What Chen Kexing said to himself in the office was right.

He was only 18 years old, and he was still too young.

There were many things that he could not be ruthless about, and he could not be ruthless.

But people have to change after all.

Although the 67% shares of Fanghua Group are just a small reward from the system.

But from this small reward alone, we can see a lot of things.

It is easy to see that a person is really good to another person. It is difficult to judge whether a person is pretending to be good to another person.

Chen Kexing's suggestion has to be considered, but it also takes a process.

Although Su Hong is around, things like getting rid of annoying flies still need others to do.

Su Hong is very iron, and Su Hong is very simple.

Some things are not suitable for a iron and simple person to handle.

The first-class cabin of the flight to H City is more comfortable than the last flight to Linhai.

The seats are good, and you can lie down with your legs stretched out.

The treatment has also been greatly improved.

The fruits are imported, and the snacks have changed from small bags of peanuts to large bags of nuts.

The Coke in the disposable plastic cup at hand was also replaced with an aluminum can with the word"juice" engraved in English.

He Feng happened to be on this flight, also in the first class, but at this moment he didn't dare to look directly at Su Moyuan's beautiful legs resting on the footrest.

It is really beautiful.

But the premise is that you have the life to see it.

To be a younger brother, you must act like a younger brother.

Glancing at He Feng who was sitting there, Su Moyuan turned his eyes to the window with boredom.

The scenery above the clouds and the scenery below the clouds are still very different.

Looking up from below, it is cloudy and rainy.

Looking down from above, it is a sea of clouds and a clear sky.

I took a few photos of the sea of clouds with my mobile phone, saved them, and looked up at the system.

In the full bonus state, the amount of more than 500 per minute jumped.

In a few minutes, there will be an extra zero in my deposit. However, this did not solve Su Moyuan's urgent needs.

To upgrade from level 7 to level 8, the required zeros are still a bit too many.

【Body Potion (50%)】Still lying quietly in the system warehouse.

I asked the flight attendant for a thin blanket, fearing that there would be some surprising changes on my body after using the potion. Fortunately, I was covered with a blanket.

In the small test tube, there was a potion that looked a bit like quicksand.

Pink quicksand, not to mention it was pretty.

But beautiful as it was, the moment Su Moyuan saw this thing, the question that flashed through her mind was whether this thing could be drunk.

There was no point in arguing, so she poured it directly into her mouth.

It was a bit sticky and a bit mushy.

The taste was good, with a faint rose scent.

Swallowed it, and the fragrance lingered in her mouth.

But after a moment, a very strong sense of sleepiness suddenly hit me.

It felt like it might be the effect of the potion. Before Su Moyuan could react, her head tilted and she fell asleep. He Feng, who might have sensed Su Moyuan's movements, turned his head and looked across a corridor and Su Hong.

The girl was very beautiful.

Her eyelashes were very long.

Her eyes were slightly trembling with a slight tremor, which was very beautiful.

A straight nose.

Jelly-like lips.

A face that is more high-end than any internet celebrity.

As if she is a favorite of God.

I have to say that Su Moyuan's aloof look really looks like a queen.

I have to say that Su Moyuan, who is sleeping soundly on Su Hong's shoulder, really looks like a child.

Two strong contrasts, even He Feng had never thought of it.

Compared with the physical desire, He Feng, who just saw this side of Su Moyuan, didn't know why. His heart, which had been calm for a long time due to indulgence, beat.

At that moment, he suddenly had the idea of gently stroking this face.

At that moment, he suddenly had the idea of wanting to protect this beautiful idea...


His eyes were like needles, and his back was cold.

Looking at Su Hong's cold eyes, He Feng immediately turned his face to the side.

At the same time, he cursed in his heart.

What the hell is guarding!

Just be a little brother!

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