Chapter 1: Slaying the Leshan Giant Buddha with a Sword (2)

“System, start the time and space shuttle!”

Su Ze gave an order and issued it.

[Time and Space Shuttle] is a permanent passive skill of the system. The level of the shuttle world is different, and the cost of planting points is different. To go to the lowest martial arts world, it takes 200,000 planting points.


“The time and space shuttle skill is activated,

The mechanical sound of the system was transmitted in Su Ze’s mind.


Immediately afterwards, the sky and the earth changed color, and a huge dark cloud began to gather in the sky of the mountain behind Willow Village. In the center of this dark cloud, thunder flashed, forming a huge Uzumaki.

A world-destroying force radiated from the Uzumaki.

At this moment, the Three Realms shook!

Countless immortals activated their magical powers and looked at the “Earth” one after another.

In the Tusita Palace, the Taishang Laojun who was concocting alchemy narrowed his eyes, looked at the lower world, and couldn’t help but smile: “As expected, fellow Daoist Su Ze, he is definitely not an ordinary person.”


King Qin Guang’s brows jumped, and he murmured, “Ancestor, Su Ze’s little ancestor, aren’t you afraid of waking Chi You when you make such a big noise?”

Jinxin Island Biyou Palace, the Tongtian sect master who had just received the “Sword of Immortal” was in a good mood, suddenly his face changed slightly, he used his magical powers to look at the “earth” in the distant time and space, and couldn’t help saying: “The passage of time and space? Time and space avenue..

Su Ze didn’t even know that activating a skill by himself would make the Three Realms shake.

At this moment, all over the earth, all network signals are disconnected, lights and appliances are turned off…

The mountain behind Willow Village.


Detect “The Host has a random world free pass, whether to use the pass first for time travel?”

“Random World Pass, with instability, the destination cannot be determined


“Please, Host, put the items on the farm.”

Su Ze’s thoughts moved, Kono Masako, Boya, Hancock, and the werewolf empress entered the farm one after another. He laughed and said, “It’s random, all the worlds, where can I, Su Ze, go?”


Above the head, in the Uzumaki of time and space, a force spreads out…

Su Ze’s body flew up uncontrollably and was directly swallowed by Uzumaki.

next moment.…

Time and space Uzumaki disappeared, and then returned to calm.

spinning around..

Su Ze only felt that his body was constantly jumping in time and space, and finally, his eyes lit up, and he landed on a small mountain with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

“The time travel is over?”

Su Ze looked at the mountain, and found that there was a stone tablet next to the trail, with the three characters “Lingyun Peak” written on the stone tablet.

“Ling Yunfeng?”

“What kind of world is this?”

With a thought, Kono Masako, Boa Hancock and the Werewolf Empress directly moved out of the farm and appeared beside Su Ze.

“Wow, the air here is so fresh.

Kono Masako smiled sullenly.

For people who live in cities all year round and suffer from smog, car exhaust and other poisons, the air here is indeed fresh and the scenery is beautiful, making it a tourist attraction.

Husband”, there is a river under the mountain.

The werewolf queen suddenly spoke.

Su Ze followed her gaze, and sure enough, under Lingyun Peak, there was a big river, and in the middle of the river, a small boat was flowing down the river.

Above the boat, a middle-aged figure stood proudly with a sword on his back, and behind him was a six- or seven-year-old child.

“Come on, let’s go.

Su Ze stepped out and came to the edge of the big river. He stepped on the river, took a leap, and flew directly towards the boat.

Above the boat, the face of the middle-aged man suddenly changed, he stretched out his hand and was about to draw a knife, but he heard Su Ze laugh out loud: “I don’t have any hostility, brother, it’s better not to do it.


He landed directly on the boat.

Behind him, three women followed.

When the middle-aged man saw this scene, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and praised: “Young master is such a handsome Qinggong.”

The boat continued to go down the river, but the speed increased a bit.

Su Ze’s mental power swept away, frowning slightly.

The aura on this middle-aged man was very strange.

His cultivation base should be in the innate realm.


The breath is extremely tyrannical, at least the Xiantian cultivator of “Kunlun Wonderland” is definitely not as strong as him. Behind him, the child is ordinary and has not cultivated, but his eyes are extremely clear, and his bones are amazed, absolutely It is a good seedling for practicing martial arts.

In front of the river, a big Buddha slowly appeared.

The child suddenly jumped on the side of the boat, looked at the river below, and exclaimed: “Dad, Daddy, look, the river is rising!”


The middle-aged man’s eyes flashed.

Su Ze looked up.

His gaze, however, stayed on the big Buddha in the distance.

…0 ask for flowers…

The high tide of the river gradually spread from the instep of the Buddha to the knee of the Buddha.

“Flooded the knees of the Buddha and set the Lingyun Grotto on fire!”

Su Ze murmured, looked at the middle-aged man, and asked, “Are you the King Nie Ren of Beiyin Crazy Blade?”

The middle-aged man’s face changed again, and he said solemnly: “Who are you?”

“You really are the King of Nie Ren, so this is your son Nie Feng?” Su Ze laughed and said, “King Nie Ren of the North Drink Crazy Sword, the head of Nan Lin’s sword is cut off handsome, the people of the world don’t know?”

King Nie?

Nie Feng?

Wind and cloud world?

Then the giant Buddha in front is the Leshan Giant Buddha.

Su Ze’s heart moved…

Nie Renwang took Xiao Nie Feng to the Leshan Giant Buddha?

Are you going to fight the bully?

In this battle, Nie Renwang’s wife “Yan Ying” fell into the river, and Nie Renwang was defeated by Xiongba’s three-point return. In order to save Nie Feng and Xiao Duanlang, he was called directly by the fire unicorn in Lingyun Cave. went in.



This is the normal development trajectory of the Fengyun world.

How can Su Ze still develop like this from the plot?

He looked at the vigilant Nie Renwang and smiled faintly: “Nie Renwang, if I expected it right, you came to the Leshan Giant Buddha today to duel with Xiongba, right? You may not go to this competition.”

King Nie shook his head: “How can I be afraid of Xiongba? What’s more, if I don’t go, how can I save Yan Ying?”

King Nie suddenly urged the boat, and the boat moved forward at high speed, but in just a few moments, it came to the vicinity of the Leshan Giant Buddha.

He jumped, jumped into the water, and then pushed the boat away with a palm, and the sound entered Su Ze’s ears.

“Young master, I will lose the battle today, and I hope you can take care of Nie Feng.


Su Ze’s feet moved, and the pushed boat leaned towards the Leshan Giant Buddha again, he laughed: “King Nie, your son, you can keep it by yourself, I Su Ze don’t have the leisure to be a dad. ”

With a flick of his finger, a sword energy like a rainbow on his fingertips turned into a thousand-meter sword light, and he slashed towards the Leshan Giant Buddha, and said indifferently: “Well, since you are about to fight the Leshan Giant Buddha, I will slash the Giant Buddha and see how you do. Try it!


With one sword, the Leshan Giant Buddha was split into two halves.

(PS: Let’s start from the situation… The protagonist’s current strength, going to other martial arts worlds, is undoubtedly sweeping all directions, crushing all the way, the situation is now, Fuck has become a fairy! I heard that there is a director who wants to eliminate the situation… Well, about to ruin the classic again.) J.

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