Qian Duoduo had also heard Wang Hao talk about Su Moyuan who appeared in Yu Lei International before.

But Qian Duoduo is not the real household owner after all, he is someone else's canary.

The authority is not that great, so it is naturally impossible to find out whether Su Moyuan has a house in Yu Lei International.

However, Qian Duoduo felt that the girl who could be favored by a poor boy like Wang Hao must also be very poor. She must have found a sponsor like himself!

However, there is a difference between canaries!

For a guy like Su Moyuan who is neither male nor female, the taste of her sponsor must be quite unique.

Probably not a high-end person.

With his hands folded across his chest, Qian Duoduo curled the corners of his mouth slightly:"Believe it or not, I only need to say a word, and the security here can beat you out like a dog?"

Hearing what Qian Duoduo said, Su Moyuan was not angry, but raised her eyebrows slightly:


"Oh, if the place where I live is a doghouse, then soon, the entire Fanghua Group will become a doghouse."

"And you will become a dog here."

After all, she is now the big boss of Fanghua Group. If the place where she lives is really a doghouse, then isn't this old lady in front of her worse than a dog?

"Who are you calling a dog?!"

Qian Duoduo was instantly furious and raised his hand to slap Su Moyuan.

Su Moyuan, who had integrated the [Grappling Technique], saw the other party like this, grabbed the wrist that was hitting him, and said in a cold voice:"What are you doing?"

"Let go!"

Qian Duoduo didn't expect Su Moyuan to grab him all of a sudden. He wanted to break free but couldn't. He quickly shouted to Wang Hao beside him:

"Wang Hao, you bastard, you are not going to help me just because your ex-girlfriend is bullying me like this, right?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Hao was startled and rushed up quickly:"Su Moyuan, let go!"

As he spoke, he threw a punch at Su Moyuan.

Seeing Wang Hao's punch, Su Moyuan's originally playful heart suddenly turned cold.

Even in her eyes, a hint of coldness appeared.

It is despicable for a man to hit a woman.

What's more, she is the other party's ex-girlfriend.

In this case...


With a muffled sound, Wang Hao, who had rushed over, was kicked away by Su Moyuan.

He rolled to the side, rolled down the stairs, and wailed.

Looking at Wang Hao, who became like this just by being kicked in the stomach, Su Moyuan showed a hint of disdain on his face:


Then, she turned to look at Qian Duoduo in front of her.

As if sensing the coldness in Su Moyuan's eyes, Qian Duoduo trembled slightly:"You...what are you going to do?""


With a crisp sound, a clear and loud slap sounded directly on Qian Duoduo's face.

Looking at Qian Duoduo with a red handprint on his cheek, Su Moyuan said coldly:

"Old aunt, if you are a canary, you must act like a canary. You know who you will be pitted by doing this."

After saying that, Su Moyuan gently loosened Qian Duoduo's wrist.

Perhaps because of the unstable center of gravity, Qian Duoduo fell to the ground the moment Su Moyuan loosened her hand.

Seeing that Su Moyuan not only slapped him but also called him an old aunt, Qian Duoduo was immediately furious:

"Security guards! What the hell are you still standing there for? Didn't you see her bullying the employees of Fanghua? Get her out of here!"

The security guards came over immediately after hearing this.

"Hit me! Hit me hard!"

"I must beat her until her parents don’t recognize her anymore!"

"I will take responsibility if anything goes wrong!"

Qian Duoduo screamed with a vicious look on his face.

"Are you responsible? Can you take this responsibility?"

At this moment, a cold voice came from behind.

A woman in a professional suit and high heels walked over from the back seat of a Maybach.

Her status and aura were all noble!

"Secretary Xu!"

Seeing the person coming, many security guards shouted.

Ignoring these security guards, Xu Qing looked at Qian Duoduo seriously, and then went directly to Su Moyuan.

The next second...

Xu Qing suddenly bowed deeply to Su Moyuan in front of her:

"Mr. Su! My subordinates are not good at management. Please forgive me!"

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