Chapter 45: Forcing Feng Wang Wudi to self-destruct!

“Heavy treasure?

“What a powerful attack power!”

“The absolute sword in this kid’s hand is a treasure, and its level is still higher than that of the Nine-Headed King!”

King Jinpeng, King of Divine Prison, King of White Bone, and King Yanjing, after all, are the invincible and invincible kings who have been famous for many years.

In their hands, each Master holds a heavy treasure.

The strongest God Prison King even possesses two treasures, one for attack and one for defense.

At this moment, even if Su Ze burst out with 1,280,000 times the power of the world master, and controlled the treasure field of the fallen nine-headed king with the word “soldier”, all kinds of secret techniques came out, in a short period of time, they would not be able to do anything.

However, they could not help Su Ze.


The four kings can only be passively defended.

Su Ze’s speed is too fast and there are too many methods. Although the “splitting gold” immortal sword in his hand is much worse than the Yuantu sword, it is stronger than the ordinary heavy treasure of the original universe. The most important thing is…

Jiu Mi, it’s terrifying!

He came out with nine secrets, the “All” word secret can increase his combat power tenfold, and the “Xing” word secret gives him unparalleled speed.

As for the “Front” character secret, he was motivated to Ultimate, and he could even attack himself with a threat, producing a kind of foreknowledge in advance.

The word “Bing” is secret, and it can even manipulate King Jinpeng’s weapons, causing them to backlash.

The word “Zhi” is secret, making Su Ze almost immortal, and any injuries can be quickly recovered.

The most terrifying thing is that Su Ze’s “dou” is secret, which can simulate all attacks.

This made King Jinpeng and others extremely terrified.

All the laws and mysteries they cast, Su Ze can use at his fingertips to counterattack with the same attack.


“Why is he so strong?”

“My unique skill…. he actually can?”

“My weapon

The four kings are invincible, and there is a feeling of collapse.

They were confident that together they could definitely contain or even kill an ordinary cosmos sage, but in the face of Su Ze, they felt a sense of powerlessness.


Wait until “his Xeon treasure kills all the other powerhouses, the four of us will surely die!”

The King of God let out a low growl.

His combat power was similar to that of the Nine-Headed King, and he had a record of killing ordinary cosmos sages. He immediately burned his divine power and exploded a terrifying blow, forcing Su Ze away, turning around and fleeing.

How dare King Jinpeng, King White Bone and King Yanjing stay longer?

They escaped separately, passing the message on at the same time.

“The information is wrong!”

“The arrogance of the human race has the fighting power to kill the invincible king!”

“The Zerg King Invincible Nine-headed King has fallen!”

The four invincible kings all burned their divine power, and actually broke free from the shackles of the treasure field. Among them, the King of Divine Prison and King Jinpeng were the fastest, and the King of White Bone and King Yanjing were second.

“Want to go?”

Su Ze sneered, his thoughts moved, and the werewolf empress suddenly appeared beside him.

“Because, let’s go.

“The space blocked by the space-locking arm is limited. The four of them fled with their burning divine power. Once they escape the space-time blockade, they can perform space teleportation. At that time, even if the Yuan Tu sword is in hand, Su Ze can only kill them at most. one.


The Werewolf Empress also mastered the word “Xing”.

Her eyes moved, and she chased after the God of Prison King. Behind him, the phantom of the swallowing devil pot and the ghost face mask rose up.

At the same time, Su Ze waved his hand and said loudly, “Yuanju!


The black sword glow fell into Su Ze’s hands instantly.

The more than 100 alien powerhouses from the immortal peak of Fenghou, Fengwang Elementary, Fengwang Advanced, and King Fengfeng were killed by Su Ze slaughtering more than 80 people, bringing nearly 100 million to Su Ze. Planting point.


Su Ze pursued with his sword, but within a few breaths he came to the back of the White Bone King.


The White Bone King shouted in fear, but he still could not escape death.

Bone “The king is dead?”

King Jinpeng’s pair of golden wings incited frantically and rushed forward quickly. After he noticed the movement in the other direction, he was so frightened that his heart was torn apart, a million puzzled in his heart, and then he thought: “How can this happen..

“Even if he is a genius that the human race has never seen before.

“It is sheltered by the high-level human race, but how can it be possible to motivate the Xeon Supreme Treasure?”


Suddenly, King Jinpeng screamed and turned his head to look into the distance.

But I saw the woman in the white dress and the plain skirt with a huge magic pot on her head, and the breath of the magic pot was also of the Xeon and Treasure level…

Next to the magic pot, there was another mask that seemed to be crying but not crying, and smiling but not smiling.

“Is it also the aura of a supreme treasure?”

Xeon “When did the treasure become Chinese cabbage?”

Just as King Jinpeng thought about it, the King of Divine Prison was directly swallowed by the magic pot.


King Jinpeng, all thoughts are despairing.

He knew that he had no way out.

Those two human geniuses both possessed weapons that were suspected to be at the level of “Xeon Strong and Supreme Treasure”, and their combat effectiveness was too strong.


Behind him, a sword glow came galloping.

Su Ze caught up.

Suddenly, King Jinpeng’s flying speed of burning divine power slowed down, but the aura on his body became more and more terrifying, and his divine body began to expand continuously, giving people a feeling that a volcano was about to erupt.

Su Ze quickly stopped and looked over from a distance.

King Jinpeng sneered: “The arrogance of the human race has to say that your strength is far beyond everyone’s imagination.

“This time, I admit it.


King Jinpeng’s divine body exploded.

“Blow yourself up?”

(Zhao of money)

Su Ze hurriedly activated the Yuan Tujian, turning it into a sword curtain, blocking the aftermath of King Jinpeng’s self-destruction.

A king is invincible, how vast is the divine body?

The power of his self-destruction was so tyrannical that the time and space of millions of miles around were completely annihilated.

“The time-space blockade has been lifted?”

King Yanjing’s eyes lit up, and he laughed loudly: “Haha, the arrogance of human beings, you can’t kill me, you can’t kill the king of hell, King Jinpeng and the others.”

He grabbed his arms sharply forward, and actually tore a space-time channel directly in this broken space-time full of space storms, and teleported away.

“Want to go?”

A faint voice resounded.

The Werewolf Empress was dressed in a white dress, as if she was an exiled immortal who didn’t eat the fireworks of the world. She reached out and grabbed it in the air, and she actually grabbed the King Yanjing who had teleported back.

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