Chapter Fourteen: Dugu and Juggernaut (fourth more)


Detect “When you arrive at the seventy-two transformation techniques of the earth, do you choose to consume ** points of planting points and immediately cultivate to the top?”

Just after the transaction was completed, Su Ze hung up the voice call with Monkey King Monkey King, and the system prompt sounded in his ears.

“How many?”

“Twenty-five million points?”

Su Ze’s face darkened.

Damn, he’s full now, and it’s less than 400,000 planting points..

Twenty-five million points is really a huge sum of money for him, but it makes sense to think about it. For example, the “Qinglian Sword Canon”, the planting points spent in the first three volumes are not terrible, starting from the fourth volume, There are millions of planting points at every turn, so how could the seventy-two transformations cost too few planting points?

“Let’s not learn first.”

Su Ze threw the seventy-two transformations into the inventory.

Plant something like this, and you can earn it slowly in the future.


Even if there are no planting points, monkeys can learn seventy-two transformations on their own, why can’t Su Ze?

He walked out of the hall and said, “Wang Zhong, Zhong Yue!”


The two flew directly over.

Su Ze smiled and said, “You can follow me to Peerless City.”

This time to Wushuang City, Su Ze only brought Wang Zhong and Zhong Yue..

“As expected of a giant force that can compete with the World Federation, the scale of this Peerless City is not much worse than that of Qianqiu City.”

In the afternoon, Su Ze set out, and just after the sun set, he came to Peerless City.

On the street, the lights rose, a bustling scene.

The position of Wushuang City in the world of wind and clouds is very important. If the city owner of Wushuang City, Dugu, went to witness the decisive battle between Wuming and Pojun, he was a big move by the nameless master, who is also the labor and capital of Pojun. The world will want to take the Peerless City.. It is impossible.

You must know that in addition to Dugu, there are also Sword Saints in Wushuang City.

Even if the Juggernaut at this time has not yet cultivated [Sword Twenty-Three], he is not far behind, and even slightly stronger than the tyrant who has not yet reached the peak of his vitality.

“Well, if I remember correctly, the fake Dugu party seems to be called a human-faced messenger.” What kind of demon lord’s subordinate is, his background is great, and his strength is not weak. ‘ Thoughts flew in Su Ze’s mind.

The Human Face Envoy is extremely skilled in martial arts. The reason why he would infiltrate the Peerless City and act as Dugu’s stand-in was actually to get the “Love of Allure” and to get rid of the control of the Demon Lord.

However, no matter how high the martial arts is, it is only a matter of a sword.

Inside the city lord’s mansion, the lights were bright, and there was singing and dancing.

Su Ze brought Wang Zhong and Zhong Yue directly to the gate of the palace of the city master of Wushuang City.

“Who is the ghost, who dares to hang out at the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion?

He and Wang Zhongzhongyue were stopped by two guards as soon as they arrived at the gate of the City Lord’s Mansion.


Two long spears, crossed in front of Su Ze.

With a smile on his face, Su Ze stretched out his fingers, cut his fingertips with sword awns, and chopped up the two spears directly, and said lightly, “You go and tell the Dugu party, just tell me Su Ze, if you have something to discuss with him.

Bold “, Lord City Lord, can you see it if you want to?

One of the guards scolded him sharply. Before he could finish speaking, he was punched in the face by his companion.

His mouth was full of blood, and one of his teeth was blown away. He looked at his companions and shouted, “Dan Fuck’s Li Ergou, why are you beating me?”

Li Ergou came directly in front of Su Ze, nodded and said tremblingly, “It turns out that it’s Young Master Su, Young Master Su, wait a moment, I’ll report it right away.”

“Su Ze, Young Master Su?”

“Could it be that he is the one who has been hailed as the number one in the world recently?”

The blood-filled guard murmured, his expression suddenly changed, and with a thud, he fell to his knees, begging for mercy, “Young Master Su, spare your life, Young Master Su has little eyes and eyes and can’t recognize Young Master Su, please ask Young Master Su to save me. as

Su Ze waved his hand, interrupting the guard’s words.

The guard immediately fell silent.

He looked at Su Ze and found that Su Ze was watching his nose and nose and heart, but ignored him, and immediately felt light in his heart, but he didn’t dare to get up, so he could only continue to kneel.

The shadow of the famous tree of people, Su Ze is now famous all over the world, and is known as the devil, this guard is afraid that he is very normal.

The mansion of the lord of the Peerless City.

In a luxurious hall, Fake Dugu leaned on the throne, and on the table in front of him were wines and many fruits.

To his left and right stood a maid with a beautiful face and a demonic figure, one serving him wine, the other feeding him fruit.

In the hall, two maids played the piano and music, and a group of dancers, dressed in tulle, danced in a captivating dance.


Suddenly, a figure stumbled and rushed in from the door, startling the group of dancers.

The fake Dugu party was about to get angry, but he heard the man hurriedly say: “City lord, the big thing is not good, the world will meet Su Ze!”


The face of the fake Dugu party changed greatly.

He knows the strength of Xiongba well and understands the background of Baijian Villa, so he can naturally infer that Su Ze is terrible.

Su Ze.

“Why did he come to Peerless City?”

Fake Dugu’s thoughts flashed, and he got up quickly and walked out of the hall, but instead of walking towards the gate, he came directly to a secret room in the deepest part of the city lord’s mansion.

In the secret room, a figure sat cross-legged, and sword energy permeated the whole body.


The fake Dugu side bowed and opened his mouth.

The figure sitting cross-legged slowly opened his eyes, the eyes were full of light, or because he had not spoken for too long, the noise of the figure seemed hoarse, and said solemnly: “Why are you here? ”

Lonely big brother..


After more than ten years, he will cultivate into a sword technique that is second to every day and second to the air–Jian Twenty-three!

Outside the gate of the city lord’s mansion.

“Master, do you want to go in directly?”

After waiting for a long time, Zhong Yue couldn’t help but raise his brows when he didn’t see Dugu coming out.

Su Ze opened his eyes, received (Zhao Wang Zhao returned his mental power, and smiled faintly: “No, he has already arrived at Lu.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a bold voice, and laughed loudly: “The distinguished guest is approaching the door, and if you miss it, I hope Mr. Su will forgive me.”

Fake Dugu, come with the Sword Saint.

Su Ze smiled lightly and said, “The Lord of Dugu is being polite….No, I should call you a human face!”

As soon as this statement came out, the face of the fake Dugu party changed greatly.

Beside him, the sword saint’s body suddenly exuded a sword intent. He turned around abruptly, looked at the fake Dugu side, and shouted in a deep voice: “Are you a human-faced messenger? Where’s the Dugu side?”

In the past few years, Juggernaut has been retreating to comprehend the Holy Spirit Swordsmanship, and has not met many times with the fake Dugu party.

But vaguely, he noticed something was wrong.

At this moment, it was broken by Su Ze at a glance, and my heart was foggy, and I immediately pushed aside…

(PS: I wrote that my mother fell asleep in the middle of the waist. I owe a watch today, and I will watch it tomorrow. ).

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