Chapter 102: Six Paths Reincarnation Symbol (3/5) Customized

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In front of Su Ze’s eyes, a gloomy picture appeared. In the picture, King Qin Guang was standing by the Naihe Bridge, and behind him was a ghost of the prefecture, escorting many confused ghosts.

Su Ze “Fellow Daoist, it’s great, I finally got in touch with you!”

King Qin Guang looked at the “Water Mirror Art” in front of him, and couldn’t help but look happy, and said straight to the point: “Lao Jun has already told me about Chi You’s coffin, fellow Daoist Su Ze, I want to ask you to do me a favor…

Su Ze moved in his heart, squeezed out a smile, and said: “King Qin Guang, I’m really sorry, I still have some things to do at hand,

Oh shit!

Chiyou gun?

This matter, even Taishang Laojun dare not say more, it seems that there will be some taboos.

Looking for help yourself?

A little cultivator of the purple “seven-five-zero” mansion in his own district, placed in the underworld, is not even black and white and impermanent. To touch the taboos in the myths of the ancient times, wouldn’t it be courting death?

King Qin Guang’s heart skipped a beat, and he said quickly, “Fellow Daoist Su Ze, I think you are also a sword cultivator, and I have a superb immortal sword here.


Su Ze, who was about to hang up the video, paused for a moment, coughed dryly, and said, “King Qin Guang, I’m actually going to seek revenge from an enemy. That enemy is very powerful. If there is a defensive fairy weapon. ,

King Qin Guang narrowed his eyes, smiled like a fox, and said, “It’s easy to say, it’s easy to say, I have a high-grade fairy armor here, so I will give it to fellow Daoist Su Ze.”

Su Ze: “…….

“Why is this bastard laughing so treacherously?”

Su Ze’s heart sank, he took the sword and the battle suit, but saw King Qin Guang turn his hand again, and a symbol appeared in the palm of his hand: “This is the Six Paths Samsara Fu Meng refined by our Ten Temples. , Fellow Daoist Su Ze, you can paste this symbol on the Chiyou coffin list.”

He handed the talisman to Su Ze and said, “By the way, if fellow Daoist Su Ze finds the loose space-time seal again in the future, please contact me as soon as possible.

Su Ze put the talisman into the item column, and then took out the “Superior Immortal Sword” and sacrificed it with blood. Immediately, the attributes of the immortal sword appeared in his mind. In a flash, a majestic dark-gold armor appeared.


With a single thought, the battle suit wriggled, turning directly into a set of white casual sportswear.

“With these two immortal weapons in hand, I am enough to sweep the Vientiane Realm cultivator, and even if I face the Fish Leap Realm, I can still be invincible.”

Su Ze laughed.

Aside, the Werewolf Empress frowned.

Su Ze talked to King Qin Guang, and did not avoid the three daughters. The three daughters could see clearly from beginning to end.

“Husband, that Six Paths reincarnation talisman should have the ability to seal. If you go to seal Chiyou’s coffin, you will inevitably have a causal relationship with Chiyou. Once Chiyou recovers, there will probably be a fierce battle.”

Su Ze’s face sank, and he burst out with a foul language: “Fuck your uncle’s King Qin Guang who is cheating on me?”

The Werewolf Empress covered her mouth and chuckled, and said with a smile: “Husband, the Earth is the forbidden star, and many great powers in the Three Realms are paying attention to this place. The growth rate of , will inevitably be weaker than Chiyou.


Su Ze laughed.

The farm is in hand, I have the world, as long as he cultivates the werewolf and Liu Shen to the peak level, is he afraid that he will not be able to defeat Chi You?

He looked through the “panoramic virtual” spaceship.

Below, is Lingzhou City, which covers an area of ​​thousands of miles.

In the city of Lingzhou, there is a festive atmosphere with lanterns and colorful lights.

The City Lord’s Mansion in Lingzhou City is the highest building in Lingzhou City.

The City Lord’s Mansion alone covers an area of ​​more than 1,000 acres.

At this moment, in the city lord’s mansion, the powerhouses of the major sects and family forces in Lingzhou City have come to congratulate them one after another. It is the Sword God Sect, who has dispatched a Yuyuejing elder to preside over the wedding for Jian Jiu.

In Nuoda’s living room, the law enforcement elder of Sword God Sect “Mo Wenchen” was stern, and he sat in the main seat with “Shen Cheng”, the city lord of Lingzhou City.

On both sides, there are many strong men who came to congratulate.

Among these powerhouses, there are many masters of Yuyuejing Realm, and the rest are all Vientiane Realm.

Jian Jiuyi wore a red robe, stood up and clasped his fists at all the guests, and said with a smile: “Senior, you are able to travel thousands of miles to attend the wedding of the junior, the junior is deeply honored, if there is any neglect today, please forgive me. ”

He is personable and has a good laugh.

Jian Jiu is a generation of Tianjiao, a powerhouse in the Great Perfection of the Vientiane Realm, the Young Sect Master of the Sword God Sect, a talented person, and immediately a master of the Yu Yue Realm praised him: “Young Master Jian Jiu is very polite, with your aptitude, I am afraid that it will take twenty years. You can step into the Fish Leaping Realm within, and then you will be on an equal footing with us. I don’t dare to be a senior.

“That’s right, Sect Master Jian Jiu’s future is limitless, and calling us a senior will really break us.

Many fish leaping realm powerhouses opened their mouths one after another.

These people, one is for Shen Cheng’s face, and the other is for the face of the “elder” of Jian Shenzong, the master of Jian Jiu.


Naturally, there is also the idea of ​​wanting to make friends with Jian Jiu.

If he can have a good relationship with Jian Jiu, once Jian Jiu sits on the position of the “Sword God Sect” suzerain in the future, he will be able to flourish.

“Sword God Sect Young Sect Master, Li Muxue is here!”

Suddenly, a voice came from outside the city lord’s mansion.

Immediately afterwards, a figure dressed in a snow robe stepped into the living room.

Li Muxue was tall and slender, with a beautiful face, her whole body exuded a chill all the time, a kind of aloofness that rejected people thousands of miles away.

“Congratulations to Junior Brother Jianjiu. 1.2”

As soon as Li Muxue stepped into the hall, her eyes fell on Jian Jiu, and she smiled lightly: “Senior sister came uninvited, won’t you disturb Junior Brother Jian Jiu’s Yaxing, right?

Jian Jiu’s heart was cold, but he smiled on the surface: “The visitor is a guest, Senior Sister Xue please.

“The Lord of Qianqiu City, Su Ze is here!”

Suddenly, another loud shout came into the living room hall.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the entire living room and hall was condensed, and the expressions of many monks became very strange.

Su Ze laughed and stepped into the hall. Behind him, three peerless beauties followed closely and said with a smile, “It’s a good saying that the visitor is a guest. I wonder if I, Su Ze, can ask for a drink today?”

(PS: My daughter has ulcers in her mouth, and some white bubbles came out. I bought medicine yesterday, but it didn’t work. I was very worried, and I was afraid that it was a child’s hand, foot and mouth disease),

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