Chapter 22: Top Ten Geniuses? Let’s go together

The gigantic figure sitting on the giant peak suddenly moved, and the surrounding laws of the universe were vaguely distorted and changed.


He tore through the void, kept teleporting, and in a moment, he landed on a huge ice and snow planet.

Hell Star.

The Ice Clan is a special race. This race does not like to deal with other races, and it is very repulsive to the outside world. Although the number of clan members is small, the genetic level is very high.

Ice Prison Star gave birth to two cosmos Venerables. Among them, “Zhi Kou Venerable” has a very special identity. He is the lord of the universe, and he has to give him some face.

He is “the messenger of the ancestral gods, favored and blessed by the origin consciousness of the universe, and in the primitive universe, his combat power is enough to suppress the master of the ordinary universe.

“The Mountaineer.

Venerable Zi Kou flew out of the Ice Prison Star.

The tall and majestic figure asked in a deep voice, “Sir Zi Zhangkou, what happened?”

Venerable Zi Zhaokou smiled bitterly and said, “I don’t know either.

“I was cultivating before, and I felt a sense of it. I quickly left the customs and found that the black fragment you gave me seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and it flew up automatically and disappeared into the universe.” 793

The burly figure of the stalwart, let out a long sigh, and pondered: “It seems that my induction is indeed correct, and the few fragments have all disappeared.”

This burly figure is impressively the most mysterious “the strongest man in the universe” in the original universe.

In his previous life, he was the “God King of Jin” from the origin world. Later, the Jin Kingdom was destroyed by the two god kings of the Food Kingdom.

Under the madness, the “God King of Jin” wanted to enslave the “world beast” and destroy the food country, but he violated the supreme rule. Mountaineer”.

Zuoshan Ke is puzzled and wants to go crazy..

This black fragment is the most important thing he spent countless efforts to avoid the rules of the universe to create the most important item for training future disciples… Now that it has disappeared inexplicably, how can he not be crazy?

However, when his breath burst out a little, he saw the sky and the earth thunder and lightning, and a great pressure descended from the sky.

The origin law of the universe and the supreme rule, obviously, are paying attention to the mountain guest all the time.

Hurrying from the virtual universe is countless times faster than the original universe.

The Black Dragon Mountain Starfield is extremely far away from the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, and is separated by an unknown number of cosmic kingdoms. Even if the dark universe is constantly advancing, it will take several years. However, in the virtual universe, Su Ze only has seven days to catch up. to the virtual universe company headquarters.

The one who met him was the “Million Venerable Sword” of the Virtual Universe Company.

“Su Ze, the final is about to start, when are you going to play?”

Venerable Wanjian, his attitude towards Su Ze was very cold.

After all, he is the top person in charge of this “Universal Human Peak Genius Battle”, and in the finals, he arranged for Su Ze to go through the back door”, how could he feel better?

The most important thing is that the universe kingdom behind each of the ten Tianjiao who entered the final will definitely not be satisfied. Although they won’t say anything on the surface, they will definitely discuss themselves secretly.

It’s just that Venerable Wanjian had to obey the order given by the Chaos City Lord himself.

“The final is about to start?”

With a smile on his face, Su Ze said with a smile: “Since the finals have already begun, it’s better. I’m on the battlefield outside the territory, and there will be a few tough battles with Venerable Wanjian later, why don’t I play first?”

Venerable Wan Jian frowned slightly, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

How many tough battles are there in the extraterritorial battlefield?

Oh shit!

It’s too bragging, isn’t it?

He does know that Su Ze went to the battlefield outside the territory, but with his current stellar level ninth-order cultivation, even if he can exert (cabc) the combat power of the world master, he is only the bottom of the cannon fodder, and he is still fighting?

Due to the identity of the Chaos City Lord, Venerable Wanjian can only say: “Well, I will take you to the finals now.”

The final final of the Universal Human Peak Battle is actually a “ranking competition”. At that time, the Virtual Universe Company will arrange the top ten talents to enter the “Four Secret Realms” of the Virtual Universe Company according to different rankings.

Going to the last ten geniuses, they naturally knew the difference between the four secret realms, and they all tried their best to reach higher rankings.

“Su Ze.

“The quality of this year’s Universal Human Peak Genius Battle is extremely high. Each of these ten geniuses has the strength of previous champions.”

“I will add your name to the finals list, and draw lots for a ranking battle later.”

Venerable Wanjian said.

He brought Su Ze to the specially opened final venue, someone will enter the final list, take it over,

Su Ze took the list and glanced at it..

Bo Lan, Qian Shui, Luo Feng, Jiang Mo, Lancelot, Uka, Ai Chen, Long Yun, Opat, I hook

“Huh? Or these ten people?

It seems that “my arrival has not yet caused the butterfly effect.

Thoughts flashed in Su Ze’s mind.

Venerable Wanjian flew into the ring and said: “Everyone, this is my human genius Su Ze, he did not participate in the competition due to his privileges, but went directly to the finals.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the ten Tianjiao couldn’t help but move, and the human masters who were hiding around to watch the battle were talking about it.

Seeing this, Su Ze shook his head. He jumped and jumped directly onto the ring. He looked around, glanced at the geniuses who had entered the finals, and said loudly, “Everyone, come on together, I’m in a hurry.”


Venerable Wanjian’s face turned green.

Oh shit!

Let ten Tianjiao go together?

This B is also too big, right?

Not only Venerable Wanjian, but also the lords of the cosmic kingdoms who were hiding in the dark to watch the finals were also full of black lines.

The most important thing is that this “Universal Human Peak Genius Battle” final was broadcast live…

The entire human territory, more than a thousand cosmic kingdoms, and billions of stars, I don’t know how many people are paying attention here. Su Ze made a strong debut, threatening to fight ten, immediately in the territory of all human beings, causing a big wave of hype.

Among the ten geniuses, the barbarian prince Uka was the most angry and shouted directly: “Arrogant and ignorant, I will teach you how to behave!”

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