Chapter 19: Killing the Queen of the Insects

“Master, a Zerg high immortal king was found on the edge of the outer battlefield.”

“Master, there are three demon kings in the XXX and XXX areas on the left.

One message after another, passed back.

“These kings are immortal, don’t they take me too seriously?” Su Ze raised his brows, but thinking about it was right…

Many kings are immortal, the opportunity to put a star level in the eyes?

The gap between the two is too great. If the high-level leaders of these alien powerhouses have not promised them a lot of benefits, they would not even have the intention to leave the Star Tower.

“Qinglin, send me the coordinates of that Zerg Immortal King.

Su Ze issued an order.

Soon, the monster world master “Qinglin” returned the message and sent a string of coordinates. He lowered his voice and said, “Master Seven Nine Zero”, this Zerg immortal is a high-level immortal pinnacle female insect …

“It’s okay.

Su Ze didn’t care.

Zerg mother worm?

Can Zerg Warriors be mass-produced?

A super Vulcan that can stop labor?


Silently, the Feibat number suddenly flashed out of the void, and then directly transformed into a long rainbow, flying towards the coordinates sent by Qinglin.

“Flying Bat, fill the high-level Vulcan source crystal, prepare the super Vulcan cannon!”


In just a few seconds, the Flying Bat reached the speed of light.


Space “fluctuates?

Hundreds of thousands of kilometers, a tall immortal king-level crystal clan suddenly flashed his eyes and came to the periphery of the extraterritorial battlefield, always turning on this spiritual power to perceive.

Almost after sensing Su Ze’s breath, the Immortal Crystal Immortal immediately teleported and appeared in the direction where Su Ze was previously.

“The breath of man…

This Crystal Clan, with a flash of figure, chased in the direction where Su Ze was heading.

On the edge of the extraterritorial battlefield, near the “Broken Star Belt”, a Zerg King Immortal is driving a spaceship and is slowly moving forward.

“Reporting to the venerable, I am Tali milk.”

“No trace of that human genius has been found.”

After the Zerg Feng Wang Gao hung up the call with the Zerg executives, he sneered and said with disdain: “Your Excellency, they must have looked down on those two human geniuses too much? King, could it be worse than other races?”

Zerg is indeed a special race.

The Queen of the World Lord-level Zerg can cultivate overwhelming Zerg warriors. As long as there are enough resources, it is even possible to cultivate millions of Zerg warriors of the World Lord-level. Together, they can destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and the king will be immortal. Retreat from three homes.

Found “A spaceship is approaching..

Suddenly, “Talina”‘s face changed, and her spaceship made a harsh cry: “Not good, enemy attack”

As soon as Tarina’s mental power spread to the void of the universe, she saw a thick beam of light cut through the void and blasted directly onto her spaceship.


The spaceship, which was enough to withstand the immortal full-strength blow of Feng Wang Gao, was directly sent flying for tens of thousands of kilometers, and finally burst into countless fragments.


Tarina’s huge body floated in the void.

The fighting power of the Zerg Mother Emperor is not high, and their bodies are very weak. If the spaceship just consumed almost all the attacking power, I am afraid that one blow alone is enough to completely destroy “Talina”.

She is eighteen feet tall and looks like a giant, but she doesn’t feel the slightest burly and uncomfortable, instead it gives a perfect illusion. She stands in the void, her face is hideous, and she roars: “Human genius, you dare to attack me?”

The spiritual power she spread out immediately discovered Su Ze and the werewolf empress.

Immediately, with a thought, Zerg warriors were released from the inner world.

One high-ranking Zerg warrior, eight ordinary Zerg warriors, and more than 120 ordinary immortal Zerg warriors.

“Block space fluctuations!”

Tarina’s thoughts changed and she secretly said: “Beheading these two human race geniuses will get a lot of rewards. Once I get some rewards, Tarina can cultivate more immortal zerg warriors and even king-level warriors. Immortal Warrior!”

“Even, it is possible to step into the Venerable level in one fell swoop!”

“So be sure to kill these two human geniuses before the other masters arrive!”


“That human spaceship!”

“Join Attack!”

Tarina, gave the order directly.0


Many immortal Zerg warriors joined forces to strike, and all the attacks condensed into one point and blasted directly towards the Flying Bat.

The entire space began to collapse and burst, and a huge space storm raged recklessly.


“Such a powerful power? I’m afraid it is comparable to the immortal full blow of a high-level king, right?”

In the flying number cabin, Su Ze sighed: “As expected of the Zerg king, it is a pity that a fight is a group fight. This kind of power is still too weak, and it can’t do any damage to the flying bat at all.”

Su Ze said lightly: “Flying Bat, refill the firepower and directly use the strongest Vulcan source crystal!”

Countless attacks completely annihilated the Flying Bat.

The corners of Tarina’s mouth twitched up and she said with a smile, “Genius? Geniuses who haven’t grown up are just mediocre talents, eh? No, they are still alive!”

She suddenly changed her face, screamed, and saw a fire, rising from the sea of ​​attacks from the Zerg warriors she had cultivated, and slammed directly at her.

Tarina’s comprehension of the “Profound Truth of Space Law” is not deep. She has not mastered teleportation, and can only burst to the side with the strongest speed of 1.2.


It’s too late.

Before she had flown 20,000 kilometers, that thick flame slammed into the void where she had stood before.


Fire explosion!

The sky was falling apart, as if the end of the universe, the mighty energy released by the “Super Vulcan Cannon” under the kinetic energy of the strongest Vulcan source crystal turned everything within a radius of 100 million miles into nothingness.


“Congratulations to Host, you have successfully killed a Zerg King High Immortal and received a system reward: 2,000,000 planting points!”

In his mind, the system prompt sound came, but Su Ze burst out a foul language: “Fuck, nothing is left, I TM still want to plant a Zerg queen… Hey, what is that?”

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