Chapter 14: System Reward Link

There are countless “spies” planted by the demon clan in the human territory, but nearly 99% of them are at the bottom, and they will not be able to play a role in their entire lives.

And “No. 1” and “No. 2” are the arrangements made by Yaozu himself, and they all have a pivotal position in the human race…

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf hesitated a little, and said hesitantly: “Yaozu, No. 1 and No. 2 have special identities. Wouldn’t it be uneconomical to expose them for the sake of two human geniuses?”

How many geniuses are born in the billions of eras of human reproduction?

However, I don’t know how many geniuses will disappear in the end, and whether they can achieve something in the end is simply unknown.

The aura on Yaozu’s body turned cold.

The huge body looked down and said coldly, “Are you questioning my decision?”

“My subordinates dare not.

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf hurriedly opened his mouth and stepped back respectfully.

The Demon Ancestor looked attentively into the distance, his eyes dignified.

He has won it for too long, and he has seen too many peerless talents

However, no one has ever been able to compare to the two human geniuses who suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the top officials of the Prison Clan, Crystal Clan, Zerg Clan, and Machine Clan received news one after another.

“Extraterritorial battlefield?”

“Immediately let the experts in the extraterritorial battlefield take action and obliterate them..

The senior leaders of the 787 ethnic groups immediately issued an order, and the Lord of the Wolf, who had been paying attention to this matter, couldn’t help laughing: “There is a way to heaven, you don’t go, and there is no door to hell to break in. It seems that number 1 And No. 2, you can not use it for the time being.”


Even if it is rare in billions of years, so what?

Before they become established, there are many strong people who can kill them on the battlefield outside the territory!

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.


The Flying Shrink trembled slightly..

Immediately afterwards, the Intelligent Life Shrinkage reminded: “Master, the extraterritorial battlefield has arrived, have you entered the human war base?”

Su Ze got up and looked forward, in the void, a huge war base floated.

The length and width of this war base are light-years away, and ordinary stars and stars appear incomparably small in front of it.


As soon as the Flying Shrink approached, at the entrance of the war base, a ray of light shot out and scanned.

“What a big war base.”

With the character of a werewolf empress, Rao couldn’t help but praise: “The technological level of the original universe ranks first among the three thousand worlds, and the scale of this war base alone is comparable to that of some small worlds. .

“That’s natural.

As early as a month ago, the Chaos City Lord gave Su Ze a lot of information about the extraterritorial battlefield, in which he mentioned in detail the terrifying aspects of this war base.

Even the lord of the universe…

It is absolutely not dare to rush to such a large war base.

He and the Werewolf Empress had just stepped off the Flying Bat when they saw a figure coming out of the sky and said with a smile, “But Mr. Su?”

This man has a tyrannical aura, and is a cosmic sage.

The Venerable Universe cannot enter the extraterritorial battlefield, but it is not a violation of the agreement between the six peak races to preside over matters in the war base outside the extraterritorial battlefield.

Su Ze looked at the Venerable Universe, a name came to mind, and he couldn’t help laughing: “It turned out to be Venerable Fumo, I am Su Ze.

His neither humble nor arrogant attitude made the brows of “The Demon Lord” wrinkle slightly.

As a high-level human race, he naturally knows something about Su Ze.

He received an order from the Chaos City Lord and came to meet Su Ze and deal with some things for him…

Originally, Venerable Demon Vanquishing was very willing to serve human geniuses, but Su Ze’s attitude made him very unhappy. The mere star level gave him a sense of superiority as a Venerable Universe Venerable. Venerable Demon Vanquishing, How can you feel better?

He snorted coldly, his attitude changed, and he said coldly, “I only want to enter an extraterritorial battlefield in a mere stellar level? Su Ze, you and your friend are afraid that they have already been targeted by high-level officials of other races. Once you enter an extraterritorial battlefield. , Dangerous, you have to do it yourself.

He quickly obtained a pass for Su Ze to enter the extraterritorial battlefield (cabc).

“You two have not joined any organization, so as long as you complete 1 billion military merits, you can choose to withdraw from the extraterritorial battlefield or continue to fight.”

“The military merits involved can be exchanged for military rank or items.

After the introduction of the system, Venerable Fumo gave Su Ze a cold look, and said lightly, “You can do it yourself.”

Su Ze’s temper suddenly came up, and he sneered: “Reassured Venerable Fu Mo, I Su Ze have hard bones, probably outside the battlefield, and no one can send me a whistle.”

He and the Werewolf Empress left the war base directly on the “Flying Bat” and entered the extraterritorial battlefield.

Venerable Fumo stared at the back of Su Ze’s departure, his expression suddenly became extremely hideous, and he smiled grimly: “Genius? – Just an arrogant rookie, who doesn’t even know how to buy detection equipment…

The two “human geniuses have stepped into the extraterritorial battlefield.

Venerable Fumo quickly passed the news.

He is a human with roots and red roots, but no one knows that as early as more than a hundred epochs ago, Venerable Fumo was enslaved by the demon ancestor and became the slave of the demon ancestor.


“Congratulations Host, entering the system reward link.

Just entering the extraterritorial battlefield, suddenly in Su Ze’s mind, the system prompt sounded.

“System reward link?”

Su Ze’s eyes lit up and listened carefully, but the system continued to prompt: “The system reward link is the task of earning planting points set by the system for the host.

Mission “narration: Enter the battlefield outside the territory and kill the aliens.

“Domain master level alien: worth 1000-9000 planting points.”

“The world master level alien: worth 10,000-90,000 planting points.

“Ordinary immortal-level alien: worth 100,000 planting points.”

“Legion Immortal Alien: Worth 300,000 Planting Points.

“Ordinary Marquis-level aliens: worth 500,000 planting points.

A series of data are listed.

Su Ze’s eyes glowed, as if a hungry wolf was staring at the most delicious food.


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and murmured: “Killing a Fenghou Peak, you can get 1 million planting points. Killing a King Fengfeng can get 10 million planting points…

“Oh shit!

“Looks like a challenge!”

(PS: I went home after 6 pm. From yesterday to now, I have slept for less than an hour in total. My aunt has returned home, and the hospital has given up treatment. It will only last a few days.)

(PS: In addition, it is indeed my fault that there is less update. This is the update today, rest early, and guarantee the fifth update tomorrow. Try to see if you can start to make up the update on the basis of the fifth update.),

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