Chapter 31: The No. 1 Evil Sword in the World–The Great Evil King (4/6)

Storm Ten god-tier soldiers, Su Ze only had [Sword of Destruction] and [Great Evil King] not yet available.


Tie Kuangtu, the head of the Tiemen Sect, heard the words, and quickly said, “It is said that hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of Baijian Villa once obtained a strange stone and wanted to cast the strange stone into a sword of extreme cold – defeat.”

“It’s a pity that the process of forging the Sword of Destruction is too evil, and every time the sword is forged, it will cause casualties, so the proud family gave up casting the Sword of Destruction.

Tie Kuangtu looked at Su Ze cautiously, and said in a low voice, “Baijian Villa has been destroyed by Su Gongzi, how can the sword of defeat come?”

“Is there such a thing?”

Su Ze was slightly taken aback.

He tried hard to recall the plot of “The Storm”…

It seems so.

The Sword of Destruction, under the normal development of the situation, should be cast by Ao Bai, the son of the next-generation owner of Baijian Villa, “Ao Tian”, in the future.

“It doesn’t matter, if Worship Sword Villa can cast it, I can cast it.

Su Ze waved his hand and gestured – Tie Kuangtu continued.

Tie Kuangtu frowned and pondered for a while, then finally shook his head and said, “I’ve never heard of it, there is a magic weapon called the Great Evil King…”

“Okay, back off.

Su Ze was lost in thought.

His understanding of the plot of “Fengyun” is only a few movies and TV series that he watched in his youth.

Fengyun ten god-tier soldiers, he vaguely remembered, had seen it on online forums.

The Great Evil King should be the weapon of Nie Feng’s future son “Evil King Yi Feng”.

This weapon seems to come from the legendary “Nine Void Boundaries”, but it was brought out by “Blood Ancestor Wuhui” who strayed into the Nine Void Boundaries.

“I don’t know, Blood Ancestor Wuhui, have you brought the Great Evil King out of Jiukong Wujie?” Su Ze’s eyes moved. Damn, he didn’t understand the plot at all. He immediately got up, entered the farm, and started from the dragon From the tortoise, a little blood was drawn and returned to the World Association.

Then, Su Ze cast a secret technique, using the blood of the dragon tortoise to sense the direction of the three smiles.


“This old thing actually ran so far?”

Su Ze cast a spell, sensed it carefully, and finally caught the position of Xiaosanxiao.

He rose into the sky and flew directly to the east.

In the depths of the endless sea, there is an island shrouded in clouds.

In the center of this island, there is a mountain peak, more than three hundred feet high. The top of the mountain peak is lined with green trees, and there is a thatched hut between the trees.

Xiaosan smiled, crossed his knees and closed his eyes, cultivating in the thatched hut.

In the battle with Su Ze, he suffered a dark wound, and even though he cultivated for many days in the blood of the dragon and turtle, he could not completely eliminate the dark wound.

“Oh shit!”

“How can there be such a monster in the world?”

“In his twenties, even if he cultivated in his mother’s womb, he couldn’t be so powerful, right?”

Smile three smiles until now, still a little unbelievable.

Especially when he recalled the attack of the Werewolf Empress, even though he was dozens of miles away, he still had a creepy feeling.

“Shut down!”

This old man said, “After 300 years of seclusion and practice, I don’t believe that those monsters won’t die?”

Xiao Sanxiao’s thoughts in his heart have not yet settled, and his face is suddenly startled, and he looks up into the distance.

Then I saw a sword light cut through the sky and fell directly.

“Su Ze!”

His brows jumped, and he lost his voice: “How did you find this place?”

Su Ze looked around and couldn’t help but smile and said: “If I want to find someone, no one can escape, smile three times, you don’t have to be afraid, I came today to ask you about the Great Evil King. matter.”

“Great Evil King?”

Xiaosan’s complexion became gloomy.

He said solemnly: “Three hundred years ago, when the monk Wuhui passed away because of his master, he never wore his mantle, angered his fellow disciples, and stepped into the devil’s way.”

“By chance, he strayed into Jiukong Wujie, and everyone in the world thought… Wu Hui was dead.

“I never thought that after half a year, Wu Hui returned from Jiukong Wujie with [Jiewang]. He was fierce, killing innocent people, beheading thousands of people in Jianghu, and finally Yundingtian shot and beheaded Wu Hui, And got [King of Tribulation].”

Xiaosan smiled and fell into the memory.

At first, he was in seclusion.

This matter was only heard by hearsay in the martial arts after he left the customs.

He smiled bitterly and said, “I never thought that after Gentingtian, who is reputed to be reborn as Xiang Yu, eliminated his blood ancestor Wuhui, his family died violently in just two days. Gentingtian was furious and mad. The “King of Jie” collided, and as a result formed the world’s number one evil sword, the Great Evil King.”

ask for flowers…

“Yundingtian became a demon and turned into an immortal demon. In the process of continuous killing, he combined his terrifying demon heart with his extraordinary martial arts cultivation, and created the world’s No. 1 evil king for ten calamities that no one can match.”

Later, “Wu Buer, the ancestor of the Wu family, obeyed the will of God and fought against Gentingtian for ten days and ten nights. He just defeated Gentingtian. The Great Evil King, most likely, fell into the hands of the younger generation of the Wu family.”

Xiaosan smiled at Su Ze’s eagerness to try, and said quickly, “Young Master Su, this old man will help you with this matter. The ancestor of the Wu family, Wu Buer, has made great contributions to the martial arts’ younger generation, so don’t disturb their cultivation. good.”

Su Ze nodded.

How could he not understand the meaning of smiling three times?

This guy is obviously afraid of taking his own shot and destroying the Wu family. His goal is the “Great Evil King”. It is naturally the best for someone to help him run away.

Xiaosanxiao immediately crossed the sea and went to the Middle Earth, Su Ze simply entered the farm directly.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, pondered for a while, and took out the “Peerless Sword”.

Since Baijian Villa, I once wanted to use [Black Cold Stone] to forge the sword of defeat… Does that mean… the material of the sword of death and the peerless sword are the same?



With a thought of Su Ze, Yuan Tu sword started, and cut it down with one sword, cutting the peerless sword in half, and then planted it.


In the blink of an eye, two swords shot into the sky.

Crack clap!

Two swords, breaking out of the ground.

“Sure enough.

The corners of Su Ze’s mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn’t help but let out a long sigh.

Peerless good [sword]

“One of the ten god-tier soldiers in Fengyun World.”

[Sword of Destruction]

“One of the ten god-tier soldiers in Fengyun World.”


Congratulations to “Host, the harvest was successful, and the middle finger +2000 was obtained.

Su Ze pulled up both swords, and then continued to wait on the overseas island. Finally, three days later, he smiled three times and returned with the [Great Evil King].

(PS: The next volume of the final chapter of Fengyun Scroll opens a new chapter.) Ding,

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