Chapter Sixteen: Unparalleled in the World (Second update, please order first)

Chapter Sixteen: Unparalleled in the World (Second Update, Please Customize)

[Tianxiajian is also called “Unparalleled Yin Sword”, while Dugu’s side is the unparalleled “Yangjian”.

Among the two swords, there is also the pervert swordsmanship of [Love of the Fallen City].

Of course, if you want to display [Love of the Fallen City], you don’t have to gather all the unparalleled yin and yang swords. Its conditions are very harsh, and it needs a couple who are in love and can give everything for each other before they can be displayed.


The old demon opened her eyes and was about to speak when her pupils suddenly shrank. She reached out her hand like lightning and grabbed the [Tianxia Sword] with a sharp slam. The blade of the sword was unsheathed, pointed at the bright moon, and shouted, “Who are you?”


Mingyue was startled, and the food in her hand fell to the ground.

【The tip of Tianxia Sword is less than a foot away from her, she quickly said: “Grandma, I’m Mingyue, eh?”

Mingyue practiced martial arts since childhood for what her grandmother called “revenge”, and her own strength was close to the first-class in the world. Before she could finish a sentence, she sensed a strange movement behind her.

Su Ze walked out of the darkness with a smile on his face.

Lao Ji and Mingyue only felt that a cold wind was blowing in the courtyard…


The branches of the big tree shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, the old lady’s face changed greatly, and the “Tianxia Sword” in her hand actually disappeared.

“Good sword, good sword.

Su Ze is holding the [Tianxia Sword], his fingertips slide from the hilt to the tip of the sword, and he flicks his fingers.

The body of the sword trembled, sending out bursts of crisp sword chants.

He threw the (Tianxia Sword) to the tool bar, and his figure suddenly rose from the ground, turning into a sword beam and disappearing into the dark night, and he sent a loud laughter from a distance: “Old woman, don’t be a dick all day long. Knowing that urging Mingyue to practice qigong and revenge, she has her own ideas.”


Mingyue jumped and was about to pursue, but was blocked by the old demon.

The girl looked anxious and said, “Grandma, why are you stopping me? He… stole the Sword of Heaven!”

Based on the girl’s understanding of Lao Ji, the old lady’s view of 【Tianxiajian is more important than anything else, so how come you don’t have the slightest anxiety at this time?

The old lady sat down on the stone bench again, looking at the back of Su Ze’s departure with her cloudy eyes, and said, “With his strength, what if you and I can catch up?”

Mingyue was stunned and said, “Could it be that “Grandma knows him?”

Lao Ji’s eyes jumped, and thoughts flashed in her mind.

She looked at Mingyue and said, “Mingyue, pack up and leave for the World Conference tomorrow!”


Mingyue’s face moved slightly, and she lost her voice: “Grandma, could it be that he was just now?”

late at night.

Sword Sect.

Sword Sect is a legendary sect in the world of wind and clouds, known as the “authentic kendo”.

In this sect, there are few disciples.

However, every disciple who came out of Sword Sect must be a strong one.

For example, Tianjian Wuming, Po Jun, and even Sword Emperor, Sword Saint, trace the source, are actually disciples of Sword Sect.

The current headmaster of Jianzong is the nameless master, the father of Po Jun, Jian Hui.


Suddenly, in the night sky outside the Jianzong, a huge sword light burst into the air, and with a single swipe, it directly cut a room of the Jianzong in half.

A figure shot out from the collapsed room.

This man was white-haired, but his aura and sword intent were unmatched. He looked at the new swordsman, and said coldly, “Juggernaut, why do you want my mountain gate?”

The Juggernaut just looked at the sword coldly.

Jianhui is the current headmaster of Jianzong.

Speaking of strength…

However, it is slightly inferior to his own apprentice Wuming, and at most is comparable to the Sword Saint.

Of course.…

The Juggernaut here is the Juggernaut in his current state. Once the Juggernaut realizes Sword Twenty-three, the sword that leaves his body out of his body is beyond the scope of martial arts, and it is not something that Jianhui can resist.

He said solemnly, “Where is the lonely one?”

Jianhui’s face changed, and she said, “The Dugu side? Your brother, the Dugu side, is in the city of Wushuang, and the world knows it, do you need to ask me?”

“Full of nonsense!”

Juggernaut has never been a person who talks too much. He made a bold move and attacked Jianhui directly with the Holy Spirit Sword Technique.

…0 ask for flowers…

The two masters of kendo battled together in an instant, and the sword energy raged wildly between the heavens and the earth.


Above the clouds, Wang Zhong and Zhong Yue looked down, the two looked at each other, and a dignified look flashed in their eyes.

“People from this world can actually practice martial arts to such an extent?” Wang Zhong sighed in a low voice.

Zhong Yue turned his hand, and a talisman appeared in his hand.

This is a Fu Meng at the late stage of the Purple Palace. Once activated, it can display a sword qi, the power of the sword, which is equivalent to a full blow from the peak powerhouse of the late Purple Palace.

“No matter how high your martial arts is, how can you be a master’s opponent?”

puff puff!

Pieces of black scale armor quickly appeared on his body, and snarling thorns stood upside down on his back.


Dragon Blood Warrior Transformation!

Zhong Yue was completely dragon-like, and an iron tail was lightly electric, piercing the air. He looked down and threw the talisman in his hand. In time, a huge sword with a thickness of 1000 meters pierced the sky, from the sword saint and the sword. Jianhui passed through the middle, and with a bang, it slammed directly into the ground.

Wang Zhong also instantly displayed the “Undead Warrior Transformation.

The two of them descended from the sky, stepping on the void, looking at the stunned Sword Saint and Jian Hui, their voices were cold, and they said, “Your grievances will be resolved later, as my master said, he only needs the Unparalleled Sword!”


In the sky, a thick thunder column suddenly slammed down, bombarding a small hill next to Jianzong to pieces, and the boulders splashed.

It was Wang Zhong who took out a talisman.

This kind of talisman, he still has seven or eight in his hand.

Just as Jian Hui was about to speak, he was stimulated by another thunder talisman and smashed it.

Fortunately, Jianhui hid quickly, otherwise under this blow, he would be directly smashed to pieces.

“You just need to tell me, where is the Dugu party? Where is the Wushuangjian?”

Wang Zhong spoke coldly.

On the side, Zhong Yue almost suffered from internal injuries.


This guy, Wang Zhong, is almost 1% of his master’s in his ability to pretend.

(PS: Today, the backstage of Feilu’s author is from morning to afternoon, please forgive me, after all, the daily collapse. J.

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