"Gold lipstick? What is this?"

Seeing the shocked expressions of many school leaders and girls present, several boys turned around and asked the students next to them.

"I don't know, golden lipstick? Isn't that just rare gold foil?"

"Humph, you look so ignorant."

At this moment, a girl glanced at them and snorted to explain:"Fanghua Group is the largest beauty group in Nanzhou, and its financing has reached more than 1 billion."

"The golden lipstick represents the power and nobility of the Fanghua Group."

"It can even be said that whoever can control the golden lipstick will be the biggest boss of the entire Fanghua Group!"

"At that time, whether it is money or connections, you can mobilize them at will!"

Hearing this, several boys' eyes widened instantly.

"How many billions did you raise?"

"One billion?!"

"Holy shit! So many?"

"No, shouldn't the point be that the CEO of Fanghua Group wants to give the 1 billion directly to Su Moyuan?"

"Could it be that……"

"No way?!"

I thought I was numb to seeing so many shareholders of the school and bigwigs from the business community coming over.

But when Chen Kexing, the president of Fanghua Group, came over, these school leaders and the second generation still couldn't bear it.

Chen Kexing!

That's the famous Chen Kexing in Nanzhou!

One of the top ten richest people in Nanzhou!

He, he, he... He was actually willing to give his company's golden lipstick to Su Moyuan?!

This world is too crazy!

Under the gaze of everyone, Chen Kexing slowly walked up to the podium.

The girl in front of him still looks very pretty.

Although she wore a wig with short hair, the aura in her eyes could still make people see her true face.

In addition, she looked really heroic in her military training uniform.

Even someone like Chen Kexing, who had seen a lot of the world, couldn't help but brighten up when he saw Su Moyuan.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Chen Kexing, the former chairman of Fanghua Group."

Standing in front of Su Moyuan, looking at this child who is about the same age as his granddaughter, Chen Kexing showed a doting smile on his face:

"Xiao Yuan, from today on, the entire Fanghua Group is yours."

As he spoke, Chen Kexing took the gold lipstick framed in the box from Xu Qing's hand and slowly handed it to Su Moyuan.

"The equity contracts are in your hands."

"This golden lipstick represents the power of the entire Youth Group. Every chairman present is a partner of the Youth Group."

"As long as you hold this golden lipstick in your hand, you have the right to mobilize their connections"

"Even for some families and companies, you have a certain decision-making power to decide whether to cooperate with them or not!"

As he said this, Chen Kexing's eyes showed a cold look, and he turned his head to look at many school leaders and second-generation people present.

It seemed that they felt the coldness in Chen Kexing's eyes, and many people lowered their heads silently. When his eyes fell on Huo Gang, Huo Gang gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists.

"Fake! All this is fake!"

"These are the actors Su Moyuan called, they are all fake, don't believe them!"

Young Master Huo shouted, with a touch of madness on his face:"This is all Su Moyuan acting for us!"

Seeing Young Master Huo's crazy scene, many CEOs glanced at him and shook their heads gently.

Poor kid, he's crazy at such a young age.

And there are many second-generation, students, and school leaders who look at Young Master Huo with cold eyes.

If it weren't for him, how could these people misunderstand Su Moyuan!

How could Su Moyuan be so isolated just now!

That was the best opportunity to get close to Su Moyuan!

Just because they believed in Young Master Huo's slander, they... wasted it!

As if he noticed the eyes of the crowd, Young Master Huo laughed bitterly, looking at Su Moyuan on the stage and said:

"Su Moyuan, you are so calculating."

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

As he said that, Mr. Huo took out a remote control from his pocket and said to Su Moyuan:

"Since they all believe this is true, I will also let you……"

""Life! Defeated! Reputation! Ruined!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he pressed the switch.

When Young Master Huo pressed the switch, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

A bucket of sticky liquid suddenly poured down towards Su Moyuan below.

Seeing this liquid, Su Moyuan's body trembled.

The next second……

""Be careful!"

Seeing the unknown liquid pouring down from the sky, Chen Kexing, who was closest to Su Moyuan, quickly pushed Su Moyuan away.

Suddenly, the scene in front of him seemed to have turned into a slow-motion movie.

Mr. Huo's madness, the school leaders' anxiety, Chen Kexing's nervousness.

All the expressions turned into a slow-motion movie in Su Moyuan's eyes.

"No, don't.……"

Just as Su Moyuan was shouting in her heart... splash - the liquid instantly fell on Chen Kexing's body.

Even more than half of it was poured on Su Moyuan's body.

""Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen!"

Su Moyuan and Xu Qing came to Chen Kexing's side in a hurry, and when they found that Chen Kexing was fine, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

""Wait a minute, look!"

Just when they breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly, a"hissing" sound came from Chen Kexing and Su Moyuan.

The two looked down and were stunned.

They saw that the suit that Chen Kexing was wearing seemed to be burned in an instant, with holes appearing one after another.

But the pure cotton T-shirt worn inside was fine.

As for Su Moyuan...

Seeing that Chen Kexing's clothes suddenly melted, Su Moyuan's face turned pale instantly.

Could it be that... this water is……


A hissing sound, no weaker than that of Chen Kexing, also came from her.

She looked down.

She saw that her military training uniform began to melt all of a sudden!

Long pants turned into shorts, and shorts turned into shorts.

The coat on her upper body was getting shorter at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's bad!

Seeing the changes in her clothes, Su Moyuan's face also changed rapidly.

If this goes on, won't the swimsuit she wears under her military training uniform be exposed?

If the military training uniform is corroded clean, and the red swimsuit worn inside is exposed... she will be called a pervert, right?

Absolutely, right?

After all, wearing such a perverted swimsuit, and wearing it at the military training ceremony.

Will she be considered an exhibitionist?

Will the parents be notified at that time?

If I tell my parents, how will they... look at me?

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Su Moyuan's mind.

Finally, it was fixed on four words.

My life is over!

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