Chapter 7: The ninth rank of the universe? Too weak!

Suddenly, the entire auction hall was silent, and everyone looked towards Su Ze.

Some people even whispered.

20 Cosmic Coins, equivalent to 20 billion Frozen Mist Coins, a big Bing Mist Star, someone who can take out so much money in one go, if they are the original residents of Fing Mist Star, at least they have a head and face.


Su Ze is also an outsider.

In the hearts of everyone, a definition was established.



In the box on the second floor of the auction house, a tall middle-aged warrior wearing an alloy battle suit frowned, he stood by the window and looked down, his thoughts flickering: “It looks like that evildoer should have a great background.

“Who the hell is this guy?”

“How dare you fight with me?”

Young Master Long’s violent temper suddenly came up, and he said displeasedly: “A small ice fog star, how could anyone dare to compare my financial resources with me? 30 million black dragon coins!”

Regardless of the butler’s obstruction, he pushed open the window of the box and looked at Su Ze, with a provocative smile on the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: “This brother, I don’t know what to call Ru 20?”

Su Ze didn’t even look at the young master Long, and directly raised five fingers.

“50 Universes!”

The host of the auction venue, his eyes lit up, and called out.

50 universe coins is equivalent to 50 billion ice fog coins, which is enough to buy a huge business empire on the ice fog star.

Su Ze’s ignoring attitude made the “Young Master Long very upset. He sneered: “With such a little money, I also want to fight for 60 Universe Coins for the scale armor of the giant beast!”

However, before the host of the auction venue made an offer, Su Ze spoke lightly and interrupted him.

“I think you got it wrong.

“The price I just quoted was not 50 universe coins, but 5000 universe coins…


The microphone of the master of ceremonies fell directly to the ground.


Isn’t that 5 billion black dragon coins? It’s equivalent to 5 trillion ice fog coins…

5 billion Black Dragon Coins is enough to buy half a Frozen Mist Star!

Long Dashao, as if struck by lightning.

The audience was silent, and it was Dapu and Nuo Lanshan who were beside Su Ze. They were a little confused. After the confusion, his face was overjoyed.

“Dap, I have already agreed with the owner of Frozen Mist Star that this auction is the industry of the Invincible Sword.

Nuo Lanshan has already arrived at the door outside the auction venue.

Inside the auction venue.

Someone sent the “Scale Armor of the Destroyer Giant Beast” to Su Ze.

Su Ze flipped his hand and used the 5,000 Universe Coins directly.

He put away the scales, stood up, and walked directly outside the auction venue.

“Oh shit!”

“I got slapped in the face in this place where birds don’t shit!”

In the box on the second floor, the Young Master Long was so ashamed and angry, he waved his hand and said, “Butler, let’s go too.”

There was a conspiracy in his eyes.

“Huh? So many people?

Su Ze walked towards the outside of the auction venue, sensing the powerful aura behind him, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly…

Sixteen stellar grades, three cosmic grades..

The so-called wealth is not revealed

The wealth that he has revealed seems to have made the greed in many people’s hearts difficult to control.

Mr. Su, “Let’s go this way.”

Dapu, Nuo Lanshan’s eyes flickered, and their expressions were a little unnatural. Su Ze’s eyes swept away, and his heart became vigilant.

As soon as he walked out of the auction, he saw Dapuno Lanshan suddenly flashing and rushing towards the opposite side of the road. A bang sounded, and it had already landed on a person whose skin was similar to him. Next to a middle-aged man with similar points.


Dapu saluted respectfully, then looked at Su Ze with a sneer, and said, “Hmph, I’m just an ignorant native, I think I’m really a person, I’ll try my best to accompany you, but I just want to delay you. .”

Nuo Lanshan also smiled and said, “Mr. Su, right? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

He was at the entrance of the auction house and waited for about twenty minutes.


Su Ze laughed.

“Nuo Lanshan… This sentence should be said by me..

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

His tone suddenly became extremely stern, a sword intent slowly brewing and rising from his body, his eyes were indifferent, he looked at Dapu, Nuogangshan, shook his head and said: “As for you, you are just a dead person, you reload my crime, I I will forgive you.


Dapp spat out a mouthful of blood.

But it was Su Ze who had already buried a sword of death in his body, and when his mind moved, it exploded directly, smashing all his internal organs in an instant.

Nuo Lanshan’s pupils shrank, he was furious and shouted: “You are courting death!

call out!

His cosmos-level ninth-order strength blossomed with all his strength, directly turning into a streamer, rushing towards Su Ze.

“Sword come!”

Su Ze gave a low drink.

On his body, the Great Perfection of Death Sword Intent rose into the sky, and when he reached into the sky, he grabbed it, and the Yuanju Sword started, and the Qinglian Sword Qi spewed out.

A thick sword light crashed down and collided with the streamer that Nuo Lanshan turned into.


As if a comet hit the earth.

Nuo Lanshan turned into a streamer and flew out at a faster speed, hitting a skyscraper in the distance. That building couldn’t bear it and collapsed suddenly.

Su Ze fell with a sword, and the sword was reckless, directly ploughing 780 deep ravines on the broad avenue.

Su Ze followed closely behind the sixteen stellar and three cosmic tiers, each of whom was pregnant, all of them stood firm, and the whole person was stunned in place, as if petrified.

They can naturally feel the terrifying aura contained in that stream of light…

The ninth rank of the universe!

“how is this possible.…

“One sword splits the ninth rank of the cosmos?”

“His cultivation is really only stellar?”

Su Ze turned his head to look, smiled faintly, and suddenly cut out a “Qinglian Sword Song” from the air.


The sky is hazy, please let the sword qi fall on your face.

Sixteen stellar grades were killed instantly, and three cosmic grades fell to the ground with serious injuries.

And Su Ze, he slashed out with a sword, without turning his head, he rushed into the ruins formed by the collapse of the building in an instant.


There was a big earthquake, two figures hit the sky from the ground, Nuo Lanshan roared loudly, and said: “No, it’s impossible, you are only a star-level sixth-order, how could it be possible for a Master to have such a powerful sword intent?”


Su Ze cut off his head with a sword.

He shook his head and sighed, “Ninth rank of cosmos level? Too weak…

(PS: Hey, quarreling with my daughter-in-law, my head is in a mess, I don’t even know what I wrote),

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