Chapter 4: Son of the richest man in Jincheng?

Chapter 4: Son of the richest man in Jincheng?

Su Ze was furious.

He was so angry that he dared to move his own people!

He also has some anger towards the country.

There is no harmony between the state and Hongmen…

People from Hongmen, with great fanfare, came to China to make trouble, but no one from the country came forward?

Looking at Chen Xueyao who was crying and tearful, Su Ze comforted: “Xueyao, don’t worry, it’s not impossible for people to be resurrected from death, maybe there is a way to save your parents.”

Chen Xueyao stopped crying and squeezed out a smile.

Although she is a martial artist, she is highly educated after all, so she doesn’t believe in the mystical things like “resurrection from the dead”.

Su Ze also took out a “Super Carrot King” from the item bar, handed it to Xiang Wentian, and smiled: “Master Xiang, this carrot was cultivated by me with a special method, and it can be cured. All diseases, take it and take it with your disciples. ”

Although Xiang Wentian knew that Zuo Lengqun was coming and dismissed most of the disciples, there were still people who were paranoid and wanted to stay.

They were beaten by Zuo Lengqun, their arms and hands were broken, and they lay on the ground.

At these 20 times, Su Ze’s cell phone rang.

His mobile phone, which had been left in the tool bar for more than two years, was charged overnight after returning to Earth yesterday, and it was just turned on this morning.

Glancing at the caller number, Su Ze’s face was gloomy and the call was connected.

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Zhanshen said tremblingly, “Mr. Su, are you back?”

“came back.”

Su Ze light Kaidō.

“Okay, Mr. Su, I’ll fly to Willow Village immediately. Mr. Su, you may not know that during the time you left, a lot of things happened on the earth, and there are some problems. I hope you, Mr. Su, can come forward and help solve them.”

Xiao Zhanshen’s voice was filled with joy.


Su Ze poured him a basin of cold water directly.

“General Xiao, I, Su Ze, are just ordinary people. The country’s problems will be solved by experts and professors from the country. It’s better for me not to get involved too much.

“Besides, you know about the Northwest Chen family, right?”

“I heard that it was done by the masters of the Hongmen. Please send me a copy of the information about the Hongmen.”

On the other end of the phone, Zhanshen Xiao, who was sitting at the base of the Dongshan Mountain in Yanjing City, was sweating on his forehead, his expression changed greatly, and he quickly said, “Mr. Su, listen to my explanation.


The phone has been hung up.

Xiao Zhanshen sat down on the chair.

He smiled bitterly and said: “This is a big deal, if it annoys this evil spirit, I am afraid that he can pierce the sky.

The matter of the Chen family in the northwest was not ignored by the National Security Bureau…

It’s just that they didn’t control it.

Because of the “Secret Realm Ruins”, almost all of the country’s experts went there. …

And the ancestor of the Hongmen took the shot personally, who in the National Security Bureau can stop it?

Xiao Zhanshen immediately ordered people to prepare information about the overseas “Hongmen”, and he himself ordered: “Contact Li Tianlong Rear Admiral of the Jincheng Military Region immediately, and let him find Mr. Su. No, I will go there myself!”

Arranging aircraft fighters will waste a certain amount of time.

And Xiao Zhanshen, who is already at the peak of the early stage of God Realm, has a flying speed that has reached twice the speed of sound. At his speed, he can explode with all his strength, and it will probably take less than an hour to reach Jincheng.

Jincheng, urban area.

Su Ze and Chen Xueyao spread out along the avenue together.

“Xueyao, the information about the military and the National Security Bureau will arrive in a while, so you can accompany me to buy a house, and when the information about Hongmen arrives, I will take you to the Hongmen headquarters.

The two came to a sales center.

This is the highest sales department in Jincheng. It sells villas, single-family villas and even mid-level villas.

Su Ze walked into the sales center and was greeted by a sales lady immediately.

“Miss, do you want to see the room?”

The attitude is very enthusiastic, and there is no tendency to underestimate people. The quality of these sales girls is indeed very high, and they have been professionally trained.

“Hey, where is the best villa here?”

Su Ze went straight to the point and said, “I’m in a hurry, just take me to see it on the spot.”

“What a big breath.

At this time, a sneer suddenly came down from the upstairs. A young man in a white suit looked at Su Ze and said with a smile: “The best villa in Jincheng is the mid-level villa in Chaoxia Mountain in the suburbs, priced at 88.88 million. , little brother, can you afford it?”

Next to the young man in a white suit, followed by a woman dressed as a demon.

Su Ze looked up.

The moment Chen Xueyao saw the young man, he whispered in Su Ze’s ear: “Mr. Su, he is Wei Ziyue, the only son of Wei Jun, the boss of Wei’s Group, the richest man in Jincheng.”

While speaking, Wei Ziyue came over.

He reached out and took the woman dressed as Yaoyao into his arms, looked at Su Ze provocatively, glanced at Chen Xueyao without a trace, and said with a smile: “Xueyao, you have taken your fancy to that villa, even if you say it is , I’ll give it to you.”

Chen Xueyao gritted his teeth and said, “Wei Ziyue, I’m not familiar with you, and I won’t use a dime of your Wei Zi813 Yue’s money.

Behind Wei Ziyue, the demon burning woman said coquettishly, “Young Master Wei…

Su Ze took a long sigh, shook his head and sighed, “Why are there always things that don’t have long eyes and come to trouble me?”

“Is this the legendary halo of pig’s feet?”

“With its own function of pulling hatred?”

He looked at Wei Ziyue and said lightly: “Young man, remember, there are some people you can’t provoke… well, I want the mid-level villa in Chaoxia Mountain, you can take me there.

The latter sentence was said to the sales lady.

The sales lady looked overjoyed and said quickly, “Okay, sir, I’ll go prepare the car now.”

She doesn’t care who Wei Ziyue is.

Immortals fight and have nothing to do with her.

If the mid-level villa in Chaoxia Mountain is sold, she will get a huge sum of money from the commission alone. At that time, she will definitely be the company’s annual sales champion and will also receive a large bonus.

“Don’t prepare a car, take my car.”

Wei Ziyue said with a sneer, “I want to see, among the people in Jincheng that I don’t know, who is so wealthy.”

(PS: After I feel invincible, I occasionally pretend to slap my face and make tiaoqingting cool.),

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