Chapter 5: The Vibration of the Virtual Universe

Manager’s Office.

Su Ze sat generously on the chair, the werewolf empress, and stood beside him obediently.

The person in charge took out his treasured wine, poured a glass for Su Ze, slapped sideways, and said with a smile, “Sir, are you from the Milky Way Earth?”

Exactly “.”

Su Ze glanced at the work card of the person in charge, and smiled: “Dap, Nuo Lanshan? Manager Nuo Lanshan, as far as I know, the ice fog star and the Milky Way galaxy are far apart, and the earth is just a An indigenous planet, I didn’t expect that Manager Nuo Lanshan would know about the earth?”

Nuo Lanshan’s face was obviously stagnant.

He knew that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately separated a touch of consciousness, quickly entered the virtual universe, and sent an email to “Nuo Lanshan”.

“Grandpa Ancestor, I met a native of the Milky Way Earth in Ice Mist Star, probably with a fourth-order stellar cultivation…

in a distant galaxy.

With a pair of pointed ears and pale green skin, “Nuo Lanshan” opened his eyes and couldn’t help laughing: “Dap’s email? This kid seems to have made a big mistake and was assigned to Bingwuxing, how can you think of it and give it to me? Did you send an email?”

The Nuo Lanshan family is huge, and its members are spread across many galaxies, but “Nuo Lanshan” is very clear about the talented disciples in the family who are closer in blood.

He entered the “virtual universe”



Nuo Lanshan’s face couldn’t help moving.

Since the disciples in the family accidentally discovered the earth and the young starry beasts hidden on the earth and the spaceship of the mechanical family, Isshin has wanted to occupy the earth.

However, Luo Feng and his two brothers were too difficult to deal with, so they actually applied directly to the Black Dragon Mountain official to buy the earth and become the “Earth Lord”.

This made Nuo Lanshan fearful and did not dare to shoot directly.

“But the Earth Lord Luo Feng?”

Nuo Lanshan quickly contacted “Dapno Lanshan”.

“Grandpa Ancestor, it’s not Luo Feng, but a star-level Dapp named Su Ze, while chatting with Su Ze, he separated a touch of consciousness and passed Su Ze’s information to Nuo Lanshan.

“Su Ze?”

“In the indigenous planet of the earth, there is another master. And he also carries Cosmic Coins with him?

Nuo Lanshan’s thoughts changed, and he immediately said: “Dap, you think of a way to hold me back, I will set off now and rush to Frozen Mist Star.”


Nuo Lanshan rose into the sky and directly broke through a secret room. He instantly got into the interior of a spaceship and rushed towards the “Ice Mist Star”.

“Mr. Su Ze, is this your first time to Frozen Mist?

Dapunuo Lanshan looked very hospitable and said with a smile, “I’ll get off work after helping Mr. Su Ze with his business. I’ll definitely take Mr. Su Ze to visit Bingwuxing later.”

Su Ze has already seen through everything, and said lightly: “Alright, I just happen to lack a guide.”

after an hour.

Dapu, Nuogangshan and Su Ze walked out of the household registration management center together.

“Hey, Mr. Su, where’s your maid?”

Dapu, Nuo Lanshan asked strangely, thinking that the werewolf empress was a slave purchased by Su Ze, Su Ze didn’t point it out, and said with a smile: “Huh? She has something to do, so she will go back first.”

In fact, the werewolf queen had already entered the farm.

She sat cross-legged under the willow god, and took out an ordinary intellectual brain issued by the ice fog star.

“Link the virtual universe.”

The Werewolf Empress issued an order.

This intellectual brain can be linked to the virtual universe, but its level is too low, it does not have the ability to think, and the price is very cheap, only less than 10,000 “Icemist Coins”.


“The virtual universe of this world is interesting. It is possible to develop technology to such an extent that it simulates all exercises and insights? No, this is not pure high-tech!”

As soon as the Werewolf Empress entered the virtual universe, she sensed the special features of the “virtual universe” and exclaimed: “It’s actually a magical power, and the combination of this magical power and high technology is amazing.

She wore a plain white dress, her fingertips lightly tapped, and she couldn’t help laughing: “A supernatural power that is enough to cover the entire universe, although the world rules of this world are weak, but this supernatural power, even if it is not an emperor level, is not far behind. ”

As soon as she entered the virtual universe, the virtual universe immediately began to analyze her physical fitness, law perception, etc…

However, all of a sudden, the entire virtual universe seemed to have malfunctioned, and the force that was copying and analyzing the “Wolf Woman Empress” suddenly dissipated. Then, this dissipating trend spread rapidly.

– ask for flowers

ice sporadic

Black Dragon Mountain Star Territory…

At this moment in the entire Qianwu universe, everyone in the “virtual universe” felt the invasion of this power.

“what happened?”

At this moment, the Chaos City Lord, who was far away from the Chaos City in the initial universe, was shocked.

He also felt this change in the virtual universe..

However, he did not find that in the virtual universe, a transparent figure with a puzzled face…

The original ancestor!

“how so?”

“There is still a magical power that I can’t analyze for the universe?”



Primordial Ancestor is an almost mythical figure. Back then, he created this magical power to cover the entire Primordial Universe. He wanted to use it to seize the “Original Consciousness of the Primordial Universe”, but was suppressed by the Supreme Rule.

However, the magical power he created remained, and it was the current “virtual universe”.

It is by virtue of the virtual “universe” that human beings have gained a firm foothold in the primordial universe and become one of the three peak groups of the primordial universe.

At this time, in Su Ze’s farm, Bingwuxing, the werewolf empress smiled and said: “This magical power is a little bit worse, it is difficult to analyze and calculate my swallowing magic art”

With a thought, she deliberately revealed a flaw, and then

The virtual universe just returned to normal.


Behind her, the phantom of a crock pot disappeared in a flash, and the werewolf queen couldn’t help but praise: “Yes, yes, I don’t know if there is anyone in this universe who can stop my swallowing magic art. ?”

She directly entered the “trial field” of the “virtual universe”.

“Mr. Su Ze, this is the largest auction venue in our Frozen Mist Star, and it is said that the owner behind it is the Invincible Sword Master of the Black Dragon Mountain Holy Land.

Dapuno Arashiyama led Su Ze to a huge auction hall.

He knew that a grand auction would be held today, and it would last for a week.

As long as Su Ze is interested, it is enough to drag him to “Nuo Lanshan”. Ding.

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