicine again and looked at it carefully. Only then did I find a line of very, very small handwriting at the mouth of the bottle.

【There may be adverse reactions after taking it, and the reaction time is uncertain. Please don't panic, it will be fine after the effect of the medicine. 】

Looking at this series of prompts, I don't know why.

Su Moyuan suddenly thought of the small line of words"Pictures are for reference only" on the instant noodles package. It's just as inconspicuous, and it makes people want to complain.

""Su Hong!"

The female vocal cords sounded very nice. Even if it was just such a scream, Su Moyuan felt a little more enjoyable.

Tie Hanhan was not as stupid as she imagined. At least he could open the door with his hands.

Looking at Su Hong, Su Moyuan pointed at her legs and said to her,"Carry me out."

Looking at the water surface with bubbles floating on it, Tie Hanhan hesitated for a rare moment and said to Su Moyuan four words that made her despair:

"I am not waterproof"


The bathroom was quite quiet.

The only sound was probably the dripping sound of water vapor condensing.

Their eyes met, one calm, the other shocked.

The word"not waterproof" made Su Moyuan not know how to respond. After carefully looking at Su Hong, he sighed in his heart:

"Forget it, you go out."

I had never thought that Tiehanhan was not waterproof.

Even if I helped her stand up, I couldn't use my lower body, and Su Hong couldn't hold me up.

What else can I do? Just keep soaking!

Just treat it as replenishing water.

I felt a little depressed and helpless.

I took my phone and swiped it casually.

At this moment, a message suddenly popped up in my QQ high school classmates group.

"Mina-san! I'm starting a live show today! Come over here and help me gain popularity! I love you guys~ Here's the address……"

A pink rabbit avatar eating a carrot flashed in the class group and said something like this.

Seeing this message, Su Moyuan raised her eyebrows:

"Qin Lili?"

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