Chapter 29: Sirius Valley (2/6)

The ordinary fishermen nearby fled in fright.

Of course,

Not all of these people are fishermen, but there are also many Eastern Ying warriors.

These Dongying warriors, when they heard the name “Dongying’s No. 1 Swordsman Emperor Shadow”, seemed a little excited, and looked at the emperor’s shadow, full of admiration, but then, the color of the world changed, a big hand, directly ” Emperor Shadow “slapped on the ground like a dead dog.

Su Ze put away the Jingjing Sword, glanced at the dozens of Dongying warriors left behind, and said lightly: “Who of you know where the Heavenly Wolf Valley is?

Many warriors did not dare to look at Su Ze.

One of the elderly warriors had a change in expression.


Su Ze grabbed from the air.

That old martial artist flew directly to Su Ze’s side, his expression changed greatly, and he said in fear: “Sir, please forgive me, I have elders and youngers.

Mingyue on the side, burst out laughing, and said with a smile: “Master, are you Guigeng?

The old man was trembling and said, “I am seventy-three years old this year.

“Then your parents are really long-lived.

Mingyue was very upright, and the old man smiled awkwardly: “I said it smoothly..

“Stop talking nonsense.”

“Take me to the Heavenly Wolf Valley, and I’ll give you a fortune.”

Su Ze spoke coldly.

He grabbed it from the air again, grabbed a secret book from the unconscious Emperor Ying, and threw it to the aged warrior.

This old warrior’s pupils could not help shrinking.

He looked at the many warriors present.

Many warriors present were jealous, and some people even released murderous intentions in the eyes…

Pretend to be guilty!

He has obtained the martial arts secret book on “East Ying’s No. 1 Swordsman Emperor Shadow”. These martial arts people dare not do it now. If they dare to say a word… That master just needs to turn around and leave, and he will be punished if he ignores it. These martial arts people were torn into scum.

He gritted his teeth and respectfully said: “Sir, I have indeed heard about the Heavenly Wolf Valley, and I can lead the way for you,


Su Ze flicked his fingers, and a green lotus sword qi wrapped the old man, took Mingyue into his arms, flew into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

“This. Royal Air Flight?”

The elderly warrior was even more shocked.

His martial arts accomplishments are not very good, but he has lived for a long time and has heard a little about some knowledge in martial arts.


But he had never heard that in the martial arts, someone could travel in the sky with two people.

“This method is almost immortal.

In the heart of the old man, Su Ze became more and more respectful.

Came by the mythical beast, dragon turtle, and flew with a fairy sword. What is this not a fairy?

“My lord, the Heavenly Wolf Valley is located in the back mountain of the authentic martial arts. It is said that there is a fierce sun-devouring light in the Heavenly Wolf Valley, which is guarded by a pack of wolves. The pack of wolves here is very tyrannical, almost like a monster.”

The old man opened his mouth and said: “The authentic headmaster of boxing, the first eight years ago mysteriously disappeared, and after the boxing is authentic and there is absolutely no gods in charge, it was renamed absolutely no gods.”

He glanced at Su Ze secretly, and said cautiously, “Sir, to go to the Heavenly Wolf Valley, you must pass through the Godless Palace, and at the mouth of the Heavenly Wolf Valley, there is always Guichaluo, who is the Godless Palace. The people of the palace are domineering and cruel, we need to be careful.”

“It’s okay.”

“Jesushen and Jinchaluo, the palace masters of Juewu Shengong, have already been beheaded by their wives. If they dare to be presumptuous, they will live there.”


The sword glow pierced through the sky and galloped directly in the direction of Jue Wu Divine Palace.

There is absolutely no shrine, built at the foot of a mountain.

Its scale is very large. The buildings at the foot of the mountain are like a small town, and there are also halls and attics on the halfway up the mountain.

Su Ze flew directly above the Temple of Nothingness and came to the outside of the Heavenly Wolf Valley.


As soon as the three of them landed, they saw more than a dozen “Ghost Chaluo” at the entrance of Tianlang Valley.

These ghosts are all dressed in black with hideous masks.

One of them stepped forward and said, “Who are you? Is there an order from the palace master?”

“The palace master’s hand?”

Su Ze shook his head.

Jue Wushen was directly killed by the Werewolf Empress, where did he go to the so-called Palace Master’s hand-in-hand decree?


“The Heavenly Wolf Valley is a place where there is absolutely no shrine forbidding, and there is no palace master’s hand, so dare to come to the Heavenly Wolf Valley and kill without mercy!”

The Ghost Chasui punched Su Ze from the air.

With a flick of his finger, Su Ze killed him directly, and then opened his mouth to spit out a misty look of sword energy, and instantly killed more than a dozen ghosts, he sighed: “Damn, the Heavenly Wolf Valley is still alive. Has it become your home?

He walked towards the valley, and Mingyue and the old man followed closely.

However, I saw the fog in the valley, and there was a depressing atmosphere wafting everywhere.

Vaguely, one after another wolf howling could be heard incessantly.

The cry of these wolves is very loud, and although they have not evolved into monsters, they have become extremely fierce and powerful due to the influence of the greedy wolf sword and the heavenly blade sword in the Heavenly Wolf Valley all the year round.


“You follow me.”

Su Ze frowned suddenly and said.

He looked forward.

Are you proud!

Are you proud!

In front of them, the howls of wolves were getting closer and closer, rumbling loudly, as if they were trembling faintly.

“Wolf Pack!”

The old man cried out.

I saw a pack of wolves with huge bodies like calves rushing towards them, each with blood-colored eyes, looking extremely irritable and ferocious.

“The sanity of these wolves has been greatly affected.”

Su Ze said softly.

He slowly drew his sword and slashed out.

Qinglian Sword Song!

[Qinglian Sword Canon] The first volume of the ultimate group attack and ultimate move!

Suddenly, in the Heavenly Wolf Valley, countless azure misty sword qi rose up into the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and shrouded down.

Sword rain fell.

(Zhao Zhaohao) Hundreds of wolves were killed instantly.

Su Ze’s huge mental power swept out instantly, and then his figure flashed…


His body appeared directly in the depths of the Heavenly Wolf Valley.

There are more wolves here.

“Ruffian dragon, these wolves are handed over to you.”

Su Ze waved his hand, and Dian Zilong suddenly appeared.


As soon as the ruffian dragon appeared, he raised his head and shouted, and then, the head wolf also roared.


“These bastards actually dare to roar like Uncle Long?”

Su Ze has black lines all over his head.

Oh shit!

You are a dragon, learn to howl all day long, but you are not allowed to howl?

His gaze fell on a cave in the depths of the Heavenly Wolf Valley. Inside, there was a strong sword and sword energy intertwined. Obviously, it was the aura demon emanating from the Greedy Wolf Sword and the Heavenly Blade Sword.

(PS: ask for monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation tickets…),

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