The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 65 Tehran Incident (Part 2)

In the square of Tehran, the originally bustling bazaar was deserted, with only three or five soldiers patrolling the empty square. Residents on both sides of the street did not dare to go out, but carefully observed the street through their windows.

One day has passed since the mutiny occurred. The large-scale and organized resistance has been dismantled. Only two or three kittens are left in the narrow alleys, dealing with the rebels or running for their lives.

Chief, what are we going to do next?

The leader of a small tribe initiated the mutiny. He just took advantage of the tax collection period to connect the emirs and leaders of other tribes, and then in the melee, he spread the ashes of his enemies and teammates and left them behind. The remaining soldiers were brought under his command.

Looking at the large amount of money he had grabbed, the leader was a little overwhelmed.

He originally joined forces with various tribes to become independent just because he felt that there was no future with Alvand, and he wanted to accompany him to death.

However, the leader thought about it and felt that declaring independence would be too conspicuous. He only had 2,000 troops, so he still relied on the chips in his hands to gain some autonomy.

All the captured armaments will be distributed to the troops, and the money will be used to recruit mercenaries and purchase military supplies, at least to be able to defend Tehran. Finally, send a letter to our respected Khan, the King of Kings (referring to Alvand), Tell him what I want.

When his cronies left the room, the little warlord who ruled Tehran sat down with uncertainty.

However, news of the rebellion in Tehran has not yet spread, and only the city people and Alvand know the news.

Two days later, Gaolaberi's red-headed cavalry appeared under the city of Qazvin. He did not intend to siege the built city. But in order to eliminate his worries, he decided to make a show to scare the defenders in the city.

Gaolaberi ordered that the surface of a large number of tents be painted to look like an earthen wall, and then covered on a simple railing more than two meters high, specifically facing the Qazvin city wall, pretending that he was ready for a long-term siege.

Although the paint on the surface of the tent is very rough, how can it be seen clearly from hundreds of meters away?

At dusk, the wine bag and rice bag guarding Qazvin finally couldn't hold on anymore. He took the initiative to send an envoy outside the city and walked towards the camp. Then the patrolling red head stopped him.

Fellow warriors, I have been sent to negotiate with your leader, the messenger said flatteringly, and took out a few silver coins to give to the red head.

The red head jumped off the horse and accepted his bribe, but still searched him. After making sure he had no weapons on him, one of the red heads returned to the camp to report.

Wait. The messenger was hooded and then placed on the horse like cargo. After taking what was arguably the most intense jolt of his life, he was put down and his hood turned into a barf bag.

After some friendly exchanges, the two sides reached a consensus, and Qazvin paid the city redemption fee in exchange for Gaolaberi leaving.

After the messenger was sent out of the big tent, the scouts waiting outside the tent were allowed to enter, and then he reported to Gaurabeli: General, we intercepted a messenger on the road leading to Tabriz. The man has been captured. Beat him to death, this is the letter he sent.

Gaolaberi took the letter from the scout with both hands. There is some blood on the letter paper, but it does not affect the reading of the text.

This messenger is Alwand's man, but he is just a messenger used to convey messages between military stations. The messenger did not send any important military information. It did not mention a word about what happened in Tehran. Instead, he came to urge Qazvin to transport the next batch of military supplies.

It seems that this can be used to make some fuss, such as making Alvand think that there is a fire everywhere in the rear...

Then Gaolaberi asked: Is the messenger's body still on the roadside?

General? the scout expressed doubts.

I asked you if the body of the messenger is still there!

The scout lowered his head and responded cautiously: It should still be there. No one wants to deal with the enemy's corpse.

Okay. Gaolaberi handed over the letter and then ordered: Put this back into the body's pocket. Then you pick a few young men, take off their red hats, pretend to be from Qazvin's side, and then Throw the body to the nearest enemy to the west, preferably with more provocation.”

Yes. The scout took the order and retreated.

The Qazvin city gate in the distance slowly opened, and the cart pulled by mules and horses carried the city redemption fee that Gaolabeli wanted - food for people, food for horses, some coins, some daily necessities and some armor.

These goods loaded nearly a hundred carts.

Gaolaberi naturally took these large vehicles as his own. After driving back the entourage of the transport team, Gaolaberi ordered the disguise to be removed, and then left Qazvin and headed west in a swagger.

Looking at the disguise being torn off in the distance and the dictation of the guard and coachman running back, the Emir of Qazvin realized that he had been deceived.

Fuck! Emil stood on the tower and looked at the red head rushing in the distance. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He couldn't help but slap the city wall with his hand. The moon was sparse that night, and the moonlight shining on Emil was like shining on the clown on the stage.

But there was nothing he could do except get angry. There were not many defenders in the city of Qazvin, and they would definitely not be able to defeat them in a field battle outside the city. And in order to collect the money to redeem the city, he even took out the military supplies that Alwand had here.

Three days after the mutiny in Tehran, the messenger from the rebels finally completed his journey and was allowed to enter the military camp to meet Alvand after being rigorously searched and questioned.

Rebellious lackey, look for Shuyuan The King of Kings (referring to Alwand) has a broad mind and endless kindness like Allah before he agrees to meet you. After entering, his words and actions are all given. I'll be careful. Alwand's soldiers didn't have a very good attitude towards the messenger. One of them was holding his collar, and the other was holding the handle of the knife tightly, ready to pull it out at any time to end his life.

Let him come in. Alvand's voice came from the big tent.

The soldiers pushed the envoy in, and the envoy straightened his appearance a little, and then knelt down to Alwand.

The noble descendant of Uzun Hassan, the king of kings of the Iranians and Turkmens, these are insignificant ants... The messenger immediately changed the direction of the wind after seeing Alvand, and kept blowing his rainbow fart, and belittling the rebels separatist forces in Tehran.

Okay, bring the letter. Alvand impatiently interrupted the messenger's boast and planned to get to the point directly.

As ordered. The messenger smiled awkwardly, then took out the letter and handed it to Alvand.

Alvand read the letter while the messenger knelt on the ground and waited.

Start a rebellion and embezzle military supplies, and you want to turn Tehran into your own private territory? After reading the letter, Alvand sneered, and then ordered: Guards, whip!

The messenger's eyes widened and he looked horrified, but he couldn't stand up anymore - two big men held him down while he was kneeling on the ground.

Just accept these punishments on your master's behalf first.

Before the messenger could react, four whips were struck on his back. Blood was oozing out from the blows, and the clothes on his back were also torn.

Drag him down and watch before I think about it.

Yes. The messenger was dragged out of the tent by the soldiers and locked in a sheepfold.

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