Chapter 1: Changes in the Earth (please customize)

The Star Tower stands for countless epochs on the battlefield outside the territory, and the Eternal Ancient has not moved.

When the Star Tower was born, the original universe shook, and countless powerhouses even had an earth-shattering war for it. The current extraterritorial battlefield was opened up from that time.


Later, the peak powerhouses of the major races found that they could not recognize their masters at all, and they could not move the Star Pagoda with all the strength of the entire race.

Gradually, no one tried it anymore.

That being said…

According to the judgment of many peak powerhouses, the Star Tower should be a special “Xiong Treasure”, but the conditions for identifying the master are too harsh.


The star tower, which was as high as nine light years, shrank rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared directly into the outer battlefield.

“The Star Tower has disappeared…

“Quick, check, check, what the hell happened!”

Primordial cosmic vibrations.

The powerhouses of the five pinnacle races of the Monster Race, the Machine Race, the Zerg Race, the Crystal Race, and the Prison Race have long since arrived outside of the extraterritorial battlefield. Originally, they were planning to ambush here, wanting to snatch the “Xeon Strong Treasure” from Su Ze’s hands. of.

810 did not expect to see this scene.

Immediately, a series of orders were issued…

In the Star Tower, the immortals of the five peak races that were annihilated by Su Ze naturally have self-cultivation.

Their clones did not die.


The news was passed back to the ears of the five peak race powerhouses…

“What’s the matter? Did someone control the Star Tower?

“The voice sounds familiar…

Before dying, the clones of those immortal powerhouses heard Su Ze’s voice, and they simulated the voice and the means.


“Human Chosen Su Ze!”

Among these powerhouses, the one who is most familiar with Su Ze is naturally the Lord of the Monster Clan Sirius. As soon as he said this, the audience shook again.

at the same time.….

Human Territory, Initial Universe, Chaos City.

“The Star Tower has disappeared?

“Could it be fellow Daoist Su Ze..

Chaos City Lord, his eyes flickering, he contacted Su Ze through the virtual universe, but he did not contact him. Immediately, his heart sank, and he hurriedly called a cosmos sage, and ordered: “Inform all the human races on the battlefield outside the territory immediately, let them Evacuate to the war base as soon as possible.”

At the same time as the order was issued, the Chaos City Lord separated another consciousness and entered the “virtual universe”, sending the information to many masters of the human universe.

He raised his head, his eyes were deep, he looked into the distance, and muttered: “With the means of the five peak races, it is bound to be possible to quickly find out that Su Ze took away the Star Tower. At that time, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle.”

This battle, although it will not lead to the outbreak of a real group war…

The urine sex of the five peak races will inevitably come and harass.

At this moment, Su Ze has returned to Willow Village.

“how so?

As soon as Su Ze walked out of the farm, he noticed an abnormality. In the sky and the earth, the floating aura had actually increased a lot, and even the binding force of the earth’s rules had loosened.

The huge spiritual power instantly swept out…


“There are so many martial arts masters in the entire Jincheng?”

“And even Li Tianlong of the Jincheng Military Region has become a god?”

Su Ze blinked.

It seems that in the two years that he went to the original universe, some changes have taken place on the earth.

He looked up at the sky.

The sky is cloudy.

But Su Ze saw it, and vaguely, a layer of gray filled with a blood-colored aura enveloped the earth.

“What’s this?”

“Earth (cabc)… It seems that some changes are taking place? Under this kind of rules of heaven and earth, I am afraid that on the earth, the combat effectiveness of the Vientiane Realm can be exerted..

An ominous premonition arose in Su Ze’s heart, he pushed the “front” secret to Ultimate, and wanted to spy on the future.


Suddenly, Su Ze’s face flushed, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

His face changed greatly.

“what exactly is it?”

“It’s actually preventing me from deducing the future?”

With a gloomy expression on his face, he walked into the room and thought in his mind, “I’m afraid that the earth will undergo a major change in the future? No one at home?”

Home, empty.

Mingyue, Yan Ying, Kono Masako and Boa Hancock’s four daughters are not at home.

Su Ze frowned slightly, his mental power swept away, and then he rose directly into the sky and came directly to the back mountain of Willow Village.

At this time, the earth is just in the early spring, and the fruit trees in Houshan Orchard have just sprouted.

In the orchard, Boa Hancock, Kono Masako, Mingyue and Yan Ying’s four daughters are all here.

The four hundred undead warriors were also in the orchard. Their faces were gloomy, and the atmosphere was somewhat solemn.

“What happened?”

Su Ze landed in front of everyone and asked.



“you are back?”

Everyone was pleasantly surprised to see Su Ze’s return.

Boa Hancock walked over, holding a black card in her hand, and handed it over. Su Ze had seen the card, but saw a bloody “kill” word on it.

The most important thing is that this card is still full of faint mana.

“Husband, just yesterday, a Qinglong warrior guarding the back mountain was attacked and severely injured. We found this at the scene.” Boa Hancock said.

Wang Zhong brought the injured Azure Dragon Warrior over.

His face was a little pale.

“My subordinates have seen the master according to Wei Le.”

The blue dragon warrior struggled and knelt down, Su Ze waved his hand and picked him up, his complexion was as gloomy as water.

“Your injury is too serious, so take good care of yourself first.

With a wave of his hand, Su Ze took out a “Super Carrot.”

His spiritual sense had already checked the injury of this Azure Dragon Warrior.

His injuries were extremely serious, his internal organs were displaced, his arms were broken, and his body was covered with scars.

That is to say, the resilience of the ultimate warrior is amazing. If an ordinary warrior was injured like this, he would have died a long time ago.

“How? Who did it?

Su Ze suddenly sneered: “On Earth, there are still people who dare to touch me Su Ze? I’m really impatient!”

(PS: I have been thinking about the Earth roll since I woke up in the morning…)

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