Chapter 10: Killing the enemy a hundred miles away (seeking the first order)

Submachine guns, sniper rifles, bazooka…


All kinds of firepower poured down and blasted directly at Su Ze, and some people even picked up grenades and threw them out.

In the sky, eight armed helicopters fired missiles and fired flames, which were also full of firepower.


The ground shook, and in an instant, Su Ze’s entire body was directly covered by smoke and dust.

Seeing this, Lu Wuhui couldn’t help but feel happy, and a member of the Hongmen armed forces even sneered: “No matter how high your martial arts are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. After all, they are flesh and blood. what”

Before he could finish a sentence, he saw a sword light suddenly tearing the smoke and dust, and a sword slashed at his body.

The speed of the sword light was too fast, and he didn’t notice the pain at all. The previously arrogant Hongmen armed member looked down and found a bloodstain on his waist. fell to the ground.

His consciousness did not dissipate immediately, and he could even see the scene where his lower body was broken, his stomach was tumbling, and blood was bursting.

This cyan sword light did not dissipate, but became bigger and bigger, turning into a sword of Baili sword light, killing all the armed members of the Hongmen on the ground, even the steel tank was torn apart in an instant. .

bang bang bang!!!

At the same time, the eight armed helicopters in the sky exploded into fireworks at the same time.

In the smoke and dust, Su Ze came out spotless.

He flicked his fingers, retracted his sword beam, and smiled lightly at Lu Wuhui, who was in the sky: “Military, you are as strong as the US emperor, but you can’t help me. As far as strength is concerned, it’s just a rubbish that a third-rate small country can’t reach, and you want to kill me?”


Lu Wuhui was so frightened that he turned around and left, turning into a long rainbow and flying towards the sky.

However, Su Ze’s voice sounded in his ears like a demon possessed.

“I allow you to run two hundred miles first,

At this moment, Lu Wuhui only had one thought in his mind…




He burst out at the fastest speed in his life, flew out dozens of miles in a blink of an eye, turned his head to look, and found that Su Ze was not chasing, he let out a long sigh of relief.

“He didn’t chase me?”

“No matter what, as long as I escape, the earth is so big, and I can find a place to hide my name, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, he will not be able to catch me.

He flew more than 180 miles in one breath and entered the border of Burma. With a flick of his body, he plunged directly into a dense jungle in Burma.

A look of joy appeared on Lu Wugui’s face.


Su Ze “!”

“You destroy the foundation of my Hong Sect, and when my Lu Wuhui cultivation is complete, I will definitely ask you to settle accounts.”

Lu Wuhui smashed a big tree in front of him.


“Just you?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded beside Lu Wugui’s ears. He was very familiar with this voice. Because he was familiar with it, he was taken aback and immediately turned his head to look around.

Su Ze’s voice rang again.

“keep the change.”

“I am still at the Hongmen headquarters.

“You are less than two hundred miles away from me…

“Do you think that this distance can stop me?”

At the Hongmen headquarters, Su Ze’s thoughts moved, and between his eyebrows, a blood moon rose into the sky. This blood moon pierced the sky at nearly 10 times the speed of sound, and appeared a hundred and eighty miles away in a blink of an eye.

“call out!

The blood moon is broken.

With one blow, half of the Burmese jungle was directly destroyed, and the head of the Hongmen Sect, Lu Wugui, was smashed to pieces, leaving not even a trace of dregs.

Hongmen headquarters.

Chen Xueyao watched all of this, her silver teeth clenched tightly, and with a sudden slam, she knelt on the ground and said in grief, “Dad, Mom, did you see it? Su Ze has already avenged you.”

Seeing this, Su Ze didn’t say much, until Chen Xueyao stood up, and then she said solemnly: “Chen Xueyao, uncle and aunt have left, you have to live well… The Chen family of Nuoda also needs your strength. support

“Also, this world is not what you see.

“Heaven, Underworld, Hades, Six Paths reincarnation, real existence,

Suddenly, Su Ze’s heart moved, he laughed loudly, and said: “Xueyao, wait a moment, I will contact an old friend, maybe I can find out about your parents.

“A message from my parents?”

Chen Xueyao looked at Su Ze suspiciously, said something different in her heart, and then said, “Is Mr. Su confused? What heaven and earth, the reincarnation of the King of Hell…Aren’t my parents already dead?”

Just when he changed his mind, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Su Ze.

In the light curtain, a stalwart figure gradually appeared.

Behind the stalwart figure, there is a gloomy bridge. The bridge is built on a long tumbling yellow river, but on the bridge, one after another silhouette, like a puppet, walking dead, slowly moving forward.

After these figures, there was a tauren and a horse-faced man, each holding a long whip that flashed with lightning, and kept hitting those figures.

Whenever a figure is hit, it will immediately turn into ashes and disappear.

“This is..

Chen Xueyao’s eyes widened.

She saw that at the head of the bridge, there was a stone tablet with three characters “Naihe Bridge” written on it.

“Naihe Bridge, then that river is the Huangquan River?”

“Doesn’t that mean that there are ghosts on it?”

“The one holding the thunder and lightning whip, could it be the legendary bull-headed horse-faced? Does the legendary underworld really exist?”

Chen (money captured Zhao Xueyao’s heart, it was like turning a river into a sea.

Although she was born in a martial arts family, she received a modern education since childhood.

elementary school, junior high school, high school, university

Chen Xueyao himself has always been an atheist.

For those “legends” in his grandfather’s mouth, he didn’t believe a single beard.

In addition to being shocked, Chen Xueyao’s heart was filled with ecstasy.

Have an underworld?

Doesn’t that mean that his parents can really be resurrected?

It’s just that as soon as this thought arises, it goes out automatically.

“What if there is an underworld? The existences in the underworld are all gods, ghosts, and even if Mr. Su is powerful, he is only a mortal.

Thinking of this, Chen Xueyao heard that Su Ze smiled at the tall figure in the light curtain: “King Qin Guang, I’m looking for you today because of something, and I want to drag you to help.”

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