Chapter 25: Gene of life, 6400 times!

“So what happened?”

The ancestral religion is a very special force in the primitive universe, and the three leaders of the ancestral religion are favored by the origin consciousness of the universe, and they are the messengers of “heaven”.

Although they are the masters of the universe, in the original universe, they can exert the power of the strongest in the universe.

Six subversive races, no one would be willing to provoke the Ancestral God Cult.

However at this moment

The three leaders of the Ancestral God Sect changed their color in unison.

They received the will of the “Cosmic Origin Consciousness”, and one of them got up and said: “The accident should be in the outer battlefield, but what happened, I don’t even know the origin of the universe, I will go to the outer battlefield. ”

The origin consciousness of the universe cannot find Su Ze in the farm at all.

At this moment, Su Ze was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his whole body, he only felt that the pores all over his body were dilated…


The improvement of one’s own genes, that kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling, is simply too comfortable!

Su Ze only felt that her physical appearance was becoming more and more perfect.

Of course.

Physical fitness and appearance are just the most external and common changes.

The most important thing is that the improvement of his own body’s genes has caused subtle changes in his body’s inner cells and even at the level of life…

Life gene, rapid improvement..

The genetic level of the human race is ordinary, and it is the limit that can be raised to a hundred times that of ordinary life in the universe. …

However, the Secret Tome of Nine Tribulations can completely break this shackle.




Soon, Su Ze’s life gene level was raised to as much as 500 times that of ordinary life in the universe. He only felt that his physique seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

His own Dantian Qi Sea, with a tight brow between his brows, has actually expanded by 100 times!

Dantian Qi Sea and Meixin Zifu are the “containers” that store “Qinglian Sword Qi”.

Su Ze cultivates the Qinglian Sword Canon, and has strong mana, which is several times that of the monks of the same realm. Now, his Qi Sea and Purple Palace have expanded again, which means that the mana he possesses is good and the Qinglian Sword Qi will be greatly improved. Hundreds of times more than the monks of the same realm!

What is the concept of hundreds of times?

I’m afraid that without any moves and mysteries, a tenth will be enough to crush all the cultivators of the same level, and it’s not a problem to challenge.

“Keep practicing!”

Su Ze consumed all the planting points he had accumulated in one go, and finally cultivated the “Secret Book of Nine Calamities” to the fifth calamity, and his genetic level had increased by a factor of 6,400.

His Qi Sea Purple Mansion has expanded 640 times on the original basis!

Looking at the huge empty sea of ​​Qi and Zi Mansion, Su Ze couldn’t help sighing and said, “Damn, with such a huge Zi Mansion and Qi Mansion, how long will it take me to cultivate before I can complete my cultivation?

Qi Hai and Zifu are not as powerful as possible. Although the mana contained in them is strong, it is difficult to cultivate successfully. Even if the cultivation is successful, it is extremely difficult to break the shackles.

However, all this is not difficult for Su Ze.

He walked out of the farm and found the Zerg King High Immortal “Talina”,

“Talina, how is the situation in the extraterritorial battlefield now?”

Tarina looked solemn and said: “Master, the invincible kings of other races have arrived, and almost all immortals on the battlefield outside the territory are all looking for you.


Su Ze frowned and said in a different way: “So inspiring the crowd… The five peak races, don’t they value me too much?”

Tarina handed over a video.

In the video, the scene of Su Ze suppressing the top ten geniuses with one move is playing, her beautiful eyes flashing with scorching heat, and she said: “Master, the talent you have shown has never been seen in the past, and the future has a bright future. Limited…

“How many races can allow you to continue to grow?”

“If you hide in human territory, they may still have a long-term plan and look for opportunities…

“However, you are now on the battlefield outside the territory, and everyone knows about the major races. They naturally want to eradicate you at all costs.”

Su Ze raised his brows, thinking about it carefully, it really makes sense.

He smiled lightly: “Since the major races want to get rid of me, if I sit still and don’t fight back, wouldn’t it be too disrespectful to them?”

After pondering for a while, Su Ze smiled and said, “Let’s go, let’s go back to the war base.

The most powerful Vulcan source crystal purchased by the Chaos City Lord for Su Ze has been sent to the war base, and Ze now, the sea of ​​​​Qi Zifu has dramatically increased..

His strength needs to be improved.


The Flying Shrink appeared in the starry sky and flew towards the human war base outside the outer battlefield at the speed of light.

Su Ze did not take Tarina and other men, but let them find the way for him.

It is two days away from the war base, and the extraterritorial battlefield, because of the space storm left over from the previous war, cannot enter the dark universe.

two days…

Maybe it will be discovered by alien powerhouses.


After flying for about thirty hours, the time and space suddenly fluctuated, and then, the speed of the flying number, which was advancing at the speed of light, suddenly slowed down, as if it had fallen into a swamp.

The little devil exclaimed: “No, master, there are strong people who have blocked the time and space!”


Su Ze’s expression changed, and then, a huge pressure descended from the sky, and a burst of laughter was directly transmitted to the Flying Bat.

“Haha, human genius

“Since you have come to an extraterritorial battlefield, why do you have to leave in such a hurry?”

Outside the flying number, a burly figure appeared. This figure was wearing a white alloy battle suit. Under the battle suit, there was no flesh and blood, but it was a dead bone.

His eyes were also empty, with a little green flames floating in them.

“King of Skeletons!

Su Ze’s eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly: “King of bones, you dare to block my way, and you are not afraid that I will kill you with a super Vulcan cannon?”

“Bomb me?”

The Skeleton King Jie Jie sneered and said, “What you are relying on is just your F-class spaceship, right? It’s a pity that I have mastered the time-space blockade and teleportation. With your ability, even if you mobilize the attack, it is difficult to hit me..

“Husband, I’m going to kill him!”

At this time, the Werewolf Empress stood up, her eyes were deep, and she said lightly. In her tone, there was a chill, as if the black ice magic flame could freeze for nine days!

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