Chapter 34: Superdetector

Chapter 34: Super Detector (Customized)

The original universe, for the division of the immortal king, is divided into five levels.

Ordinary kings, high-level kings, peak kings, limit of kings, and invincible kings, the power gap between kings and immortality is also worlds apart.

With 10,000 times the power of the world lord, it has reached the threshold of immortality for the king, and the invincible level of the king can even have 1 million times the power of the world lord, some demonic heaven-defying king or powerful special life, combat effectiveness It can even surpass 1 million times the power of the world master.

Under normal circumstances, a high-ranking king will inevitably comprehend one of the three mysterious laws of space (space teleportation, space blockade, and space strangulation).

At the peak of Fengwang, you can even comprehend two of them.

The king’s limit, the king’s invincible level, and even three levels of comprehension can be achieved.

“Eight Zero Zero” Su Ze’s current combat power can reach the peak of the king’s crown when all the cards are played. However, in terms of the mysterious laws, the tea merchants will not be able to reach it.

Most of the peak kings are masters of “space teleportation”. Even if Su Ze is bombarded with super Vulcan, as long as it is not fatal or the injury of the divine body and divine power is too severe and immediately falls into a deep sleep, he can escape instantly.

If you get that lockout armguard…that’s different.

At least for the strong who can “space teleportation”, it is also a great shock.

In the flight number cabin, Su Ze sat cross-legged on the ground, trying hard to recall the story of devouring…

The sacrificial pagoda of the Flame Festival Continent is very special.

Even if it is right in front of the eyes, it is difficult for the detector and divine power to detect its position.

In the original plot, it seems that the “King Yechen” of the human race fought with the “King Zizhong” of the demon race, and the sacrificial tower was accidentally discovered.

“King Yechen…

“Purple Bell King…

According to “time speculation, the current sacrificial tower should not have been discovered yet? What should I do?”

Su Ze frowned.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in his mind.


“Congratulations, Host, for triggering the system random quest – Flame Festival Continent “Sacrificial Tower”.

“Mission description: The sacrificial tower is the living base of the original inhabitants of the Yanzai Continent. The inheritance and treasures of the original inhabitants of the Yanzai Continent are stored inside. Please find the sacrificial pagoda and get the treasure.”

“Mission period: one month.

Su Ze’s eyes lit up.


The fact that the detectors and divine powers of the original universe could not find the sacrificial tower does not mean that the system could not find the sacrificial pagoda. He immediately said, “System, is there any way to find the sacrificial pagoda?”

The mechanical sound of the system resounded in Su Ze’s mind.

Two methods are presented.

“Method 1: The Host can choose to spend **10,000 planting points to directly mark the location of the Fire Festival Continent’s Pagoda.”

“Method 2: Super Detector: Exchange Price: 50,000,000 Planting Points.”

Su Ze looked towards the “Super Detector”.

This kind of detector is the same as the “instrument” of the original universe. Its detection range is affected by the rules of the world. In the original universe, the detection range is 30 million kilometers.

Su Ze took another look at his attribute panel.

He now has 48 million planting sites.

“Oh shit.”

“I’m still going to accumulate enough 50 million planting points to directly refine the Soul Refining Pill of Ten Thousand Tribulations..

Su Ze muttered.

Although there was a lot of slander in his heart, he still chose to exchange the “Super Detector”.


“Planting point – 5000000 points.”

“Congratulations to Host, you have obtained the [Super Detector].”

The super detector is in hand, but… the exploration range of the super detector is not worth mentioning at all compared to the “Flame Festival Continent” with a distance of light years.

How to detect it is the question.

“My Flying Bat is already known by the powerhouses of the five peak races, if I drive a spaceship to explore, I will definitely be discovered.

In Su Ze’s heart, he secretly thought: “At that time, if there is a wave of siege, just join the two powerhouses of the invincible level and cannot escape, maybe.”

With a thought, he directly sent out the flying number.

Stepping on the land of the “Flame Festival Continent”, Su Ze waved his hand and put the Flying Bat and the Werewolf Empress in the Flying Shrink into the farm.

A monstrous demonic energy rolled around him.

The magic rolls…

Immediately afterwards, Su Ze’s aura kept changing, and finally stopped at the high level of Feng Wang, 0

The magic method [Vientiane Senluo] can change the breath at will.

“Even if the king is invincible, I am afraid that he will only think that I am a high-level king?”

Su Ze smiled lightly and said, “However, this is not enough… I should be recognized by the powerhouses of the five peak races.”

He reached out and grabbed it in the item bar, and a cheat book appeared in his hand.

Seventy-two changes Technique!

This seventy-two variation technique is what Su Ze planted with “mysterious seeds” and exchanged it with Monkey King Monkey King.

It had been thrown in the item bar before without training, but now it comes in handy.


Detected “By the time of the seventy-two changes in Technique, did Host choose to consume 5 million planting points and immediately cultivate it to a state of perfection?”



“Planting point – 5 million!”

Suddenly, a large amount of information poured into Su Ze’s mind crazily.

Su Ze laughed and said, “Change!”

He was transformed into a boulder!




He transformed himself again and turned into a towering tree.

The rise of Su Ze’s game, various changes, finally turned into the appearance of “Monkey King”, and said with a smile: “Well, I will borrow the appearance of the great sage and break into the flame sacrifice continent of the original universe.”

1.2 As soon as the thought moves, Su Ze directly casts the word “Xing”, and instantly rushes towards the distance.

“System, turn on the super detector.”

The Yanji Continent is too big, and the detection range of the “Super Detector” is too small, Su Ze can only choose this stupid method.

While flying at a high speed, it conducts detection.

after one day..

“Didn’t all the kings of the five peak races encircle and suppress me? How come there are so many kings of the Flame Festival Continent?”

In one day, Su Ze found more than 30 immortal kings.

In the outside world, in a star field, it is difficult to see the immortality of the king, but in the Flame Festival Continent, there are as many as the hair of a cow.


“Someone fights.

Suddenly, Su Ze’s eyes moved, and under the detection of the super detector, 26 million miles away, there were three demon kings, chasing and killing a human king. ,

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