Chapter 32: Go to the Star Tower (please customize)

The strongest Vulcan source crystal, once it explodes, even if the king is invincible, it has to retreat.

King’s limit?

High Kings?

If you are not careful, you will be directly killed!

And after the addition of some “Super Vulcan Cannons” on the “Flying Bat”, its explosive power is even stronger!


Time and space were torn apart, and a thick column of flame light blasted towards a spaceship galloping in the distance.

“not good!”

“Enemy attack!”

In that huge spaceship, the three monster clan kings were high, and their faces were pale with fright. One of them quickly teleported and took the other two companions to several million miles away.


The E-class spaceship was torn apart in an instant and turned into annihilation powder. Even the inner cabin that could withstand the full blow of the king’s invincible level was directly torn apart.

“What kind of attack is this?

The three demon kings, standing proudly in the starry sky, looked millions of miles away, but saw a spaceship that quickly left.

“Is it the human race’s spaceship, the human race’s Tianjiao Suppressing Prison King, didn’t kill him?”

The three demon clan kings wiped the sweat from their foreheads.

In my heart, I was extremely afraid.

The power of the 800 hit just now made them tremble. If it wasn’t for one of them, the Master would instantly take them away with “Space Teleport”…

That blow, even if it didn’t kill them, would cause their bodies to be greatly damaged, and they would fall into a deep sleep.

“The second, the third…”

“I decided to go back to the Star Tower.”

“There are many masters chasing and killing that human race, no less than the three of us.

A demon king, with a hoarse voice, his two brothers nodded in agreement, one of them pondered: “Brother, do you want to spread this matter out, the weapon carried on the spaceship of the arrogance of the human race, attacking power .. seems to be above the level of invincible kings.”

“Why say it?”

The other two sneered.

Inside the “Flying Bat”, Su Ze shook his head and sighed, saying: “There are too many master teleport masters at the king level. Some strong people, even if they have not mastered teleport, will make friends with teleport masters and form an alliance.

“It seems that I have to get a Master, a method that can block time and space.

After missing the hit and discovering the three demon clans, Su Ze immediately gave up and continued to pursue.

Continuing to pursue, it is useless, but may be spread by them, causing the attack of the five peak race masters.


Detected “There are two immortals in the mechanical family, the limit level of the king*1, the high level of the king*1, the distance and direction: 3.8 million kilometers away from the southwest.


“The limit of being a king?

Su Ze’s eyes lit up, and he immediately ordered the Flying Bat to quietly approach the past. He sighed: “For the Super Vulcan Cannon, there is no difference between the King’s Limit and the King’s High. I just hope that they will not teleport.”


Get closer!


A huge flame of light tore through the void and bombarded the spaceship of the mechanic family.

The violent aftermath of the explosion radiated tens of millions of miles in an instant…

The immortal mechanical clan of the high-level king, although he has left the center of the explosion for nearly a million miles, the powerful explosion still tore his divine body and completely annihilated all his divine power.


Congratulations, “Host, you have successfully killed a high immortal (machine family) from the king, and received a reward: Planting Points + 2,000,000 Points!”

With one blow, the mechanical family Feng Wang Gao directly fell to his death, and 2 million planting points were recorded.

Su Ze’s figure flashed, and he displayed the word “Xing”, which directly surpassed the speed of light, chasing the immortal mechanical powerhouse at the limit level of the king.

At this moment, the king’s ultimate powerhouse’s breath has declined, and the battle armor on his body has been shattered into countless pieces.

The super Vulcan Cannon with the strongest Vulcan source crystal as kinetic energy almost killed him with one shot.

Even if he used all the defensive measures, the divine body loss (cabc) still exceeded 30%!

His strength at the moment is not even at the level of the Marquis limit.

“Human pride!”

The extreme powerhouse of the mechanical race, Fenghou, who was escaping, could not help shrinking when he saw the sword light rushing from millions of miles away, but then he was overjoyed: “The arrogance of the human race, how dare you step out of the spaceship?


This strong mechanical clan shot instantly, holding a worn-out sword, and slaying Su Ze.

This sword is a treasure.


Just now, under the violent explosion of the Super Vulcan Cannon, a piece of it collapsed.

“If I can kill the arrogance of the human race, the rewards given by the clan will be enough to make up for all my losses. There is a domain master in the area… eh? How can the domain master have such a speed?”

Su Ze came with a sword, 1280 times the power of the world master leaned out, and instantly opened the “all” word secret, and the combat power directly reached 12800 times the power of the world master.

10,000 times the power of the world master, this is the level of the king.

12800 times the power of the world master…

In addition to the understanding of the law, in terms of power alone, after Su Ze opened the secret of the word “all”, even in the immortality of the king, it was not considered the bottom.

“Qinglian breaks the sky!”

“Blood Moon!



This was completely a one-sided crushing massacre. The immortal strength of the mechanical clan’s titled king was greatly damaged. At this time, the combat power was not enough for the title of the prince. Moreover, many of his methods were used in the explosion of the super Vulcan Cannon just now. , which led to him being completely suppressed by Su Ze.

His divine body and divine power, which was already extremely depleted, flowed quickly.

“Destroy it!”

“Black ice magic flame, burning flash to boil the sea, burning mother nine days!”

Suddenly, a black magic flame rose up in Su Ze’s palm, and he directly activated the second form of the black ice magic flame, but when he saw the black flames rolling in the sky, it exuded a temperature that was enough to burn stars.

This immortal divine body of the mechanical race was directly annihilated.


“Congratulations to Host, you have successfully killed one of the king’s ultimate immortal (mechanical family) and received a reward; +2,500,000 planting points.

Su Ze returned to the “Flying Bat”, shook his head and sighed: “It’s a pity that the black ice magic flame is too domineering. After I improved my cultivation, I activated the black ice magic flame to incinerate everything and not even the slightest loot was left.”

“It seems that I will use more ice flames instead of flames in the future.”

“In just a few seconds, the number of planting points has increased by 4.5 million. It seems that the reward link is really the best way to increase the planting point.”

Su Ze said lightly, “Flying Bat, let’s go to the Star Tower.”

(PS: The Star Pagoda is the treasure of the god king, and there was an accident when refining it. It was integrated into a level of divine light theory, which is stronger than the congenital spiritual treasure, right?),

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