My original appearance was short hair like now.

Among the people I know, I am afraid that no one has ever seen me with long hair except for those few others.

No one would think that the tomboy Su Moyuan would be the same person as the poison goddess on the Internet.

But now, when Chen Kexing said this.

Su Moyuan suddenly felt that she seemed to be exposed.

I don’t know what went wrong.

But at this moment, Su Moyuan clearly felt as if she was peeled off and exposed to others without any residue.



The sound of the heartbeat was a little loud.

I don’t know if it was because of the squeezing of the corset or something else.

A strong sense of discomfort rose from the bottom of my heart.

All the hairs on my skin stood up as if they had encountered a warning. I felt a little nauseous. I felt a little sick.

Compared with the excitement of going out in women’s clothes for the first time, this feeling was closer to... despair.

Even Su Moyuan forgot to breathe at this moment.

As if he didn't notice Su Moyuan's strangeness, Chen Kexing smiled gently, pointed to the chair in front of his desk, and said with a smile:"Sit down first, I'll go get you a glass of water."

"But Xiao Yuan, to be honest, compared to your current outfit, I still prefer the outfit you wore in the photo you sent me when signing the contract."

Chen Kexing, who was getting water from the water dispenser with his back to Su Moyuan, spoke slowly:"Long hair, long skirt, intellectual, polite"

"Just the aura alone is more intimidating than the tomboyish attire now."

"After all, compared to a tomboy, the temperament of a queen can make people feel more suffocated."

The sound of water from the water dispenser falling into the paper cup was a little loud.

In the quiet office, it entered her ears very clearly.

Hearing Chen Kexing's words, Su Moyuan was slightly stunned, and soon reacted.

It was not that she was exposed.

It was just that the system used her identity as a poison goddess to buy the Fanghua Group.

Disguising as a man is a beautiful misunderstanding.

At least it can explain why she sometimes has long hair and sometimes short hair.

A 100-point beauty deliberately humiliates herself and dresses up as a tomboy. It can be for fun or to cover up.

But a tomboy, dressed up as a 100-point beauty, will only be regarded as vain.

Society is so unfair.

The lemonade tastes good.

At least it can drive away the discomfort in her body before.

Looking at Su Moyuan who drank it all in one gulp, Chen Kexing showed a doting smile on his face.

"Don't be in a hurry, drink slowly"

"I was thinking that if you came here today, I could let you meet with some important employees from the following departments, but since you are dressed like this today, why don’t we change the time?"

The impression of the first meeting is very important.

Su Moyuan and Chen Kexing both understood this.

Su Moyuan nodded:"Okay, Mr. Chen, everything is up to you."

"Also, Mr. Chen, there is something I need your help with."

"What's wrong?"

"that is……"

Su Moyuan hesitated for a moment and said,"Although I have bought the shares of Fanghua Group, I still hope that you will handle the real power management."

"I have a title and I just want to get a share of the profits."

After all, it was just a system reward.

Su Moyuan couldn't give up the subsequent rewards of the entire system for a reward.

Chen Kexing laughed:"I thought of this a long time ago. I asked you to come here today because I just wanted to talk about this matter."

"Since our ideas collide, I won't say anything more."

"Now, let's talk about another thing."

As he spoke, Chen Kexing took out a folder from the drawer beside him and gently pushed it in front of Su Moyuan:

"What are you going to do about Huo Gang?"

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