Chapter 43: Scare them away?

With King Jinpeng’s accomplishments in the laws of space, it is easy to block a million miles of time and space.

Within the time and space he blocked, he could easily detect all movements.

The appearance of Su Ze naturally couldn’t hide from him.

“call out!

The one closest to Su Ze was a prison clan who was immortal king and first class. After seeing him Su Ze appeared, his expression changed greatly, and he quickly retreated to the rear.

However, it was too late.

How could he be faster than Su Ze?

The “Xing” word secret opened instantly, Su Ze held Yuanju, stepped out, and with just one sword, the prison clan who was immortal king and junior was directly torn apart.

Dao of the Sword, suppress it!


“Congratulations to Host, you have successfully killed one of the Immortal King Elementary (Prison Clan) and received a reward: 1,000,000 planting points.”

With one sword, kill the immortal king “807” elementary powerhouse in seconds!


“The Titan King is dead?”

“It is impossible to annihilate the divine body of the immortal king’s elementary level with a single sword, even if the king is invincible!”

Many Fenghou Peak, Fengwang Elementary, and High Immortal were so frightened that their eyeballs popped out.

Even the five invincible kings, including King Jinpeng, the King of Divine Prison, and the King of Nine Heads, who flew towards Su Ze quickly, were still slowing down slightly, among which the White Bone King’s spiritual sense fluctuated and said a different way: “What’s his strength? so strong?”

The Divine Prison King and the Nine-Headed King are tyrannical, disapprovingly, and sneered: “What if the strength is strong? Can a mere world master level be stronger than the Universe Venerable?”

The Prison King is a special being, and the Nine-Headed King evolved from a Zerg warrior, so it can be considered a special being.

Both are powerful, and both have the combat power to kill ordinary cosmos sages.

“Everything is prudent.

The million-mile space-time was blocked by King Jinpeng. He sensed Su Ze’s combat power from the fluctuation of space-time just now, and said with divine power: “He was at the ninth rank of the domain master before, and he can play the immortal king’s high-level approach. The fighting power of the peak king,

“At this time, it is already the peak of the world master level, and I am afraid that it has the combat power of the limit of the king.”


How fast is the flying speed of the invincible powerhouse?

At the moment when the divine power was transmitted, the five kings were invincible, and they surrounded Su Ze.

However, Su Ze sneered and directly used the word “Xing” secretly, like a ghost, and quickly avoided the encirclement of the five invincible kings at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

He slashed and slashed with his sword, and with three consecutive swords, he shattered the divine bodies of the six gathered alien powerhouses.

Immediately after..

The Dao of Sword domain was suppressed.

Completely annihilated.


“Congratulations to Host, you have successfully killed an Immortal King Elementary (Demon Race) and received a reward: Planting Points + 1,000,000 points.


“Congratulations Host..

A series of system prompts resounded in Su Ze’s ears.

He didn’t stop, his figure flashed again, and he continued to hunt down, but in the blink of an eye, eighteen immortals of the alien race had already died under Su Ze’s sword. In order to achieve instant kills, he chose Fenghou Immortal. Peak and Fengwang are elementary, put away the sword and fall, and the heads are rolling.


“Have the ability to fight me head-on!”

King Jinpeng and others were invincible, and they roared in anger.

The White Bone King shouted loudly, “King Jinpeng, if the time-space blockade is still not lifted, the King of Divine Prison, you sacrifice to the Treasure Domain and suppress Su Ze!


As soon as the time-space blockade was broken, the Master had teleported many alien kings, and immediately started teleporting away with the strong men beside him.

His planting points are skyrocketing wildly.

Immediately afterwards, the King of Hell’s Treasure Domain was suppressed, which slowed Su Ze’s action a lot.

Su Ze looked at the many alien powerhouses who had fled, and couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

He turned around.

The five invincible kings had already flown to him and surrounded him.


When King Jinpeng’s thoughts moved, the surrounding space of 100,000 miles immediately turned into countless fragments!

“Space strangulation!”

He shattered time and space, mainly because he was afraid that Su Ze would use the previous concealment method again.

The nine-headed king sneered again and again, his nine-headed head was extremely tall, and the various Masters followed a mysterious law, displayed heavy attacks, and pressed towards Su Ze: “Human boy, why didn’t you escape?”

“You killed my Zerg people, today…

“This king will kill you!

“kill me?”

“Just you?”

“You think I can’t beat you guys by flying around and killing those rubbish…Aah, I’m afraid that my real fighting power will scare them away.0”

Su Ze sneered disdainfully. On his body, 128,000 times the power of the world lord suddenly burst out, and then, the word “all” started secretly, and the combat power increased tenfold again at the level of 128,000 times the power of the world lord!

The power of 1,280,000 world masters!

Su Ze slashed out with a single sword, annihilating all the attacks of the Nine-Headed King.


Time and space were torn apart, and under the carelessness of the Nine-Headed King, a head was directly cut off.

He retreated frantically, his eyes were horrified, and he lost his voice: “This is impossible… Your strength has reached an invincible level?”

Only Feng Wang Invincible can hurt him.

“The king is invincible!!

“Invincible level of power!

God “…

“The realm of the world master, the invincible power of the king, is this Su Ze still human?”

A group of aliens were directly frightened.

Human beings are born with a low level of life genes. The reason why they can rise in the primitive universe and become one of the six peak races is nothing more than the powerful reproduction ability of the human race and the virtual universe left by the “primitive ancestor”.

To know.

Some special races give birth to an offspring, and the time is in units of millennia, Ten Thousand Years or even epochs.

And a few Ten Thousand Years time…

I am afraid that it is enough to 1.2 to allow a family with only a few hundred people to develop into a galaxy densely populated by clansmen. Although the level of life genes is poor, such a huge population base can naturally give birth to a large number of strong people.

“Invincible level!

King Jinpeng and others were invincible, and their pupils shrank.

The nine-headed king that flew upside down exploded with divine power, and a head grew again.

His divine body grew rapidly, like a star, reaching tens of thousands of miles in height, his voice roared like thunder, and he looked down at Su Ze, roaring: “Okay, good, very good, such a genius, after killing him, he will definitely Very accomplished.”

His divine body was huge and his divine power was vast. One head was beheaded, which did not affect his divine power in the slightest. The nine heads moved in unison, bursting out with real fighting power, killing Su Ze. ,

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