Chapter 105: Flattened (1/5)

“what is that?”

How powerful is the vision of these monks?

As soon as the flying number was exposed to the clouds, a monk from the fifth level of the Fish Leaping Realm discovered it. His eyes lit up, and he rose into the sky, directly penetrating the defense formation of Lingzhou City, and rushed towards the sky.

“What a weird flying building ship, could it be a Taoist weapon?”

“Immortal? Dao?”

“This kid, did he loot some ancient treasure?”

This Fish Leaping Realm cultivator was the first to discover the flying number, and he thought he had the first chance. He rushed out of the defense formation of Lingzhou City and laughed proudly: “Boy, I am the second-rate force in Lingzhou City, Shenwumen Gate. Lord, you only need to hand over the immortal artifact and this Taoist artifact to the sect master, and the sect master can protect you today, um, what is that?”

Before he could finish a sentence, he saw a flame of fire rushing towards him at an extremely fast speed, but it was the flame of the intercontinental missile flying too fast and rubbing against the air.

A strong sense of crisis crept into my heart.

The sect master of Shenwumen immediately shouted, and the tyrannical aura bloomed, punching in the air, slamming into the intercontinental missile.

He lived in [Kunlun Wonderland] since he was a child, where have he seen these modern objects?

Even if the sixth sense senses a crisis, it will only instinctively use the strongest defense or attack to collide.

How fast can an ICBM be launched?

Between the lights and flints, it was already close to the Lord of Shenwumen Gate 753.

He crouched, rode, shook the tree, and punched…


A huge mushroom cloud rose from the sky.

The sect master of Shenwumen in the fifth layer of Yuyuejing was instantly wiped out, and his primordial spirit was blown into nothingness.

“What is this?”

“Could it be Tianleizong’s palm thunder?

“I heard that the Heavenly Thunder Sect has a magical power. After the cultivation is completed, the power is very strong, and it can blast through mountains and rocks.”

In Lingzhou City, many cultivators were all discolored, especially Shen Cheng and Sword God Sect law enforcement elder Mo Wenchen, whose expressions changed greatly.

The power of that explosion was enough to threaten them.

Inside the “Flying Bat”, under the “Virtual Panorama”, Su Ze saw this scene in his eyes, and couldn’t help but burst out a foul language: “Paralyzed, is this guy a brain-dead?”

This intercontinental missile was independently developed by China (Dongfeng-5A), with a range of 11,000 kilometers. It can hit the US directly from China, and it is very powerful.

Although a Fish Leaping Realm was killed, Fuck exploded before he touched the main mansion of Lingzhou City. How could Su Ze accept this?

“Flying Bat, keep launching (cabc)!”




Su Ze gave an order, and three Dongfeng-5A) were launched again.

The first one directly landed on the great defense formation of Lingzhou City.


The entire Lingzhou City City Lord formation trembled frantically.

The second explosion.


The great formation of Lingzhou City collapsed directly.

Immediately afterwards, the third Dongfeng-5A) slammed directly into the mansion of the city lord of Lingzhou City.

After seeing the power of [Dongfeng-5A], how dare that group of cultivators dare to stay?

Unfortunately, it’s late!

This intercontinental missile, which is equivalent to a 4 million-ton TNT bomb, exploded in an instant…


The world trembled, and a huge mushroom cloud rose from the mansion of the city lord of Lingzhou City.

The violent explosion caused all the buildings in the City Lord’s Mansion in Lingzhou City to vanish in an instant, and then the aftermath of the explosion spread to the surroundings.

Many of the slower cultivators roared and roared again and again. Although they used the most powerful defensive tricks in their lives, they collapsed physically.

Under this level of explosion, if the body can’t carry it, it means that there is no doubt of death.

With one blow, more than one million cultivators in the Vientiane Realm were all killed. Only Shen Cheng, the law enforcement elder of the Sword God Sect, Mo Wenchen, and the other four Yu Leap Realm who were good at speed escaped.

They stood in the sky and looked down.

I saw the city lord’s mansion covering an area of ​​1,000 acres, turned into a ruin.

Fortunately, when the previous war broke out, Shen Cheng had already transmitted his voice and asked his masters to evacuate the City Lord’s Mansion with his relatives, otherwise he would have gone mad with this blow.

You have to know that this is because, in addition to the great defense formation, the city lord’s mansion also has a small protective formation. Everything within a radius of fifty miles from the city lord’s mansion was destroyed.

“Master, Six Paths life breath detected.”

“Do you continue to drop ICBMs?”

The intelligent life with the flying number became addicted to the game and shouted, “Master, let’s fire all the remaining sixteen intercontinental ballistics, and directly destroy this Lingzhou city.”

Su Ze looked down, only to see the six masters of the Fish Leap Realm standing in the sky, including the city lord of Lingzhou City.

One by one, they were extremely vigilant.

Forget it”, they are prepared, and it is a bit difficult to blow them up.

Su Ze smiled lightly and said, “These intercontinental missiles and nuclear bombs, I kept them for the Sword God Sect, so I can’t waste them too much for the time being.”

He waved his hand and said, “Go, go back!”


The flying number shook in the air, galloping towards Qianqiu City at dozens of times the speed of sound.

Below, the four Fish Leap Realm experts were gloomy.

The masters of the Zongzhong family they brought over were all killed, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to them, and immediately clasped their fists and said, “City Lord Shen, Elder Mo, farewell.”

Shen Cheng and Mo Wenchen looked at each other.

They communicated through divine sense voice transmission, and the two suddenly shot, and each committed suicide to the nearest fish leaping!


Blood wine is in the air!

The two masters of the Fish Leaping Realm were killed instantly.


“Shen Cheng, Mo Wenchen, what do you want to do?”

The other two Fish Leaping Realm were taken aback, and they were about to escape when they immediately displayed their secret skills.

“Want to go?”

“Since you know the secret of the fairy weapon, you can keep it.”

Shen Cheng and Mo Wenchen are both at the peak of the Yuyue Realm, and those two are only at the sixth and seventh levels of the Yuyue Realm, so the difference in strength is too great.


No one has ever noticed that in the void, a ghost suddenly disappeared.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie… Immortal artifact?

“The seven major sects occupy the land of the seven regions, and it is difficult to raise my head after suppressing my demon clan for thousands of years. As long as I get this fairy weapon, how can my clan be afraid of his seven major clans?”

(PS: The cultivation realm in this book: Martial Dao Grandmaster (Xiantian realm), God realm (Zifu realm), Vientiane realm, Yuyue realm, and the gap between the divine realm and the Zifu realm is the opening of the Zifu realm, the earth inheritance is cut off, and the purple realm is not opened If you don’t open up the Purple Mansion, you will be in the God Realm, if you open it, you will be in the Purple Mansion Realm.)

(PS: I went to the hospital this morning and came back late. My daughter is fine, but the doctor in the village made a wrong diagnosis and prescribed the wrong medicine Fuck!)

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